[①]   Wissenschaft der Logik ,Reclams“Universal-Bibliothek”,Ⅰ,19.

[②]   Ibid. ,124-5.

[③]  Cf. Die Phänomenologie des Geistes ,Akademie Verlag,90:“es ist ein Negieren und ein Aufbewahren zugleich”.

[④]   Kants Werke ,hrsg. E. Cassirer,VIII,142.

[⑤]   Schillers Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,2. Aufl.,VII,93.

[⑥]  Wundt, Grundzüge der physiologischen Psyrhologie ,6. Aufl.,III,663.

[⑦]  Eckermann, Gespräche mit Goethe ,10. Nov. 1823,Aufbau,80.

[⑧]  Schiller, op. cit .,289,336.

[⑨]   Schellings Werke . Auswahl in 3 Bänden , hrsg. O. Weiss , II ,289,293,295,300.

[⑩]  O. Zirker, Die Bereicherung des deutschen Wortschatzes durch die spätmittelalterliche Mystik ,82-3.

[11]  黑格爾説“奥伏赫變”,亦引拉丁文中西塞羅趣語(Witz)佐之。按西塞羅用一字(tollendum),兼“抬舉”與“遺棄”二意,同時合訓,即所謂明升暗降,如吾國言“架空”、“高擱”或西語“一脚踢上樓”、“一筋斗栽上樓”(to kick upstairs,die Treppe hinauffallen);蘇偉東《羅馬十二帝傳》轉述此謔,僅以西塞羅原字限於“遺棄”之意,外加一字以示“抬舉”(ornandum tollendumque),即未着合訓之用也(Suetonius,II. xii,“The Loeb Classical Library”,I,136)。

【增訂四】西塞羅用tollendum一字以示升即降、降亦升之意,吾國俗語雙關跌交云:“越跌越高”,又云:“一交跌在青雲裏”(謂“跌上青雲去”)可相印發;如《兒女英雄傳》三八回:“我們老爺索性越跌交越脚高了!”。《南亭四話》卷四嘲某孝廉詩:“驀地青雲跌一交”,則雙關謂自青雲中跌下。雨果慰夏多勃里昂曰:“汝每失意,降而益下,則人適見汝升而愈高”(Toi qu’on voit à chaque disgrâce / Tomber plus haut encor que tu n’étais monté!-Hugo, Odes et Ballades ,III. ii,“A. M. de Chateaubriand”)。海湼述别爾内譏拿破侖曰:“寶座高登,而聲價低落,洵可謂爲一筋斗栽上紅樓者”(als er aber die Stufen des Thrones erstieg,sank er immer tiefer im Werte;man konnte von ihm sagen:er ist die rote Treppe hinaufgefallen.-Heine:“Ludwig Börne”,in Werke und Briefe ,Aufbau,1962,Vol. VI,p. 91)。皆點化俗語,以高升、下降分指勢位與人品,猶劉墉論衛哲詒所謂:“其官每高一階,而其品乃下一級”也(《清稗類鈔·正直》)。“一筋斗栽上紅樓”與“一交跌在青雲裏”,足締語言眷屬矣。

[12]   Wissenschaft der Logik ,I. ii, op. cit. ,I,138.

[13]  Spinoza, Correspondence ,Letter L(to Jarig Jelles),tr. A. Wolf,270;Jonas Cohn, Theorie der Dialektik ,227. Cf. R. Polin, Du Mal , du Laid , du Faux ,87:“C’est parce qu’elle est négatrice qu’elle ne peut pas être négative”.

[14]   Fragments ,no. 83( Hippocrates and Heraclitus ,“Loeb”,IV,497).

[15]   Ennéades ,II. ii. 3,tr. É. Bréhier,II,23.

[16]   Confessions ,I. iv,“Loeb”,I,8.

[17]   Faust ,II,4722. Cf. Coleridge:“Hymn before Sunrise”:“For ever shattered and the same for ever”;Wordsworth, Prelude ,VI. 626:“The stationary blasts of waterfalls”;Shelley:“Ode to Liberty”,78-9:“Immovably unquiet”.

【增訂三】十七世紀意大利詩人賦噴泉,亦謂其“晶瑩呈狀,不息不行”(sebben nel cristal mobile immota/sua sembianza abbia il fonte-N. Barberini:“La Fontana”,quoted in J. Rousset, Circè et le Paon ,nouv. èd.,154),或謂“水流而若冰凝”(liquida è l’onda e pur gelata appare-G. M. Materdona:“La Fontana di Ponte Sisto in Roma”in,G. G. Ferrero, Marino e i Marinisti ,776)。眼處心生,不異歌德、雪萊等機杼,正如徐凝詠廬山瀑布之“飛”而復能不去“長”在也。

【增訂四】毛奇齡《西河詩話》卷七:“杜詩‘出門流水住’,‘住’字不甚可解。南昌王于一嘗誦其友喻宣仲《金牛寺》詩云:‘誰言流水去,常在寺門前。’蕭伯玉聞之曰:‘此即杜詩住字解也。’”按杜句出《遊何將軍山林》第十首。“流”而“住”,即“易”而“不易”也;觀徐凝《廬山瀑布》詩,已可解杜句,何待喻氏詩乎?原註引歌德、華兹華斯等詠瀑布及《增訂三》引意大利古詩人詠噴泉,皆不外乎道“流水住”。柯勒律治《筆記》中有一則,亦舉瀑布、噴泉、烟柱爲“常”或“不易”與“變”或“易”共存一處之例焉(The quiet circle in which Change and Permanence co-exist. ...column of smoke,the fountains before St Peter’s,waterfall...- The Notebooks of S. T. Coleridge ,ed. Kathleen Coburn,vol. II,§2832)。

[18]  Francis Ponge:“La Fin de l’Automne”, Le Parti Pris des Choses ,Gallimard,10.

[19]  Cf. A. Lalande, Vocabulaire technique et critique de la Philosophie , qe éd .,361,722:“Organe:caractérisé par l’accomplissement d’une fonction déterminée. Fonction:rôle caractéristique joué par un organe”.

[20]  Vico, Scienza nuova ,§209, Opre ,Riccardo Ricciardi,453;cf. §§401-2,412-7,460,pp. 517-8,527-30,551.

[21]  Herder, Vom Erkennen und Empfinden der menschlichen Seele ,I, Werke ,hrsg. E. Naumann,III,234.

[22]  Nietzsche, Der letzre Philosoph ,§149, Werke ,Alfred Kröner,X,171.

[23]  Bergson, La Pensée et le Mouvant ,137,149-50.

[24]  Cf. Goethe, Spruchweisheit in Vers und Prosa ,in Sämtliche Werke ,“Tempel-Klassiker”,III,463(die Symbolik);C. Peirce, Collected Papers ,ed. C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss,III. § 362,V,§ 475,VIII. § 183(index,icon,symbol);M. Dufrenne, Phénoménologie de l’ Experience esthétique ,I,287(désigner l’objet,dessiner l’objet).

[25]  Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica ,Bk I,ch. 4, Works ,ed. J. Grant,I,142;Joubert, Pensées ,“Librairie Académique”,Perrin,Tit. XXII,§ 110.

[26]  Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers ,IX. 76,“Loeb”,II,491. Cf. Sextus Empiricus ,“Loeb”,I,9:“The main basic principle of the Sceptic system is that of opposing to every proposition an equal proposition”,11:“the Sceptic enunciates his formulae so that they are virtually cancelled by themselves”.

[27]   A History of Western Philosophy ,Allen and Unwin,827.

[28]   La Pensée et le Mouvant ,210.

[29]  Cf. C. S. Lewis, Rehabilitations ,151-2,162,170;Donald A. Stauffer, The Nature of Poetry ,83 ff.;Jean Rousset, Circé et le Paon ,191 ff.;H. Morier, Dictionnaire de Poétique et de Rhétorique ,201.

[30]   Della Difesa della “ Commedia ” di Dante ,I. lxvii,in A. H. Gilbert,ed., Literary Criticism : Plato to Dryden ,387.

[31]   Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus ,ch. 15,ed. C. Kerby-Miller,158:“...the Organ of Generation is the true and only seat of the Soul. That this part is seated in the middle,and near the Centre of the whole Body is obvious.”Cf. R. M. Wardle, Oliver Goldsmith ,37(“Now,blockhead,where is your centre of gravity?”etc.).

[32]  Freud, Totem und Tabu ,2. Aufl.,26(Gesetzeskodex),91(Gewissen).

[33]   Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch. 2,“World’s Classics”,I,31-2.

[34]  St Augustine, The City of God ,IV. xxxii,“Loeb”,II,122.

[35]  Cf. T. R. Glover, The Greek Byways ,200,260.

[36]   Politics ,Bk. VII,ch. 11, Basic Works of Aristotle ,Random House,1260.

[37]  Machiavelli, Il Principe ,cap. 18, Opere ,Riccardo Ricciardi,57. Cf Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part III,Sect. IV,Mem. I,Subs. II,“Everyman’s”,III,328-331(Captain Machiavel etc.).

[38]  Montesquieu, De l ’ Esprit des Lois ,Liv. XXIV,ch. 2, Oeuvres complétes ,“Bibliothèque de la Plèiade”,II,716.

[39]  S. Reinach, Orpheus ,tr. F. Simmonds,8-9(the theory of imposture).

[40]   Lettres à M. Necker ,I et II, Écrits politiques et littéraires ,choisis par V. -H. Debidour,97,99.

[41]   Das Wesen des Christenthums ,Kap. 7, Sämmtliche Werke ,hrsg. W. Bolin und F,Jodl,VI,90.

[42]  “Zur Kritik dir Hegelsehen Rechtsphilosophie”, Die Heilige Familie ,usw., Dietz,12. Cf. Dryden, Religio Laici ,54-61, Poems ,Oxford,100.

[43]  Novalis, Fragmente ,Nr. 1388,hrsg. E. Kamnitzer,451-2.

[44]  De Vigny, Journal d ’ un Poète ,1839, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”,II,1116;cf. 1134.

[45]  J. W. Cross, Life of George Eliot ,II,283.

[46]  Nietzsche, Menschliches , Allzumenschliches ,Bdl § 108, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,I,517. Cf. Emily Dickinson:“This World is not Conclusion”:“Narcotics cannot still the Tooth/That nibbles at the soul-.”

[47]   Fragments ,No. 45, op . cit .,485.

[48]  Morris. R. Cohen, A Preface to Logic ,76; Reason and Nature ,165.

[49]  Lady Holland, A Memoir of Sydney Smith ,ch. 11,Longmans,234.

[50]  Dino Provenzal, Perché si dice cosi ?53.

[51]   Orlando Furioso ,Canto IV. 63 e 66,“Biblioteca Classica Hoepliana”,32. cf. Goldoni, Il Servitore di Due Padroni ,II. ii(Smeraldina).

【增訂四】蒙田謂婦女每率性徑行,不遵世法,却無可非議,蓋“此等法度皆男子所制,婦女初未與聞焉”(Les femmes n’ont pas tort du tout quand elles refusent les reigles de vie qui sont introduites au monde,d’autant que ce sont les hommes qui les ont faictes sans elles. -Montaigne:“Sur des vers de Virgile”, Essais ,III. v,Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,p. 821)。即所謂:“怪得是周公做,若是周婆做時,斷不如此説。”

[52]   Monsieur Alphonse ,Préface, Théâtre Complet ,Calmann Lévy,VI,32,33.

[53]  哲學、宗教、法律家言具見W. G. Sumner, Folkways ,359-62.

[54]  M. Bandello, Le Novelle ,XXVI,dedicatoria,Laterza,I,345-6.

[55]  Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists ,XIII. 581,“Loeb”,VI,137 note.

[56]  Aulus Gellius, The Attic Nights ,XIX. ii,“Loeb”,III,356.

[57]  Quintillian, Institutio oratoria ,I. vi. 34-5(a contrariis aliqua trahi),“Loeb”,I,126.

[58]  Laurence Sterne, Letters ,ed. L. P. Curtis,83(to Catherine Fourmantel).

[59]  R. Otto, The Idea of the Holy ,tr. J. W. Harvey,70-2.

[60]  Der Guotaere, The Penguin Book of German Verse ,39.

[61]  Phineas Fletcher, The Locusts ,I,st. 12, The Oxford Book of Seven-teenthCentury English Verse ,210.

[62]  J. Rousset, Anthologie de la Poésie baroque françsaise ,I,17. Cf. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,“Democritus to the Reader”,George Bell,I,132 (the double or turning pictures);Rousset, Circé et le Paon ,nouv. éd., 1954,p. 24(Gracian:“regarder les chosen à rebours”).

[63]  Logau:“Kenne dich!” Sinngedichte. Eine Auswahl ,hrsg. U. Berger,139.

[64]   The Merchant of Venice ,II. vii. 63. ff.. Cf. St John Damascene, Barlaam and Ioasaph ,vi,Apologue 2,“Loeb”,75-7.

[65]  Calderon, El Mágico Prodigioso ,Jornada II, Las Comedias de De Pedro Calderon ,Fleischer. III,417.

[66]  Logau:“Angedankte Soldaten”, op . cit .,142;L. Casaburi:“Rimprovero di bella donna al suo marito,che propone d’andare alla guerra”, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,1061. Cf. Byron, Don Juan ,II. 23,Varirorum ed. by T. G. Steffan and W. W. Pratt,II 287;G. W. E. Russell, Collections and Recollections ,ch. 31,Nelson,308(a charade of a crusader knight and his lady).

[67]  Cf. C. Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth ,ch. 72:“Jerome reported that Clement’s spirit was willing,but his flesh was weak. ‘Good!’said Anselm;‘his flesh is weak,but his spirit is willing’”(“Everyman’s”,515).

[68]  Epictetus, Encheiridion ,§ 45,“Loeb”,II,527.

[69]  V. Brancati, Don Giovanni in Sicilia ,quoted in D. Provenzal, Dizionario delle Immagini ,93,“Beltà”.

[70]  J. B. Priestley, When We are Married ,Act III, The Plays of J. B. Priestley ,Heinemann,II,214.

[71]  Cf. J.-P. Vinay èt J. Darbelnet, Stylistique comparée du Français et de l ’ Anglais ,70-2,170-3.

[72]  Christina Rossetti:“Sing-song”, Poetical Works ,ed. W. M. Rossetti,432-3;cf 434:“The peacock has a scores of eyes with which he cannot see”etc..

[73]  R. A. Vaughan, Hours with the Mystics . 6th ed.,I. 115-6.

[74]  K. Vossler, The Spirit of Language in Civilisation ,tr. O. Oeser. 33;E. Cassirer, Language and Myth ,tr. Susanne Langer,71-3.

[75]  Diogenes Laertius, op . cit .,VII. 87,117,“Loeb”,II,195,221. cf. Plutarch:“How the young Man should study Poetry”,14, Moralia ,“Loeb”,I,196.

[76]  Spinoza, Ethica ,V,Prop. 17 et Cor.,“Classiques Garnier”,II,198-9.

[77]  S. Athanase,quoted in Leibniz, Théodicée ,Disc. prél.,§ 22, Die Philosophischen Schriften ,hrsg. C. J. Gebhardt,VI,63;S. Bernard,quoted in Feuerbach, Das Wesen des Christenthums ,Kap. 5, op . cit .,67.

[78]  R. L. Nettleship,quoted in C. E. Montague, A Writer ’ s Notes on his Trade ,“The Phoenix Library”,237.

[79]  Cf. A. Lalande, op . cit .,859-861,art.“Puissance”,note;Hegel, Geschichte der Philosophie ,“Einleitung”,Felix Meiner,101-3(das Vermögen,das Ansichsein).

[80]  R. J. Clements, Michelangelo ’ s Theory of Art ,175 Cf. W. J. Bate, John Keats ,246(“Stationing”).

[81]   Ethica ,Pars II,Prop. 7, op . cit .,I,131.

[82]   Scienza Nuova ,§238, op . cit .,458.

[83]  E. g. Montaigne, Essais ,I. 39(“Bib. de la Pléiade”,248-9);Leibniz:“Lettre à Bourguet”,“Lettre touchant ce qui est indépendant des sens et de la matière”,etc.( op . cit .,III,578;IV. 508);G. Herbert, Jacula Prudentum ,no. 1121( Works ,ed. E. F. Hutchinson,359);Chesterfield:“To His Son”( Letters ,ed. B. Dobrèe,V,2343).

[84]   David Copperfield ,ch. 27(Mr Micawber).

[85]   Dicta Catonis ,II,10( The Minor Latin Poets ,“Loeb”,606);cf. Montaigne, Essais ,I. 12( op . cit .,60 ff.).

[86]  R. J. Clements, Michelangelo ’ s Theory of Art ,42;Bruno, Spaccio de la Bestia Trionfante ,Dialogo I( Opere di G. Bruno e di T. Campanella ,Riccardo Ricciardi,475).

【增訂四】博亞爾多名篇亦寫戰士卻後以取勢,乃一躍而至前(al fin delle parole un salto piglia:/Vero è che indietro alquanto ebbe a tornare/A prender corso...-Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato ,Lib. II,Canto viii,§23,Garzanti,1978,Vol. II,II,p. 694)。

[87]  G. Gascoigne, Dulce Bellum Inexpertis ,st 34(quoted in Coleridge, Collected Letters ,ed. E. L. Griggs,IV,756);cf. Don Quijote ,Parte II,cap. 41:“...como hace el sacre é neblí sobre la garza para cogerla,por más que se remonte”(“Clásicos Castellanos”,VII,83).

[88]  Daniel von Czepko, Sexcenta Monodisticha Sapientum (M. Wehrli, Deutsche Barocklyrik ,3. Aufl.,176);Pope, The Dunciad ,Bk II,297-8( Poems ,“Twickenham Ed.”,V,139).

[89]  Phaedrus,II,Prol. 10;cf. Publius Syrus,§ 278( The Minor Latin Poets ,“Loeb”,50).

[90]  B. Bosanquet, A History of Aesthetic ,2nd ed.,4 and 30.

[91]  Th. Lipps,G rundlegung der Aesthetik ,I,29 f..

[92]   The Table-Talk of S. T. Coleridge ,ed. T. Ashe,George Bell,146,268,291.

[93]  W. C. Greene, Moira ,75,85-7.

[94]  Diogenes Laertius,I,69,Chilo, op . cit .,I,71.

[95]  Isaiah,XL. 3;Luke,III. 5. Cf. W. Y. Tindall, John Bunyan , Mechanick Preacher ,115.

[96]  Emerson, Works ,Centenary Ed.,II,108 ff..

[97]  O. Jespersen, The Philosophy of Grammar ,261,279(Verbs meaning“go”and“come”used to indicate futurity).

[98]  M. J. Guyau,quoted in J. A. Gunn, The Problem of Time ,243.

[99]  Reuben A. Brower,ed., On Translation ,12.

[100]  J. J. Winckelmann:“Versuch einer Allegorie”, Kleine Schriften und Briefe ,hrsg. von W. Senff,179.

[101]  M. Jähns, Ross und Reiter in Leben und Sprache , Glauben und Geschichte der Deutschen ,quoted in E. Jones, Nightmare , Witches , and Devils ,248.

[102]  C. Spearman, Psychology down the Ages ,I,71.

[103]  F. Kainz, Aesthetics the Science ,tr. H. M. Schueller,306.

[104]  S. H. Butcher, Aristotle ’ s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art ,4th ed.,128 ff..

[105]   Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung ,III,§ 52, Sämtliche Werke ,hrsg. E. Grisebach,I,340.

[106]  Cf. W. H. Auden:“One,two,three,four/The last war was a bosses’ war/ Five,six,seven,eight/Rise and make a Workers’ State”(G. Grigson,ed., The Concise Encyclopedia of Modern World Literature ,1963,p. 42).

[107]  H. Lausberg, Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik ,I. 361(“Ueberkreuzstellung”).

[108]  P. Claudel, Art poétique ,ii“Du Temps”, Oeuvre Poétique ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,139.

[109]   Don Quijote ,II. vi,“Clásicos Castellanos”,V,111.

[110]  Thackeray, Vanity Fair ,ch. 32,ed. G. and K. Tillotson,315.

[111]  Cf. K. Koffka:“Problems in the Psychology of Art”, Art : A Bryn Mawr Symposium ,1940,pp. 211 ff.;R. Arnheim:“Art and Visual Perception”,M. Rader,ed., A Modern Book of Esthetics ,3rd ed.,260 ff..

[112]   The Spectator ,No. 249,“Everyman’s”,III 300.

[113]  Hugo, La Fin de Satan ,I. ii, Oeuv . poét . comp .,Valiquette,943; Littérature et Philosophie mêlées ,Albin Michel,85.

[114]  Erika Mitterer:“Klage der deutschen Frauen”,W. Rose,ed., A Book of Modern German Lyric Verse ,246-8.

[115]  Horace, Carm. ,I. i. 24-5.

[116]  Balzac, Physiologie du Mariage ,Méditation IV, Oeuv . comp .,Conard,XXXII,49.

[117]  E. g. Aristophanes, The Frogs ,59 ff.,“Loeb”,II,303;Shakespeare, Twelfth Night ,II. iv. 100 ff.;Fielding, Tom Jones ,Bk. VI,ch. 1 and Bk. IX,ch. 5,“Everyman’s”,I,196-7 and II,2;D. H. Lawrence, Letters ,ed. A. Huxley,58-9.

[118]  Feuerbach:“Das Geheimnis des Opfers”, Sämtl . Werk .,hrsg. W. Bolin und F. Jodl,X,60.

[119]  Cf. Novalis, Fragmente ,§ 999,hrsg. E. Kamnitzer,348:“Umarmen ist Geniessen,Fressen”;Kleist, Penthesilea ,24 Auftritt, Sämtl . Werk .,A. Weichert,II,159:“So war es ein Versehen. Küsse,Bisse,/Das reimt sich,und wer recht von Herzen liebt,/Kann schon das eine für das andre greifen”.

[120]  F. B. Gummere, The Beginnings of Poetry ,194.

[121]  Katharine C. Balderstone,ed., Thraliana ,2nd ed.,I,10.

[122]   The Greek Anthology ,Bk. XIV,108;“Loeb”,V,81.

[123]   Cymbeline ,I. iii. 17-21. Cf. Hardy:“On the Departed Platform”.

[124]   Antony and Cleopatra ,I. ii. 169 ff.; Cymbeline ,III. iv. 53 ff..

[125]  Donne, Sermons ,ed. G. R. Potter and Evelyn M. Simpson,II,345.

[126]  Martin Buber, Between Man and Man ,tr. R. G. Smith,3; I and Thou ,4.

[127]  W. Kayser, Das sprachliche Kunstwerk ,4. Aufl.,191.

[128]  G. -G. de Bévotte, La Légende de Don Juan ,2e éd.,I,3.

[129]  Mozart, Don Giovanni ,I. ii,Leporello:“questo non picciol libro è tutto pieno dei nomi di sue belle; ...un catalogo egli è”;iii,Don Giovanni:“Ah,la mia lista doman mattina d’una decina devī aumentar”,Dover Publications,100,124. Cf. Mérimée, Les Âmes du Purgatoire (une liste à deux colonnes), Romans et Nouvelles ,“Bibl. de la Pléiade”,421.

[130]  E. g. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Pt III,Sect. ii,Mem. 2,Subs,1(Anacreon),“Everyman’s”,III,60;Fletcher, The Wild-Goośe Chase ,II. i(the debt-book of mistresses), Select Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher ,“Everyman’s”,333;La Fontaine:“Joconde”(le livre blanc), Contes et Nouvelles ,Garnier,12;Restif de la Bretonne, Monsieur Nicolas (les fiches de l’Amour,le Calendrier),éd. abrégée par J. Grand-Carteret,I,p. xvi,p. 4 note.

[131]   Paradise Lost ,I,301-3.

[132]  Richard Aldington, Life for Life ’ s Sake ,326-7.

[133]  St. Basil, Ascetic Works ,tr. W. K. L. Clarke,180,Cf. E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2,Aufl.,492.

[134]   L’Oeuvre du Comte de Mirabeau ,“Les Maîtres de l’Amour”,107 ( Sylva Nuptialis );Brantôme, Vies des Dames galantes ,Disc. II,art. 3,“Classiques Gar nier”,162;E. W. Lane, Arabian Society in the Middle Ages ,216.

[135]  Ovid, Heroides ,XIX.“Hero Leandro”,5-7,“Loeb”,258.

[136]  Byron, Don Juan ,I,St. 194,Variorum,Ed. by T. G. Steffan and W. W. Pratt,II,131 and IV,45.

[137]  Marlowe, Hero & Leander ,II Sestiad,154.

[138]  維果亦謂希臘古文中“三”每非實數,而爲“甚極”之意(significato fortissimo col“tres”appunto)( Scienza nuova ,§ 491, op . cit .,597)。按如古羅馬史詩中羡人多幸,曰“三福四福”(O terque quaterque beati)( Aeneid ,I. 94);又舊俗以死人爲忌,送葬弔喪者歸必洗濯祓除,有曰:“以净水三滌伙伴”(Idem ter socios pura circumtulit unda)( ib .,VI,229),古註家(Servius)説曰:“‘三,謂三次或更多次。”古羅馬諷刺詩中淫人名“三陽”(Triphallo)(Juvenal,VI,026),法國諷刺劇中愚夫名“三昧”(Trissotin)(Molière, Les Femmes savantes ),近世西語不乏其例(“thrice welcome”,“un triple sot”),皆《釋三九》之鄰壁餘明也。

[139]  Cf. Rousseau, Les Rêveries du Promeneur solitaire ,IV, Les Confessions et les Rêveries ,“Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”,684-5(“fiction”vs“mensonge”).

[140]   Organon :“On Interpretation”,iv,“Loeb”,I,121.

[141]   Apology of Poetry ,in English Critical Essays : 16 th , 17 th & 18 th Centuries ,“The World’s Classics”,33.

[142]   La Cena de le Ceneri ,Dialogo iv., op . cit .,255-6.

[143]   La Scienza Nuova ,§ 205, op . cit .,452.

[144]  C. K. Ogden & I. A. Richards, The Meaning of Meaning ,4 th ed.,149 ff..

[145]  Musset:“La Nuit d’Août”, Poésies nouvelles ,Flammarion,93.

[146]  Marcel Mauss, Sociologie et Anthropologie ,143 ff. Cf.. Shakespeare, Timon of Athens ,I. i. 287-290:“No gift to him/But breeds the giver a return,exceeding/All use of quittance.”

[147]   Mariana ,st 7.

[148]  Antipater of Thessalonica, Greek Anthology ,V. 3,“Loeb”,I,129.

[149]  A. Preminger,ed., Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics ,8,841-2.

[150]  Ovid, Amores ,I. iii. 14,“Loeb”,326.

[151]  Cf. Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata ,XII. 21:“la regia moglie,/che bruna è sì ma il bruno il bel non toglie”, Poesie ,Riccardo Ricciardi,298.

[152]  K. O. Erdmann, Die Bedeutung des Wortes ,3. Aufl.,196,216-7.

[153]   The Deipnosophists ,Bk. XIII.,604,“Loeb”,VI,205-7.

[154]  L. Russo, La Critica letteraria contemporanea ,3 a ed.,II,153-4(F. Flora).

[155]  Burke, Inquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful ,Pt. V,sect. v,ed.,J. T. Boulton,170-1. Cf. G. F. Stout, Analytic Psychology ,I,79 ff..

[156]  Ilonka Schmidt Mackey, Lou Salomé ,181(Aphorismes inédits);cf.“Out of sight is out of mind”vs“Familiarity breeds contempt.”

[157]   Romeo and Juliet ,III. v. 1-16.

[158]  Cf. J. -P. Sartre, L ’ Être et le Néant ,315 ff.(le regard regardant et le regard regardé).

[159]  Cf. M. Rat, Dictionnaire des Locutions françaises ,103:“On fait dire aux cloches tout ce qu’on veut( dando , dando , dando )”;Basile, Il Pentamerone ,IV. 7,tr. B. Croce,406:“la campane di Manfredonia dice dammi e dòtti ”.

[160]  参觀《宋詩選註》周紫芝《禽言》註。

[161]  A. Preminger, op . cit .,103-4.

[162]   Richard II ,V. v. 84 ff..

[163]  Marlowe, Edward II ,I. iv. 390.

[164]  Du Bellay, Les Regrets ,cxxxix.

[165]   Aeneid ,VI,313-4,“Loeb”,I,320.

[166]  “Tiefe Wasser”,“Es Waren Zwei Königskinder”, The Oxford Book of German Verse 10 and 44.

[167]   Purgatorio ,XXVIII. 70 ff., La Divina Commedia ,Riccardo Ricciardi,714.

[168]  D’Annunzio:“Bocca di Serchio”( Alcione ),E. de Michelis, Tutto D ’ Annunzio ,338.

[169]  N. Frye, Anatomy of Criticism ,200.

[170]  Plotin, Énnéades ,IV. 8. 3,tr. É. Brehier,IV,221;cf,IV. 7. 13:“Tout ce qui est simple intelligence,...qui reste éternellement là-bas”(IV,209);V. 8.4:“Làbas,la vie est facile”(V,139).

[171]   Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung ,Ergänzung,Kap. 44, op . cit .,II,639.

[172]  Thomas Mann, Der Zauberberg ,Kap. 5,“Humaniora”, Gesammelte Werke ,Aufbau II,369,372(Hofrat Behrens).

[173]  Cf. Pascal, Pensées ,VI. 397:“Un arbre ne se connaît pas misérable”;Coleridge:“The Picture,or the Lover’s Resolution”:“And of this busy human heart aweary,/Worships the spirit of unconscious life/In tree or wildflower”;Keats:“In a Drearnighted December”:“Too happy happy tree,/Thy branches ne’er remember/Their green felicity”;Friedrich Schmack:“Busch”:“Du warst mit dir allein/Und littest nicht an Blut und Leidenschaft:/.../Im Brand der Zeiten lebten wir,/Du aber weisst nicht,wie die Herzen bitter sind.”

[174]  Cf. I. Babbitt, On Being Creative ,51(E. Legouis on Wordsworth);F. Florio, Orfeismo della Parola ,75-6(Pascoli).

[175]  Schiller:“Das Höchste”, op . cit .,I,145,Cf. Fr. Strich, Deutsche Romantik ,89(Fr. Schlelgel:“das höchste vollendeste Leben nichts als ein reines Vegetieren”).

[176]  Leopardi:“Dialogo della Natura e di un’Anima,” op . cit .,I,496. Cf. Taine, La Fontaine et ses Fables ,174:“...la plante est affranchie de la pensée ... l’animal est affranchi de la raison. A mesure que l’on déscend d’un degré,l’être devient plus libre”.

[177]  A. Graf:“Azzurro”,L. Baldocci, Poeti minori dell ’ Ottocento ,I,1150.

[178]   Aesthetik ,Aufbau Verlag,1270-1.

[179]  A. E. Rodway,ed., Godwin and the Age of Transition ,36;cf. Lamb to Thomas Manning:“Lawsuits,where I was counsel for Archbishop Fenelon versus my own mother,in the famous fire cause”.( Works ,ed. E. V. Lucas,VI,207)

[180]  Shelley:“The Recollection”;cf. Coleridge:“The Aeolian Harp”:“The stilly murmur of the distant sea/Tells us of silence.”

[181]  W. James, Principles of Psychology ,II,14.

[182]  “Ozymandias of Egypt”.

[183]  “L’Infinito”, op . cit .,58.

[184]  V. Cardarelli,quoted in Momenti e Problemi di Storia dell ’ Estetica ,Marzorati. IV,1664.

[185]   Faust ,I,4544.

[186]   A Woman of No Importance ,IV.

[187]  Martin Luther, Table Talk ,tr. W. Hazlitt,“Bohn’s Library”,153(Jeremiah cursing the day of his birth).

[188]  M. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit ,I. Hälfte,3. Aufl.,385.

[189]  A. Camus, L ’ Homme révolté ,47-8. Cf. Leopardi:“Il Risorgimento”:“so che natura è sorda,/che miserar non sa”, op . cit .,I,90.

[190]  Lucretius, De Rerum Natura ,II,646-8,“Loeb”,130;cf. III. 18-22,P. 170:“apparet divum numen sedesque quietae”etc..

[191]   Elegy and Iambus ,“Loeb”,I,281. cf. Hesiod , the Homeric Poems and Homerica ,“Loeb”,p. 573;Plutarch, Moralia ,“A Letter to Apollonius”,§ 27,“Loeb”,II,177-9;E. Rohde, Psyche ,tr. W. B. Hillis,“International Library of Philosophy,Psychology and Scientific Method”,412(Silenos to King Midas).

[192]  Bacon:“The World’s a Bubble”,J. Aubrey, Brief Lives ,“Ann Arbor Paperbacks”,11. Cf. P. Collenuccio:“Canzone alla Morte”, The Oxford Book of Italian Verse ,183.

[193]   Paradise Lost ,X. 743-4.

[194]  Heine:“Morphine”, The Penguin Book of German Verse ,332.

[195]  Freud, Der Witz und sein Beziehung zum Unbewussten ,3. Aufl.,44-5.

[196]  Jeremiah,22. 14;Job,3.3. Cf. Scott:“He [Swift] early adopted the custom of observing his birthday as a term not of joy but of sorrow,and of reading... the striking passage of Scripture in which Job laments”etc. (J. G. Lockhart, The Life of Sir Walter Scott ,ch. 7,“Everyman’s”,250).

[197]  Jean Paul, Kleine Nachschule zur ästhetischen Vorschule ,§ 21, Werke ,Carl Hanser,V,486.

[198]  Dryden, Ovid’s Epistles ,Preface, Poems ,ed. J. Kinsley,I,183;Prior, Solomon on the Vanity of the World ,Preface, Literary Works ,ed. H. B. Wright and M. K. Spears,309;D’Alembert,quoted in J. Brody, Boileau and Longinus ,64;A. W. Schlegel, Briefe über Poesie , Silbenmass und Sprache ,I, Kritische Schriften und Briefe ,W. Kohlhammer,I,142.

[199]  T. A. Sebeok,ed., Style in Language ,84.

[200]  E. Cassirer, Philosophie der symbolischen Formen ,II,66,83,87(ein Grundprinzip der“primitiven Logik”).

[201]  H. Küpper, Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache ,II,126.

[202]  Christina Rossetti:“Sing-song”, Poetical Works ,ed. W. M. Rossetti,432-3.

[203]  Marino:“Ninfa avara”, Marino e i Marinisti ,Riccardo Ricciardi,543-4;Cervantes:“Man of Glass”, Three Exemplary Novels ,tr. S. Putnam,101.

[204]  Peacock, Melincourt ,ch. 12, The Novels of T. L. Peacock ,Simpkin,Marshall,Hamilton,Kent & Co.,552.

[205]  J. Renard,quoted in L. Guichard, L ’ Oeuvre et l ’ Âme de Jules Renard ,50.

[206]  Boccaccio, Il Dpcamerone ,VIII,7,Ulrico Hoepli,502-3;H. Weber, La Création poétique au 16 e Siècle en France ,I,175-6.

[207]  E. Rohde, op . cit .,261-3(Ekstasis,enthousiasmos and the dance).

[208]  E. Cassirer, op . cit .,II,53.

[209]   Gerusalemme Liberata ,III. 2, Poesie ,Riccardo Ricciardi,59.

[210]  Cf. E. Bernheim, Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie ,6. Aufl.,17.

[211]  Cf. W. Dilthey, Entwürfe zur Kritik der historischen Vernunft ,I. i. 1, Gesammelte Werke ,hrsg. G. Misch et al ,VII,191(das Verstehen als ein Wiederfinden des Ich im Du);M. Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie ,3. Aufl.,4(die Gabe des Nacherlebens);R. G. Collingwood, The Idea of History ,40(imaginative construction).

[212]   Institutio oratoria ,X. i. 101.“Loeb”,IV,58; Philosophie der Geschichte ,Reclam,35.

[213]   III Henry VI :V. vi. 70-1.

[214]  F. Guicciardini, Ricordi ,§ 78, Opere ,Riccardo Ricciardi,114.

[215]  Bacon:“Of Delayes”, Essays ,“The World’s Classics”,90.

[216]  Montesquieu, De l ’ Esprit des Lois ,Liv. XXVIII,ch. 39, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”,II,855.

[217]  Rivarol,quoted in Sainte-Beuve, Les Grands Écrivains Français ,ed. Maurice Allem,X,262.

[218]  W. Dilthey:“Die Entstehung der Hermeneutik”:“Auss den einzelnen Worten und deren Verbindungen soll das Ganze eines Werkes verstanden werden,und doch setzt das volle Verständnis des einzelnen schon das des Ganzen voraus”, op . cit .,V,330;cf.“Ideen über eine beschreibende und zergliedernde Psychologie”,Kap. 4, ib .,172. Cf. L. Pareyson, Estetica : Teoria della Formatività ,2 a ed.,86:“La parte è contenuta dal tutto solo in quanto a sua volta lo contiene,e il tutto è formato dalle parti solo in quanto le ha esso stesso reclamate e ordinate”.

[219]  Cf. Bruno, Spaccio de la Bestia Trionfante ,Dial. I:“La unità è nel numero infinito ed il numero infinito nell’ unità;l’unità è uno infinito implicito,e l’infinito è la unità explicita”( Opere di G. Bruno e di T. Campanella ,Riccardo Ricciardi,517);George Herbert:“Providence”:“Thou art in all things one,in each thing many”( Works ,ed. E. F. Hutchinson,118).

[220]  R. Bayer, Histoire de l ’ Esthétique ,18.

[221]  Sophocles, Seven Plays ,“The World’s Classics”,28.

[222]  Bergson, Essai sur les Données immédiates de la Conscience ,p. vii; La Pensée et le Mouvant ,11.

[223]  Fr. Mauthner, Kritik der Sprache ,3. Aufl.,III,119-126.

[224]  Frontinus, Strategems ,I. ii. 7,8,“Loeb”,20,22.

[225]  1 Kings 22. 22;Ezekiel 14. 9;Isaiah 14. 5-7;2 Thessalonians 2. 11.

[226]  R. Otto, The Idea of the Holy ,tr. J. W. Harvey,26,123-6,136.

[227]  E. Cassirer, Philosophie der symbolischen Formen ,II,247; An Essay on Man ,97.

[228]  Tacitus, Histories ,IV. 17(Civilis),“Loeb”,II,32;Lucan, Civil War ,I,128,“Loeb”,12.

[229]  Mérimée à A. Panizzi(4 Fév. 1864),quoted in P. Léon, Mérimée et Son Temps ,236.

[230]  Cf. V. Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,tr. A. Bongiorno and A. Livingstone,§§ 1942 ff.,Dover Publications,II,1355 ff. (implicit and explicit contradictions about God the Just);E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Aufl.,180(die Polarität Varuna-Mitra).

[231]  Plutarch, Lives ,“Lysander”,vii,“Loeb”,IV,251.

[232]  Xenophon, Cyropaedia ,I. vi. 27,“Loeb”,I,113-5.

[233]   Aeneid ,II,390,“Loeb”,II,320.

[234]   Discorsi sopra la Prima Deca di Tito Livio ,III. 40, Opere ,Riccardo Ricciardi,409.

[235]   Leviathan ,pt. I,ch. 13,Routledge,82.

[236]  S. Guazzo, Dialoghi Piacevoli :“Del Principe di Valacchia”;J. Bertaut, Défense de l’Amour . Cf. A. Arthaber, Dizionario comparato di Proverbi ,469:“Chi offende scrive in polvere di paglia,/Chi è offeso,nei marmi lo sdegno intaglia”etc..

[237]  Frontinus, The Stratagems ,IV. i. 17,“Loeb”,274;cf. II. viii 14(Philippus),180.

[238]  Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch. 1,“The World’s Classics”,I,12;cf. Montaigne, Essais ,III. xii,“Bibl. de la Pléiade”,1003(“cet ancien praecepte”).

[239]  Ariosto, Orlando Furioso ,XIV. 16,Ulrico Hoepli,133;cf. XXIX. 9,p. 418.

[240]  C. S. Lewis, Studies in Words ,41,103(the same lexical meaning used to mean different things).

[241]  Cf. Anatomy of Melancholy . Part. II,Sect. II,Mem. IV,Bell. II,88-90(pleasant to behold a battle fought).

[242]  Montaigne, Essais ,I. 23, op . cit .,123:“...comme de vray il faut noter que les jeux des enfants ne sont pas jeux,et les faut juger en eux comme leurs plus sérieuses actions”;M. Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie ,24:“Was beim Erwachsenen Einfühlung ist,ist dort Einsfühlung ;was eigentlich nur beim Erwachsenen‘Spiel’ ist,ist dort‘Ernst’.”

[243]  J. Huizinga, Homo Ludens ,tr. F. C. Hull,40 ff.,72.

[244]  II Samuel,II. 14.

[245]  Schiller:“Die Schlacht”, op . cit .,I,38.

[246]  Hegel, Aesthetik , op . cit .,671.

[247]  Pliny, Natural History ,XI. 138,158,“Loeb”,III,518,530.

[248]  W. G. Sumner, Folkways ,341. Cf. P. P. Read, Alive (1974).

[249]  Frontinus, op . cit .,II. vi,pp. 164 ff..

[250]   Aeneid ,II,353-4.

[251]  Defoe, Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe ,in Romances and Narratives ,ed. G. Aitkin,III,25. Cf. Cardinal de Retz:“Quand la frayeur est venue à un certain point,elle produit les mêmes effets que la témérité”(quoted in Letters of Lord Chesterfield ,ed. B. Dobrée,IV,1642).

[252]   Paradise Lost ,I,190-1; Paradise Regained ,III,206.

[253]   Antony and Cleopatra ,III. xiii. 195-7; III Henry VI ,I. iv. 40-1.

[254]  Hume, Treatise of Human Nature ,Bk. II,pt,iii,sect. 4,“Everyman’s Lib.”,II,131.

[255]  C. Spearman, Psychology down the Ages ,II,102,112.

[256]  Cf. Antony and Cleopatra ,I. ii. 128-130:“The present pleasure,/By revolution lowering,does become/The opposite of itself”; Hamlet ,IV. vii. 115-6:“For goodness,growing to a pleurisy,/Dies in his own too much”.

[257]  Cf. Shakespeare, King John ,II. i. 573 ff.(commodity).

[258]   Nicomachean Ethics ,II. vi and ix, Basic Works of Aristotle ,Random House,958-9,963.

[259]   La République ,II,382, Oeuvres complètes de Platon ,“Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”,I,933-4;cf. W. B. Stanford, The Ulysses Theme ,20(the medicinal lie).

[260]  W. B. Stanford, Ambiguity in Greek Literature ,12.

[261]  Th. Gomperz, Greek Thinkers ,tr. G. G. Berry,IV,435;cf. Quintillian, Institutio oratoria ,II,xv. 24(fallendi artem),xvii,18-21(dicere falsa pro veris),“Loeb”,I,310,332-4.

[262]  Cf. C. F. D’Arcy, A Short Study of Ethics ,218.

[263]  Cf. Henry James, The Art of the Novel ,ed.,R. B. Blackmur,46,298,306,327.

[264]   Pickwick Papers ,ch. 13.

[265]   Iliad ,III. 161 ff.“Loeb”,I,129-135.

[266]   Gerusalemme Liberata ,III. 37-40, op . cit .,69-70.

[267]  Cf. Johnson, The Rambler ,no. 18:“As the faculty of writing has been chiefly a masculine endowment,the reproach of making the world miserable has always been thrown upon the women”;Richard Burton, Thousand Nights and A Night ,Vol. X, Terminal Essay ,192:“Women all the world over,are what men make them. It is the old ever-new fable:‘Who drew the lion vanquished?’Twas a man.”

[268]  Hesiod, Theogony ,585, Hesiod , the Homeric Poems , and Homerica ,“Loeb”,123.

[269]  Athenaeus, The Deipnosophistes ,XIII. 560,“Loeb”,VI,27;cf. Sterne, Tristram Shandy ,Bk. VI,ch. 33(Helena a bitch for the destruction of the Greeks and the Trojans).

[270]  B. E. Perry, Secundus the Silent Philosopher ,96.

[271]  Croce, Estetica ,10 a ed.,198(Campanella).

[272]  De Quincey:“On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts”, Collected Writings ,ed. D. Masson,XIII,14-5.

[273]  C. St. John,ed., Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw : A Correspondence ,p. x.

[274]  E. Bullough, Aesthetics ,93 ff..

[275]  Plutarch, Moralia :“How to Profit by one’s Enemies”,§ 3,“Loeb”,II,15.

[276]  Guicciardini, Ricordi ,§ 164, Opere ,Riccardo Ricciardi,131.

[277]  Cf. Eckhard:“Das schnellste Tier,das dich trägt zur Vollkommenheit,ist Leiden”,quoted in Nietzsche, Schopenhauer als Erzieher ,§4, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,I,317;Jeremy Taylor, Holy Dying :“The soul by the helpe of Sicknesse knocks off the fetters of pride and vainer complacencies”, The Golden Grove ,ed. L. P. Smith,88;Novalis, Fragmente ,§ 984,hrsg. E. Kamnitzer,344:“Krankheiten zeichnen den Menschen vor den Tieren und Pflanzen aus. Zum Leiden ist der Mensch geboren. Je hilfloser,desto empfänglicher für Moral und Religion”;Simone Weil, La Pesanteur et la Grâce ,109:“La misère humaine contient le secret de la sagesse divine,et non pas le plaisir”.

[278]   Die Wahlverwandtschaften :“Ottilies Tagebuch”, Gesam. Werk .,“Tempelklassiker”,III, Spruchweisheit ,295.

[279]  Hegel, Briefe ,Nr. 271,an Niethammer,9 Juli 1816, Ausgewählte Texte ,hrsg. R. O. Gropp,I,52.

[280]  Sainte-Beuve, Mes Poisons ,ed. V. Giraud,197.

[281]   Leviathan ,pt. I,ch. 8, op . cit .,p. 81.

[282]  James, Principles of Psychology ,II,409-10.

[283]  E. Staiger:“Entstellte Zitate”:“Es wird in Wahrheit angeeignet ”( Die Kunst der Interpretation ,162). Cf. M. de Wolfe Howe,ed., The Pollock-Holmes Letters ,II,285:“All is fair in quotation”.

[284]  Boccaccio, Il Decamerone ,VIII. 8,Hoepli,519 ff.;La Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles ,IV. 5“Les Troqueurs”,Garnier,306 ff..

[285]   Philèbe ,46-48, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,603 ff..

[286]  Montaigne, Essais ,II. 20,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,654.

[287]  R. Müller-Freienfels, Psychologie der Kunst ,I,140-1.

[288]  Bacon, Advancement of Learning ,Bk. II,ed. A. Wright,209.

[289]  Kant, Anthropologie ,“Vorrede”, Werke ,hrsg. E. Cassirer,VIII,5.

[290]  Cf. L. Fraiberg, Psychoanalysis and American Literary Criticism ,4,6,7;Simone de Beauvoir, L’Existentialisme et la Sagesse des Nations ,119(Proust et Ribot).

[291]  Freud, Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens ,8. Aufl.,63,114-8.

[292]  J. G. Flugel, Man , Morals and Society ,69-70.

[293]  Demetrius, On Style ,I,II,in Aristotle , Longinus and Demetrius ,“loeb”,305.

[294]  F. Schlegel, Literary Notebooks ,ed. H. Eichner,p. 68,§ 548;cf. p. 70,§ 566.

[295]  F. Stritz. Deutsche Klassik und Romantik ,S. 302-303.

[296]  Vernon Lee, The Handling of Words ,9.

[297]  L. Guichard, L’Oeuvre et l’Âme de Jules Renard ,329-330. Cf. Coleridge, Collected Letters ,ed. E. L. Griggs,III,545,to Cottle:“The common of all narrative ,nay,of all poems is ... to make those events ... assume to our Understandings a Circular motion-the Snake with it’s Tail in it’s Mouth.”

[298]  Leonardo da Vinci, The Notebooks ,tr. E. MacCurdy,I,210,212:“A dead Woman lies face downwards in water,a man the opposite Way.”Cf. Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn ,ch. 3:“I knowed mighty well that a drowned man don’t float on his back,but on his face”etc..

[299]  Cf. M. Scheler, Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik ,4. Aufl. hrsg. Maria Scheler,131 ff..

[300]  Hegel, Wissenschaft der Logik ,I. ii,Reclams“Universal-Bibliothek”,I,137-8:“Wenn Wir ein Dasein A nennen,das andere aber B,so ist zunächst B als das Andere bestimmt. Aber A ist ebensosehr,das Andere des B. Beide sind auf gleiche Weise Andere ”.

[301]   Fragments ,§ § 43,59;cf §§ 45,46;in Hippocrates and Heraclitus ,“Loeb”,IV,485,489.

[302]   Le Banquet ,187 a-c, op . cit .,I,713.

[303]   Politics ,II. ii andv; op . cit .,1146,1152.

[304]   Spaccio de la Bestia Trionfante ,Dialogo I, op . cit .,474.

[305]   De gli Eroici Furori ,Dialogo IV; op . cit .,616.

[306]  Croce, Estetica ,10 a ed.,415(R. Zimmermann).

[307]  Hesiod, Works and Days ,“Loeb”,3-5.

[308]  Erasmus, Adagia :“Ut vivat castor,sibi testes amputat ipse,” Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. II,Sect. III,Mem. VI,Bell,II,215.

[309]   Don Quijote ,I,cap. 21,“Clásicos Castellanos”,II,167.

[310]   Odyssey ,XII. 215 ff..

[311]   Greek Anthology ,X. 47,Palladas,“Loeb”,IV,27.

[312]   Scienza Nuova ,§ 784, op . cit .,731.

[313]  A. W. Schlegel:“Goethes‘Hermann und Dorothea’”, Kritische Schriften und Briefe ,W. Kohlhammer,I,47;cf. A. Huxley, Music at Night ,7(Tragedy and the Whole Truth).

[314]   Don Quijote ,pt. II,cap. 74,“Clássicos Castellanos”,VIII,330.

[315]   Candide ,ch. 16, Romans et Contes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,179.

[316]   Tom Jones ,Bk. XVI,ch. 3,“Everyman’s Lib.”,II,290.

[317]  G. O. Trevelyan, Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay ,Longmans,546.

[318]  Feuerbach:“Die Naturwissenschaft und die Revolution,” Sämtl . Werke ,hrsg. W. Bolin und F. Jodl,X,14.

[319]   Greek Anthology ,IX,497,Crates, op . cit .,III,275; Inferno ,XXXIII. 75.

[320]  周君振甫嘗足其辭曰:“聞始見敵者,辭曰:‘某固願見於將命者’;聞罕見君子者,曰:‘某固願聞名於將命者’;聞亟見君子者,曰,‘某固願朝夕聞名於將命者’;聞亟見敵者,曰:‘某固願朝夕見於將命者。’”

[321]   Romeo and Juliet ,II. iii. 19-21(Friar Laurence).

[322]  Jeremy Taylor:“Righteousness Evangelical”,L. P. Smith,ed., The Golden Grove 147.

[323]  II Samuel,14:14.

[324]  参觀《林紓的翻譯》。

[325]  G. Lanson, L’Art de la Prose ,158:“Marmontel se vante d’avoir,dans ses Contes moraux ,supprimé les fastidieux dit-il , répondit-elle ”.

[326]  Hegel, Philosophie der Geschichte ,I. i,Reclam,169;cf. I. ii,223-4.

[327]  Cf. R. G. Collingwood, The Idea of History ,14 ff..

[328]  Basile, Il Pentamerone ,Introduzione,I. 3,III. 5,tr. B. Croce,3,37,286.

[329]  Brüder Grimm, Din Kinder- /und Hansmärchen :“Die goldene Gans”.

[330]  Antoine Hamilton:“Les Quatre Facardins”, Oeuvres Complètes ,A. Belin,417.

[331]   Die romantische Schule ,III. i, Sämtliche Werke ,A. Weichert,VIII;211.

[332]   The Germanic Review ,Feb. 1957,5-6.

[333]  T. R. Glover, Greek Byways ,61.

[334]  Coleridge, Biographia Literaria ,ed. J. Shawcross,II,33,318.

[335]   Il Principe ,cap. 2 e 25; Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio ,I. 18,33 e III,9, Opere ,Ricciardi,5,81,142,163,344-5. Cf. Guicciardini, Ricordi ,78(tentate in tempo), Opere , Ricciardi ,114;Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique ,art.“A Propos”, Oeuvres complètes ,ed. I. Moland,XVII,338-9.

[336]  R. Whately, Elements of Logic ,Longmans,118. Cf. K. O. Erdmann, Die Bedeutung des Wortes ,162:“Etymologie hat mit Definition nichts zu schaffen.”

[337]  Leibniz, Nouveaux Essais sur l ’ Entendement ,Liv. III,ch. 2, Die Philosophischen Schriften ,hrsg. C. J. Gerhardt,V,264.

[338]   Die deutsche Ideologie ,iii,Dietz,230. Cf. W. Muschg, Die Zerstörung der deutschen Literatur ,3. Aufl.,221-2(Heideggers Etymologisieren);J. -F. Revel, Pourquoi des Philosophes et la Cabale des Dévots ,206(le tour de passe-passe étymologique à la manière de Heidegger).

[339]   I Henry IV ,III. ii. 39 ff..

[340]  Burke, Inquiry into the Sublime and the Beautiful ,II. iii. cf. xiv,ed. J. T. Boulton,59,80.

[341]  D. Bouhours, Les Entretiens d ’ Ariste et d ’ Eugéne ,III,Armand Colin,98,104.

[342]  Alfred de Vigny, Le Journal d ’ un Poète , Oeuvres Complètes ,“La Bibliothèque de la Plèiade”,II,898.

[343]  I Timothy,4. 16; Purgatorio ,XVII. 57; Paradise Lost ,III,357 ff.,VI. 25 ff.,X. 32f.;Dryden, The Hind and the Panther ,I,66 ff..

[344]   Paradise Lost ,X,447-8.

[345]   Die Wunderblume ,“Der Fischerssohn”,Berlin:Verlag Kultur und Fortschritt,99-100;cf. Brüder Grimm, Die Kinder-und Hausmärchen ,“Das Meerhäschen”,Berlin:Der Kinderbuchverlag,443-5.

[346]  Frontinus, The Strategems ,I. xi. 21,“Loeb”,80.

[347]  Cf. Plato, Phaedo 85 CD;P. Shorey, What Plato Said 530.

[348]  Cf. V. Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,§ 1562,tr. A. Bongiorno and A. Livingstone,Dover Publications,II,1013(orations in ancient historians).

[349]   Physics ,IV. xiii, op . cit .,297.

[350]  Huizinga, Homo Ludens ,tr. F. C. Hull,92.

[351]   Chronicles of Henry of Huntington ,“Rolls Series”,81.

[352]  Robert Graves and Alan Hodge, The Long Week-End ,15.

[353]  Pliny, Natural History ,VII. 16-18(pupillas binas in singulis oculis),“Loeb”,II,516-8.

[354]  Ben Jonson, The Case is Altered ,I. ii(Jaques);Cf. Sorel, Histoire comique de Francion ,Liv. IV,“Société des Textes Français Modernes”,II,21.

[355]   The Letters of David Hume ,ed. J. Y. T. Greig,I,127. Cf. Fanny Burney, Diary ,“Everyman’s”,138,141-2;Trollope, An Autobiography ,ch. 3,“The Oxford Trollope”,49-50;Charles C. F. Greville, Memoirs ,Oct. 16,1843,ed. H. Reeve,V,208.

[356]  J. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy ,28. Cf. Locke, Essay ,Bk. II,ch. 8,par. 5,ed. A. S. Pringle-Pattison,64:“The picture of a shadow is a positive thing”;J. S. Mill, Dissertations and Discussions ,I,61:“Appearances too,like other things,must have a cause,and that which can cause anything,even an illusion,must be a reality.”

[357]   La Fin de Satan ,Liv. I,St. iv.“Avec le Bois de l’Arche”,5.“La Trappe d’en bas et la Trappe d’en haut”.

[358]   Odyssey ,XVI. 392;XX. 74;XXI. 162.

[359]   The Merchant of Venice ,II. ix. 84; All’s Well That Ends Well ,I. iii. 67.

[360]   Paradise Lost ,X. 898 ff..

[361]  Cf. A. Arthaber, Dizionario comparato di Proverbi ,388.

[362]  Freud, Totem und Tabu ,2. Aufl.,105-111.

[363]  E. Cassirer, Philosophie der symbolischen Formen ,II. 83:“Die Ganze ist der Teile ... In den Haaren eines Menschen,in seinen abgesschnittenen Nägeln,in seinen Kleidern,in seinen Fussstapfen ist noch der ganze Menschen enthalten.”

[364]  M. Garçon et J.Vinchon, Le Diable ,80.

[365]  Virgil, Eclogues ,VIII,64 ff.,“Loeb”,I,60-2;Pietro Aretino, I Ragionamenti ,I, L’Oeuvre du Divin Arétin ,“Les Maîtres de l’Amour,”I,60-1;Bruno, Candelaio ,III. iii, Opere di G. Bruno e di T. Campanella ,Riccardo Ricciardi,92-3;Antoine Hamilton:“L’Enchanteur Faustus”, op . cit .,480;Mérimée, Chronique du Règne de Charles IX ,ch. 12. Romans et Nouvelles ,“la Pléiade”,129.

[366]  Pareto, op . cit .,§ 914-5,vol. I,pp. 533 ff.;M. Summers, The Geography of Witchcraft ,9-12,67.

[367]  E. g., La Celestina ,I,Aubier,156-7;J. Webster, The Duchess of Malfi ,IV. i, Plays by Webster and Ford ,“Everyman’s”,151.

[368]  R. H. Barham:“The Leech of Folkestone”, The Ingoldsby Legends ,Grant Richards,540 ff..

[369]  Thomas Middleton, The Witch ,I. ii(the heart of wax stuck full of needles,the pictures of the farmer and his wife laid down to the fire,snake skins with retentive knots and needles thrust into the pillows),V. ii(Almachild’s picture in wax molton in fire),Lamb, Specimens of English Dramatic Poets ,in Works ,ed. E. V. Lucas,IV,137,139,142.

[370]  Cf. Gucciardini, Ricordi ,§ 143:“Parmi che tutti gli istorici abbino,non eccettuando alcuno,errato in questo:che hanno lasciato di scrivere molte cose che a tempo loro erano note,presupponendole come note”ecc., op . cit .,126.

[371]  J. Michelet, Journal ,ed. P. Viallaneix,I,378:“... les silences de l’histoire,ces terribles points d’orgue,où elle ne dit plus rien...”

[372]  E. g. Juvenal, Satires ,II. 60,“Loeb”,22;Petronius, Satyricon ,cxiii,“Loeb”,236.

[373]  Phaedrus, Fabulae ,I. xv. 1-2.

[374]  F. M. Cornford, From Religion to Philosophy ,“Harper Torchbooks”,13 ff..

[375]  A. Adler, The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology ,tr. P. Radin,80-1,313;J. A. C. Brown, Freud and the Post-Freudians ,“Pelican Books”,38.

[376]  Cf. Odyssey ,VIII. 62-4.

[377]  W. Muschg, Tragische Literaturgeschichte ,3. Aufl.,409.

[378]  Bacon, Novum Organum ,Bk. I,Aphorism 129, Physical and Metaphysical Works ,ed. J. Devey,447.

[379]   Poetics ,XX. 11,“Loeb”,103.

[380]  Bruno, De gli Eroici Furori ,Pte II,Dial. iv, op . cit .,630.

[381]  Philip Massinger, A New Way to Pay Old Debts ,IV. ii, Plays ,ed. F. Cunningham,413.

[382]  S. Butler, Alps and Sanctuaries ,43-4.

[383]  A. Koestler, The Act of Creation ,35;cf. 27,45,94.

[384]  Kant, Anthropologie ,§ 54, Werke ,hrsg. E. Cassirer,VIII,109.

[385]  Jean Paul, Vorschule der Ästhetik ,§ 44, Werke ,Carl Hanser,V,173. Cf. Samuel Butler:“A Pimp”:“He is a conjunction copulative”, Characters and Passages from Notebooks ,ed. A. R. Waller,184.

[386]  Plutarch, Lives ,“Fabius Maximus”,iv-v,“Loeb”,III,129-131;Frontinus, Stratagems ,I. xi,“Loeb”,74-8.

[387]  Plutarch, op . cit .,“Themistocles”,X.“Loeb”,II,27-29.

[388]  Plutarch, op . cit .,“Fabius Maximus”,vi,vol. III,pp. 137-9;cf. Frontinus, op . cit .,I. v. 28,p. 50.

[389]  M. Allem, Portrait de Sainte-Beuve ,214.

[390]  Guicciardini, Ricordi ,§ 4, op . cit .,97-8.

[391]  M. Landmann:“Kulturphilosophie”, Die Philosophie im XX. Jahrhundert ,hrsg. F. Heinemann,551-2.

[392]  Philostratus, Love Letters ,viii,in Alciphron , Aelian , and Philostratus ,“Loeb”,431-3.

[393]   Faust ,I. 2270-73.

[394]  Quintilian, Institutio oratoria ,V. x. 70,“Loeb”,II,238.

[395]  Montaigne, Essais ,II. 5,“la Pléiade”,350. Cf. Don Quijote ,I. 22(Confesar en el tormento),“Clásicos Castellanos”,III,203-4;La Bruyère, Les Caractères ,XIV. 51(la question),Hachette,437.

[396]  H. Lausberg, Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik ,I,302:“Die Ironie ist der Ausdruck einer Sache durch ein deren Gegenteil bezeichnendes Wort”.

[397]  Plotin, Énnéades ,III. ii. 13,tr. É. Bréhier,III,39-40 et note( Phèdre ,248c; Lois ,870e,904e-905a);E. Rohde, Psyche ,tr. W. B. Hillis,“International Library of Philosophy,Psychology and Scientifictional Method”,344.

[398]  Cf. A. W. Schlegel:“Ueber den dramatischen Dialog”:“Sogar ein Monolog kann in hohem Grade dialogisch sein... Was man in gemeinen Leben nennt:‘sich mit sich selbst besprechen’...man sich gleichsam in zwei Personen teilt”, Kritische Schriften und Briefe ,W. Kohlhammer,I,109.

[399]  L. E. Bowling,quoted in L. Leary,ed., Contemporary Literary Scholarship ,267.

[400]  Tacitus, The Annals ,IV. 18,“Loeb”,III,34.

[401]  Machiavelli, Il Principe ,cap. 3; Discorsi ,I. 29; op . cit .,14,155-8.

[402]  Plutarch, Lives ,“Romulus”,XVII. 3-4(Tatius and Tarpeia),“Loeb”,I,141. Cf. Sacchetti, Il Trecentonovelle ,v,Castruccio Castracane:“Il tradimento mi piace,ma il traditore no”, Opere ,Rizzoli,57.

[403]  Cf. Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra ,II. ii:“Age cannot wither her,nor custom stale her infinite variety”;Racine, Bérénice ,I. ii:“Chaque jour je la vois,/ Et croit toujours la voir la première fois.”;Laclos, Les Liaisons dangereuses ,lettre 10,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,54:“En effet,ses hommages réitérés,quoique toujours reçus par la même femme,le furent toujours par une Maîtresse nouvelle”(cf. lettre 127,p. 373).

[404]   Nicomachean Ethics ,IV. iii, Basic Works of Aristotle ,The Random House,994.

[405]  Cf. Addison, The Spectator ,No. 122(“Much might be said on both sides”);Molière, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ,I. ii(“Vous avez raison tous deux”);Peacock, Headlong Hall ,ch. 2(M r Jenkison);George Eliot, Silas Marner ,Pt. I,ch. 6(M r Snell).

[406]  J. Cohn, Theorie der Dialektik ,284(die gegenseitige Anerkennung). Cf. Johnson, Rasselas ,ch. 8,ed. G. B. Hill,56:“Inconsistencies cannot both be right,but,imputed to man,they may both be true.”

[407]  G. F. Senior and C. V. Bock,ed., Goethe the Critic ,18:“... durch Gegensätze zu operieren,die Frage von zwei Seiten zu beantworten und so gleichsam die Sache in die Mitte zu fassen.”

[408]  Cf. Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. I,Sect. II,Mem. III,Subs. II,Bell,I,295(a Jew in France).

[409]  Cf. G. Gusdorf:“Conditions et Limites de l’Autobiographie”,in Formen der Selbstdarstellung ,hrsg. G. Reichenkron und E. Haase,111(l’héroïsme de tout dire).

[410]  H. Lausberg, Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik ,I,337(enumeratio oder Häufung im Kontakt). Cf. F. Schlegel, Literary Notebooks ,ed. H. Eichner,157,§ 1555(ein Chaos von Substantiven zu häufen);N. Frye, Anatomy of Criticism ,336(the verbal tempest,the tremendous outpouring of words in catalogues).

[411]  R. Garapon, La Fantaisie verbale et le Comique dans le Théâtre français du Moyen Âge à la Fin du XVII e Sièle ,74,85,113,Cf. Christina Rossetti:“Goblin Market”:“Come buy,come buy:/Apples and Quinces,/Lemons and oranges,/

Plump unpecked cherries,/Melons and raspberries”etc..

[412]   Vorschule der Aesthetik ,§ 35, op . cit .,142.

[413]  Cf. G. Picon, La Littérature du XX e Siècle ,in R. Quéneau,ed., Histoire des Littératures ,III,1320:“Rhétorique?C’est dire que la poésie est fondée sur le langage,non sur une expérience”.

[414]   Odyssey ,IX,364 ff.;cf. W. B. Stanford, Ambiguity in Greek Literature ,98.

[415]   On the Sublime ,II. i,in Aristotle , Longinus , and Demetrius ,“Loeb”,127. Cf. A. Preminger,ed., Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics ,71.

[416]  S. Ullmann, Semantics ,168.

[417]   Essais ,I. iii,“la Pléiade”,37.

[418]  Schiller:“Die Resignation”:“Die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht”( Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,I,75);Vigny, Journal d ’ un Poète :“La moralité de la victoire est la raison du plus fort”( Oeuv . comp .,“la pléiade”,II,999).

[419]  James Frazer, Folklore in the Old Testament ,II,443-50(Cyrus,Telephus).

[420]  Plutarch, Lives ,“Romulus”,ii, op . cit .,II 95.

[421]   King Lear ,I. iv. 220.

[422]  Enid Welsford, The Fool : His Social and Literary History ,14.

[423]   On the Sublime III. i(Gorgias of Leontini), op . cit .,129.

[424]  Ennius, Annals ,fr. 141-2,E. H. Warmington, Remains of Old Latin ,“Loeb”,I. 50.

[425]  Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon ,III,5; The Thousand Nights and One Night ,tr. P. Mathers,II,229.

[426]  Jacopone da Todi:“Lauda delle Malattie”(L. R. Lind, Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance ,64); Orlando Furioso ,X. 28( op . cit .,84).

[427]  C. Lamb:“A Dissertation upon Roast Pig”( Essays of Elia ,“Everyman’s Lib.”,146);É. Goudeau:“La Revanche des Bêtes”(P. Mille, Anthologie des Humoristes français contemporains ,272).

[428]  Milton, Samson Agonistes ,102; An Epitaph on The Marchioness of Winchester ,33.

[429]   Il Pentamerone ,V. 9( op . cit .,525).

[430]  Cf. Leopardi, Pensieri ,1:“Colpa non perdonata dal genere umano,il quale non odia mai tanto chi fa male,né il male stesso,quanto chi lo nomina”( Opere ,Ricciardi,I,697).

[431]  馬基亚偉利論政理,自言示事之實然,非抒想所當然(andare drieto alla verità effettuale della coca che alla imaginazione di essa- Il Principe ,cap. 15, Opere ,Ricciardi,49-50);其書寥寥短章二十有六,而道“必然”(necessità,necessario,ecc.)至七十六次。

[432]  De Sanctis, Storia della Letteratura italiana ,a cura di B. Croce e riveduta da A. Parente,I,162(si ha a distinguere il mondo intenzionale e il mondo effettivo); Saggi critici ,a cura di L. Russo,II,159(Leopardi),183(Ariosto).

[433]  Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations ,Bk. II,ch. 2.

[434]  G. Simmel, Philosophie des Geldes ,5. Aufl,578,583.

[435]  A. Arthaber, Dizionario Comparato di Proverbi ,185.

[436]  Horace, Epist .,I. vi. 37;F. G. de Ouevedo:“Letrilla”. Cf. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,“Democritus to the Reader”:“we adore Dea Moneta ”etc.,Bell,I,69 f..

[437]  G. Giusti,Gingillino,III. xxxii;Balzac, La Maison Nucingen , Oeuv . comp .,Conard,XIV,348(cf. Gobseck :“L’or est le spiritualisme de nos sociétés actuelles”,v,398).

[438]  Shakespeare, Timon of Athens ,IV. iii. 28 ff..

[439]   Le Quart Livre ,ch. 57. Oeuv . comp .,éd. J. Plattard,IV,205-7. Cf. Ch. Sorel, Histoire comique de Francion ,éd. É. Roy,I,123-4.

[440]  P. Neveux,quoted in J. Thoraval, L’Art de Maupassant d ’ après ses variantes ,161.

[441]  L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations ,tr. G. E. M. Anscombe,I,§ 109,§ 309,pp. 47 e ,103 e .

[442]  St. Clement of Alexandria, The Miscellanies , or Stromata ,Bk. I,ch. 13,tr. W. Wilson,“Ante-Nicene Christian Library”,IV,389.

[443]   Geschichte der Philosophie ,“Einleitung”,Felix Meiner,I,126-9.

[444]   Richard II ,III. ii. 155 ff..

[445]  A. de Vigny, Journal d ’ Un poète , op . cit .,II,1222.

[446]  James Joyce, Ulysses ,The Odyssey Press,536:“The Fan:‘Have you forgotten me?’Bloom:‘Nes. Yo.’”;cf. Evelyn Waugh, Sword of Honour ,687:“Uncle Peregrine:‘Yes and no. More no than yes perhaps... Yes and no. More yes than no’”.

[447]  Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars ,VIll. 2:“per contumeliam anteambulonem fratris appellat”,“Loeb”,II,284,note(Horace, Epist .,I. 17. 43;Martial,II,18. 5).

[448]  S. Ullmann, Principles of Semantics ,2nd ed.,58.

[449]  F. Mauthner, Kritik der Sprache ,3. Aufl.,I,86-7(Fluch der Sprache);III,629-32(Unzufriedenheit mit der Sprache).

[450]  A. France, Le Jardin d ’ Epicure , Oeuvres complètes ,Calmann-Lévy,IX,430-1.

[451]  Hamann,quoted in F. Mauthner, op . cit .,I,335;II,718.

[452]  Cf. V. Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,tr. A. Bongiorno and A. Livingston,§§ 114-6,336-7,Dover ed.,I,61,229-30;Ch. Perelman, The Idea of Justice and the Problem of Argument ,tr. J. Petrie,143-4.

[453]   Phänomenologie des Geistes ,Berlin:Akademie Verlag,229.

[454]   Götzendämmerung ,“Streifzüges eines Unzeitgemässen”,§ 26, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,II,1005.

[455]   Treatise on the Improvement of Understanding ,in J. Wild,ed., Spinoza , Selections ,35.

[456]   Leviathan ,I. 4,Routledge,14 ff..

[457]  Bentham, Theory of Fictions ,ed. C. K. Ogden,12,15-6.

[458]  Aulus Gellius,II. iii, op . cit .,II,210.

[459]   Il Convito ,III. 4, Opere ,ed. E. Moore and P. Toynbee,275;Cf. La Divina Commedia ,Ricciardi,320 n.;Campanella, La Cantica ,Proemio, Opere di G. Bruno e di T. Campanella ,Ricciardi,787.

[460]   Italienische Reise ,2 Jan. 1787, Sämtliche Werke ,“Tempel-Klassiker”,XIII,159.

[461]  Mauthner, op . cit .,I,81-2,117-20(das heilige Schweigen),III,617-8(die Stummen des Himmels);M. Scheler, Die Wissensformen und die Gesellschaft ,63(sanctum silentium).

[462]  S. Ullmann, Semantics ,173. cf. Hobbes, op . cit .,p. 18.

[463]  Heidegger, Sein und Zeit ,I te ,Hälfte,3. Aufl.,165(der Mensch als Seiendes,das redet).

[464]  Plotin, Ennéades ,V. 3. 13:“C’est pourquoi,en vérité,il est ineffable;quoi que vous diriez,vous direz quelque chose :or ce qui est au-delà de toutes choses,...

n’a pas de nom;car ce nom scrait autre chose que lui”;14:“Nous pouvons parler de lui,mais non pas l’exprimer lui-même... il est trop haut et trop grand pour être appelé l’être... supérieur au verbe”(tr. É. Bréhier,V,67,68).

[465]  B. Croce, La Poesia ,5 a ed.,131(W. von Humboldt).

[466]   Thirteen Epistles ,Letter VII,tr. L. A. Post,96-7. Cf. E. Cassirer, Die Philosophie des symbolischen Formen ,I,63-5.

[467]  Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism ,12 th ed.,80.

[468]   Correspondence ,Letter L(to Jarig Jelles),tr. A. Wolf,270. Cf. Ethica ,I,Prop. viii,Schol,1,“Classiques Garnier”,I,30.

[469]  德國詩人(Klopstock)教人修詞立言以簡省爲貴(die Kürze),愈省愈妙,或評之曰:“若然,則以此教人時即已自背其教矣”(Sie konnte ja nicht mitreden,ohne ihren Charakter zu verleugnen)(A. W. Schlegel:“Der Wettstreit der Sprachen”, Kritische Schriften und Briefe ,W. Kohlhammer,I,252),可參觀。

[470]   Phänomenologie des Geistes , op. cit. ,19.

[471]  Aristotle, Metaphysics ,I. 5,985 b 23.

[472]  Cf. J. Cohn, Theorie der Dialektik ,218:“Die Mystik geht vom Widerspruche unmittelbar zum Absoluten über,in dem er gelöst gedacht wird (coincidentia oppositorum)-ihr fehlt der Fortgang;... sie benutzt ihn nur als Sprungbrett,von dem aus sie sich in Fluten der Alleinheit schwingt.”

[473]  Aristotle, Politics ,I. viii, Basic Works ,Random House,1137.

[474]  Spinoza, Ethica ,I,Appendix,Garnier,I,105.

[475]  D. Mornet, Les Sciences de la Nature en France au 18 e Siècle ,152 ff.;E. Cassirer, Rousseau , Kant , Goethe ,65 ff..

[476]  Lucretius,IV. 823-835,“Loeb”,306.

[477]   Advancement of Learning ,III. 4, The Physical and Metaphysical Works of Bacon ,ed. J. Devey,141.

[478]  Spinoza, Ethica ,IV,Praefatio, op. cit. ,T. II,p. 4.

[479]  Voltaire, Candide ,ch. 1(Pangloss)( Romans et contes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,145,661 note);Heine:“Zur Teleologie”(Fragment).

[480]  Cf. Schopenhauer, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung ,IV,§ 54, Sämtl. Werke ,hrsg. E. Grisebach,I,362:“ Natura non contristatur .”

[481]  Pliny, Natural History ,VII. 1,“Loeb”,II,506;Leopardi:“La Ginestra”, Opere ,Ricciardi,I,157.

[482]  F. Th. Vischer, Auch Einer ,Insel Verlag,21,26,68-9. cf. Poe:“The Angel of the Odd”, Poems and Miscellanies ,Oxford,159;Zola, Pages d ’ Exil ,publiées et annotées par Colin Burns,50(les objets se cachent parfois pour nous éprouver);Swinburne, Letters ,ed. Cecil Y. Lang,VI,64(malevolent furniture);Santayana, Letters ,ed. Daniel Cory,15(the joke of things at our expense).

[483]  J. S. Mill, Three Essays on Religion ,Longmans,p. 29.

[484]  Cf. Pubilius Syrus,§ 128:“Crudelis lacrimis pascitur non frangitur”, Minor Latin Poets “Loeb”,30;M. Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie 11(die Grausamkeit als eine Funktion des Nachfühlens).

[485]  A. Huxley, Grey Eminence ,137-8,186.

[486]  Cf. Scheler:“Ordo Amoris”:“Die Indifferenzzone ist nur einer idealer Schnitt,der von unserem wechselnden Gemütsverhalten nie völlig erreicht wird”, Schriften aus dem Nachlass ,I,252.

[487]  Livy,II. xxxii,9-12;cf. Shakespeare, Coriolanus ,I,i. 99 ff..

[488]  Evelyn Underhill, op. cit. ,145,169,198,231(the purgative life and the unitive life).

[489]  Marcus Aurelius, Meditations ,IV. 41,tr. T. J. Jackson,90;Epictetus, Discourses ,IV. 1,“Loeb”,II,269. Cf. Ennéades ,I. i. 10,tr. É. Bréhier,I,46.

[490]   La Vie de Plotin ,in Ennéades ,T. I,p. 1.

[491]   The Romans ,11,14.

[492]  Francis Thompson:“Health and Holiness”:“The body was proclaimed enemy,and as an enemy it was treated”( Works ,III,251).

[493]  Aulus Gellius,X. xvii,“Loeb”,II,260. Cf. Descartes, Méditations métaphysiques . III:“Je fermerai maintenant les yeux,je boucherai mes oreilles,je détournerai tous mes sens”,etc..

[494]  Cf. Montesquieu, Lettres Persanes ,ix,Garnier,19,Le Premier Eunuque:“Hélas!on éteignit en moi l’effet des passions,sans en éteindre la cause.”

[495]  Matthew,14 12;cf. Augustine, Confessions ,VIII. 1,“Loeb”,I,404.

[496]  E. Westermarck, Early Beliefs and their Social Influence ,122-3.

[497]  Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra ,“Von den Verächten des Leibes”, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,II,300.

[498]  Livy,I. 1 viii. 9(Collatinus et al to Lucretia),“Loeb”,I,202;St. Augustine, The City of God ,I. xviii,“Loeb”,Vol. I,p. 80,cf. XIV. iii:“anima peccatrix fecit esse corruptibilem carnem”.

[499]  E. g. Machiavelli, La Mandragola ,III. xi:“perchè la volontà è quella che pecca,non el corpo”( Opere ,Ricciardi,1014);Boccaccio, Il Decamerone ,III. 8:“perciò che ella[la santità]dimora nell’anima e quello che io vi domando è peccato del corpo”,x. 5:“per questa volta il corpo ma non l’animo gli concedo”(ed. Hoepli,219,619);Montaigne, Essais ,II. xii:“l’offense consiste en la volonté,non en la poictrine,aux yeux,aux genitoires”(éd. “Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”,503);Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece ,1655-6:“Though my gross blood be stain’d with this abuse,/Immaculate and spotless is my mind”;Voltaire, L ’ Ingénu ,ch. 20:“Le crime ne peut être que dans le coeur,le vôtre est à la vertu et à moi”( Romans et Contes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,290).

【增訂四】莎士比亞《情人怨》中亦道此意(All my offences that abroad you see/ Are errors of the blood,none of the mind. - A Lover ’ s Complaint ,183-4)。

[500]  Cf. Wordsworth, The Prelude ,Bk. VI,3-4,ed. E. de Selincourt and Helen Darbishire,265:“as if distance had the power/To make the sounds more audible.”

[501]   Modern Painters ,Pt I,Sect. iii,ch. 3,George Routledge,I,253.

[502]  T. S. Eliot, To Criticize the Critic ,187.

[503]   Wissenschaft der Logik , op. cit. ,III,367,374.

[504]  H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic ,2nd ed.,533-4;J. Passmore, Philosophical Thinking ,50-1(the spelling out of analogies).

[505]  Cf. Joseph de Maistre, Les Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg ,7 e Entretien,“Les Classiques Garnier”,II,25:“ In mutua funera ,Déjà,dans le règne végétal,on commence à sentir la loi”,etc.;Leopardi, Il Zibaldone ,a cura di F. Flora,II,1005-6:“Entrate in un giardino di piante,d’erbe,di fiori”etc.;Hardy:“In a Wood”:“Combatants all!” etc.;Heinrich Lerch:“Im Schützengraben”:“Zwei gleiche Bäume stehn Zusammen nicht”etc..

[506]  B. Dunham, Man against Myth ,62 ff.,72 ff..

[507]  Hume, Treatise of Human Nature ,Bk. I,Pt. iv,Sect. 7,“Everyman’s Library”,I,249,254.

[508]  Diderot:“Philosophie pyrrhonienne”, Oeuvres complètes ,éd. J. Assézat,XVII,491;Kierkegaard, Journals ,tr. A. Dru,156. Cf. L. Nelson, Socratic Method and Critical Philosophy ,tr. T. K. Brown III,9,101.

[509]  Molière, Tartuffe ,IV. 5.

[510]  Heine, Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland ,I, Sämtliche Werke ,Weichert,VIII,24-6.

[511]   Treatise ,Bk I,Pt iii,Sect. 2(the idea of cause and effect);Pt iv,Sect. 6(personal identity)( op. cit. ,I,76 ff.,238 ff.). Cf. M. R. Cohen, The Meaning of Human History ,64:“Hume’s argument is analogous to Zeno’s argument against motion by resolving time and space into an infinity of disconnected points and instants.”

[512]  Leibniz, Novreaux Essais sur l ’ Entendement ,Préface, Philosophischen Schriften ,hrsg. C. J. Gerhardt. V,47.

[513]  W. James, Principles of Psychology ,I,164-5(an excellent example of the so-called fallacy of division).

[514]  Hegel, Wissenschaft der Logik , op. cit. ,I,490. Cf. Leibniz, op. cit . Préface,49(La nature ne fait jamais de sauts);Liv. IV,ch. 16,§ 12,S. 455.

[515]   The Phoenix and the Turtle ,st. 7.

[516]   Biographia Literaria ,ch. 14.

[517]  觀其議論,僅略知一二漢字之拼音而已,如謂“po”一音有“玻”(glas)、“擘”(zerspalten)、“潑”(wässern)、“婆”(altes weib)、“僕”(sklave)、“薄”(ein wenig)等十一義( Philosophie der Geschichte ,I Teil,ii Abschnitt,Reclam,191),亦猶法國傳教士(Père Bourgeois)歎漢語難學,“chou”一音即有“書”(a book)、“樹”(a tree)、“述”(to relate)、“輸”(the loss of a wager)等六義也(I. Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature ,I,268.)。

【增訂三】法國傳教士論漢文難學,見於一七六九年十月十五日渠自北京致某夫人書,書存《宣化述奇彙牘》中(Du Halde, Lettres édifiantes et curieusrs de Chine ,ed. I et J. -L. Vissière,1979,469)。

[518]   Wissenschaft der Logik , op. cit. ,III,365.

[519]   Ib .,II,80;III,373,375; Aesthetik ,Aufbau,69; Phänomenologie des Geistes , op. cit. ,20; Geschichte der Philosophie ,Felix Meiner,I,118,cf. 109.

[520]   Purgatorio ,XXV. 74-5.

[521]  “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”, Poetical Works ,Oxford,248.

[522]  Platon, Les Lois ,898 a, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,1024.

[523]  Plotin, Ennéades ,I. vi. 8,II. ii,1,IV. iv. 16,V. ix. 1,tr. É. Bréhier,I,104,II,21,IV,117,V,161-2.

[524]  Cf. St. Luke,14:11-22(the prodigal son).

[525]  Proclus, Elements of Theology ,tr. E. R. Dodds,Prop . 35,33,2(pp. 39,37,3);cf. Prop. 15,17,31-2,37,42,146(pp. 17,19,35,37,41,45,129).

[526]  Meister Eckhart, Sermons ,tr. J. M. Clark,Sermon XXI,p. 230;cf. p. 27.

[527]  Cf. Diogenes Laertius,IX. 58:“Metrodorus used to declare that he knew nothing,not even the fact that he knew nothing”.(“Loeb”,II,471;cf. 102 and 104,pp. 513,515)

[528]  Angellus Silesius:“Gott aber selbst zu lassen”(L. Forster, The Penguin Book of German Verse ,144);M me Guyon:“Les âmes en Dieu perdues, /Ne voient plus même leur rien”.(A. J. Steele, Three Centuries of French Verse ,221).

[529]  Susanne K. Langer,ed., Reflections on Art ,111.

[530]  Cf. J. Volkelt, System der Aesthetik ,III,110(die sinnliche Ergänzung);A. Russo, L’Arte e le Arti ,17-9(lc sensazioni concomitanti immaginate).

[531]   Ennéades ,I vi. 8;V. ix. 1, op. cit. ,I,104 et V,161-2.

[532]   Confessions ,X. 27;cf. I. 2:“Quo te invoco,cum in te sim?”,“Loeb”,I,4.

[533]  Angelus Silesius, Der Cherubinische Wandersmann ,F. J. Warnke, European Metaphysical Poetry ,192.

[534]   Journal des Goncourt ,5 Avril 1864,Éd. définitive,II,149.

[535]  Marino, L ’ Adone ,V. 24, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,76.

[536]  Horace, Epist .,I. xi. 28-9;Goethe:“Sprüche”.

[537]  Heine, Romanzen :“An meine Mutter B. Heine”,ii.

[538]  Montaigne, Essais ,II. 12,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,431-2. Cf. Proust, Le Côté de Guermantes :“La vérité n’a pas besoin d’être dite pour être manifestée”,etc., A la Recherche du Temps perdu ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,66;Martin Buber, Between Man and Man ,tr. by R. G. Smith,p. 3:“For a conversation( Zwiesprache )no sound is necessary,not even a gesture”etc..

[539]  Schiller:“Sprache”, Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,2. Aufl. I,184.

[540]  Bruno, Degli eroici furori ,II,Dial. iv, Opere di Bruno e di Campanella ,Ricciardi,648.

[541]  K. Vossler, The Spirit of Language in Civilization ,tr. O. Oeser,33-4(Rilke, Das Stundenbuch ,II:“und sich den andern immer anders zeigt”);cf. G. Marcel, Homo Viator ,312:“A chaque instant Rilke brise les images qu’il vient de former et leur en Substitue d’autres qui peuvent paraître inverses ”.

[542]  La Rochefoucauld, Oeuvres ,“Les Grands Écrivains de la France”,I,151,note.

[543]  Pindar, Pythian Odes ,III. 81-2,“Loeb”,193.

[544]  Hegel, Geschichte der Philosophie ,“Berliner Einleitung”,Felix Meiner,I, 27;Feuerbach:“Das Geheimnis des Opfers”, Sämtliche Werke ,hrsg. W. Bolin und F. Jodl,X,41.

[545]  Jonas Cohn, Theorie der Dialektik ,219:“Die beliebteste Ausdruckform dieser Geisteshaltung,die man ‘intuitionistisch’nennen kann,ist das Oxymoron”;cf. 110.

[546]  Max Wehrli, Deutsche Barocklyrik ,3. Auf. 170.

[547]  San Juan de la Cruz, Noche Escura del Alma ,II. 5 (E. A. Peers, Spanish Mysticism ,223);Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg:“Ueber das unaussprechliche heilige Geistes-Eingeben”(Wehrli,183);J. Rousset, Anthologie di la Poésie baroque française ,I,Introduction,20;Henry Vaughan:“The Nihgt”( Works ,ed. L. C. Martin,523).

[548]  John Donne, Devotions ,XV( Complete Poetry and Selected Prose ,ed. J. Hayward,534);Richard Crashaw:“A Hymne to Sainte Teresa”( Poetical Works ,ed.,L. C. Martin,2nd ed.,319);Quirinus Kuhlmann:“Unio Mystica”(Wehrli,189).

[549]  Fr. von Spee:“Die Gespons Jesu klaget ihrem Hertzen Brand”(F. J. Warnke, European Metaphysical Poetry ,164).

[550]  例如《逍遥遊》堯與許由節,成玄英疏即曰:“然觀莊文則貶堯而推許,尋郭註乃劣許而優堯,何耶?”然郭之“優堯”,乃謂堯較許爲更符莊旨,故前闢“當塗者”之“若謂”云云,而後復稱“堯實冥矣”,譏“世”之莫“識”。蓋異於莊而不敢質言,貌若申莊者也。又如《胠篋》聖人利天下少而害天下多節,郭註:“信哉斯言!斯言雖信而猶不可無聖者”云云,欲匡正莊而必先將順焉,所謂“唯唯否否”也。又如《秋水》落馬首、穿牛鼻節,郭註:“人之生也,可不服牛乘馬乎?”云云至“則天理滅矣”,實駁詰而復曲意彌縫也。

[551]  西方古修詞學名之爲“階梯法”(gradatio),參觀H. Lausberg, Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik ,I,315。

[552]  Arnold:“Morality”.

[553]  Cf. Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique ,art.“Métamorphose”, Oeuvres complètes ,ed. L. Moland,XX,75.(Tout paraît enfin métamorphosé dans la nature.)

[554]  Cf. E. Rhode, Psyche ,tr. W. B. Hillis,“International Library of Philosophy,Psychology and Scientific Method”,342,346-7,361;A. Lalande, Vocabulaire technique et critique de la Philosophie ,9 e éd.,623.

[555]   Phänomenologie des Geistes ,Berlin:Akademie Verlag,15.

[556]  George Herbert:“Gidinesse”, Works ,ed. E. F. Hutchinson,127.

[557]  Marcel Proust, Du Côté de chez Swann ,ii; A l ’ Ombre des Jeunes Filles en Fleurs ,ii( A la Recherche du Temps perdu ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,I,372,671-2).

[558]  Luigi Pirandello, Uno , Nessuno e Centomila ,Lib. II,cap. 5, Opere ,a cura di C. Alvardo,I,1310.

[559]   Ethica ,IV,Prop . xxxix,Schol.,“Classiques Garnier”,II,84.

[560]  Schopenhauer, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung ,IV,§ 54.

[561]  Jane Austen, Letters ,ed. R. W. Chapman,2nd ed.,148;John Keats, Letters ,ed. H. E. Rollins,II,208.

[562]  Francisco de Quevedo:“Soneto:Ah de la Vida”,Eleanor L. Turnbull, Ten Centuries of Spanich Poetry ,308;Thomas Mann, Der Zauberberg ,Kap. 5, Gesammelte Werke ,Aufbau,II,379. Cf. Montaigne, Essais ,III. xiii,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,1063;J. -B. Chassignet, Mespris de la Vie ,Sonnet v,J. Rousset, Anthologie de la Poésie baroque française ,I,199.

[563]  Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers ,I,33,“Loeb”,I,35.

[564]  Swift, Gulliver ’ s Travels ,III. ii,Oxford,192-3.

[565]  Cf. Grillparzer, Aphorismen :“Zwischen nichts wissen und Nichts wissen-”, Gesammelte Werke ,hrsg. E. Rollett und A. Sauer,II,107.

[566]  Francisco de Ossuna, Tercer Abecedario Espiritual ,XXI. 4,Allison Peers, Spanish Mysticism ,74,191.

[567]  Baudelaire:“Tout Entière”, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade,116. Cf. R. -B. Chérix, Commentaire des “ Fleurs du Mal ”,31-6;P. Mansell Jones, The Background of Modern French Poetry ,16,31,37.

[568]  略見《通感》。

[569]  Cf. Coleridge, Biographia Literaria ,ed. J. Shawcross,II,103;J. -P. Sartre, L ’ Imaginaire ,139-141.

[570]  Shakespeare, The Tempest ,IV. i. 177-8.

[571]  D’Annunzio:“Notturno”,E. di Michelis, Tutto D ’ Annunzio ,530.

[572]  G. Pascoli:“Il Gelsomino notturno”, Opere ,Mondadori,1058.

[573]  Freud, Die Traumdeutung ,6. Aufl.,123(Verschiebung,Traumentstellung).

[574]   Ib . 85 ff.,116,158;15 ff..

[575]  Freud, op.cit .,95,191.

[576]  Cf. Aristotle,on Prophesying by Dreams,ch. 1, Basic Works ,Random House,626-7;C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image ,163(Macrobius, Onocresius :“Veridical dreams”).

[577]  Freud, op . cit .,7.

[578]  De Quincey, Suspiria de Profundis :“The Palimpsest of the Human Brain”, Collected Writings ,ed. D. Masson,XIII,346,348;cf. James Sully,quoted in Freud, op. cit. ,95(like some palimpsest etc.).

[579]  Freud, op. cit. ,101.

[580]  Plutarch, Moralia :“How a Man becomes aware of his Progress in Virtue”,12,“Loeb” I,441-3;cf. P. Shorey, Platonism Ancient and Modern ,196( Republic ,571 C ff.).

[581]  St Augustine, Confessions ,X. 30,“Loeb”,II,152;cf. Paradise Lost ,V,108 ff..

[582]  Boswell, The Ominous Years ,11 Jan. 1776,ed. C. Ryskamp and F. A. Pottle,218.

[583]  Hoffmann, Die Elixiere des Teufels , Sämtliche Werke ,hrsg. C. G. v. Maassen,II,263.

[584]   op. cit. ,449.

[585]   Histoire naturelle ,IV, Pages choisies ,Larousse,32.

[586]   op. cit. ,34.

[587]  Ib. 352(Goethe,Keller).

[588]  Apuleius, Metamorphoseon ,IV. 27.

[589]  Sacchetti, Il Trecentonovelle ,no. 164. Opere ,Rizzoli,551.

[590]  R. Hoggart, The Uses of Literacy ,29.

[591]  Freud, op. cit. ,243.

[592]  J. C. Flugel, Man , Morals and Society ,147.

[593]  Nietzsche, Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie ,I, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,I,212.

[594]  Horace, Epistolae ,II. ii. 128-41,“Loeb”,434. Cf. Montaigne, Essais ,II. xii op. cit. ,474-5;La Rochefoucauld, Réflexions morales ,92 et 528, op. cit. ,71,252-3.

[595]  C. I. Frugoni:“Poeta e Re”,E. M. Fusco, La Lirica ,I,414.

[596]  Thomas Hood:“Tim Turpin”, Poetical Works ,ed. W. Jerrold,88;Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra :“Von den Erlösung”, op. cit. ,II,392;G. Clemenceau, Le Voile du Bonheur ;V. Mercier, Irish Comic Tradition ,35(Synge, The Well of the Saints ;Yeats, The Cat and the Moon ).

[597]  Cf. Orlando Furioso ,XLIII. vi,Hoepli,457:“Ben sarebbe folle/chi quel che non vorria trovar cercasse”etc.; Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. II,Sect. III,Mem. VIII,Bell,II,238(ignorance as panacea of evils);M. Prior:“To the Honourable Charles Montague”, Literary Works ,ed. H. B. Wright and M. K. Spears,109:“If We see right,We see our woes”etc.;Swift, A Tale of a Tub ,ix,Oxford,497:“This is the sublime and refined point of felicity,called,the possession of being well-deceived.”

[598]  Coleridge, Biographia Literaria ,ch. 12;La Chaussée, La Gouvernante ,I. iii.

[599]  Cf. I. Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature ,III,238 ff.(Political religionism).

[600]  Cf. V. Pinot, La Chine et la Formation de l ’ Esprit Philosophique en France ,73-5.

[601]  Cf. Hegel, Phänomenologie des Geistes ,Akademie Verlag,20:“nicht eine ursprüngliche Einheit als solche , oder unmittelbare als solche”.

[602]  Bergson, La Pensée et le Mouvant ,241.

[603]  Marjorie Hope Nicolson, Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory ,160-3.

[604]  Rivarol, Écrits politiques et littéraires ,choisis par V. -H. Debidour,132-3. Cf. Bacon, The Advancement of Learning ,Bk II,ed. A. Wright,76 (the ancient fable);Kant, Anthropologie ,§ 40, Werke ,hrsg. E. Cassirer,VIII,84-5 (die verstandlose Sinnlichkeit wie ein Volk ohne Oberhaupt usw.).

[605]  Cf. Ennéades ,I. vi. 2,tr. É. Bréhier,I,27:“Est laid aussi tout ce qui n’est pas dominé par une forme et par une raison,parce que la matière n’a pas admis complètement l’information par l’idée”; Paradiso ,I. 129, La Divina Commedia ,Ricciardi,794:“perch’a risponder la materia è sorda”(cf. XIII. 76-8,p. 954).

[606]  L. Pareyson, Estetica : Teoria della Formatività ,ed. 2 a ,33-5.

[607]   ib .,40.

[608]  Cf. Lotze, Logic ,tr. B. Bosanquet,I,8:“A tool mustfulfil two conditions:fit the thing and fit the hand”;H. Focillon, Vie des Formes ,Leroux,58:“Il existe entre la main et l’outil une familiarité humaine... Ce qui agit est agi à son tour.”

[609]  H. Focillon, op. cit. ,23,51-2,71;J. Pommier, Questions de Critique et d ’ Histoire littéraire ,84-5.

[610]  Lyly, Campaspe ,III. iv(Appelles to Alexander).

[611]  Pliny, Natural History ,XXXV. 36,“Loeb”,IX,310.

[612]  F. A. Lange, The History of Materialism ,tr. E. C. Thomas,II,75,n. 72;cf. I. 243.

[613]  Berni, Orlando Innamorato ,II. xxiv,quoted in Orlando Furioso ,tr. John Hoole,Vol. I,“Introduction”,p. xxxix.

[614]   Il Principe ,cap. 7 e 25; Discorsi ,II 29,30 e III,9; La Vita di Castruccio Castracani da Lucca ( op. cit. ,22,80-2,297-9,302-3,344,552).

[615]  Bruno, Cabala del Cavallo Pegaseo con l ’ aggiunta dell ’ Asino Cillnico ,Dialogo 1, op. cit. ,553.

[616]  Mme Guyon:“Conduite d’Abandon à Dieu”,J. Rousset, Anthologie de la Poésie baroque française ,I,137 et 139.

[617]  Pascal, Pensées ,no. 233,éd,V. Giraud,150.

[618]  É. Gilson, Les Idées et les Lettres ,268,270,274;cf. E. Baudin, La Philosophie de Pascal ,I,64-5.

[619]  Cf. Montaigne, Essais ,III. xii op. cit. ,1012-3;V. Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,§ 2086, op. cit. ,II,1446(contradictory derivations of a given residue).

[620]  Gomperz, Greek Thinkers , op . cit .,II,214.

[621]  Fitzgerald, Rubaiyàt ,XIII;cf. Shakespeare,I Henry IV ,V. i. 131 ff.:“What is honour?A Word”etc.

[622]  James, Principles of psychology ,I,291.

[623]  Leopardi, Zibaldone , op. cit. I,1016;Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena ,“Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit”,Kap. 4, Sämtl . Werke ,hrsg. P. Deussen,IV,372.

[624]  A. O. Lovejoy, Reflections on Human Nature ,82,92.

[625]  Cf. Goethe, Faust ,II,7003-4:“Am Ende hängen wir doch ab/ Von Kreaturen,die wir machten”(i. e. Homunculus);Mary Shelley, Frankenstein ,ch. 10,The Heritage Press,104:“Remember,thou hast made me more powerful than thyself... I am thy creature”etc.

[626]   Philosophie der Geschichte ,Reclam,64.

[627]  W. Wundt, Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie ,6,Auf.,III,764 ff.; Völkerpsychologie ,VII,387. Cf. C. von Ehrenfels, System der Werttheorie ,133(Zielfolge nach abwärts).

[628]   The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch. 52,“The World’s Classics”,VI,29-30.

[629]  La Bruyère, Les Caractères ,IV. 63-64,Hachette,116.

[630]  T. Gaudiosi:“Infelicità della Vita umana”, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,1077.

[631]  Eckermann, Gespräche mit Goethe ,27 Jan. 1824,Aufbau,102.

[632]  Tomasi di Lampedusa, Il Gattopardo ,Feltrinelli,168-9.

[633]  Blake, Marriage of Heaven and Hell :“Proverbs of Hell”.

[634]  Freud, Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse ,Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag,425-6.

[635]  Eckhart,quoted in C. G. Jung, Psychologischen Typen ,340. cf. J. B. Yeats, Letters to His Son and Others ,179(the word“invitation”should be substituted for “temptation”etc.).

[636]  Max Scheler, Die Wissensformen und die Gesellschaft ,19,63.

[637]  James, Varieties of Religious Experience ,378;E. Westermarck, Origin and Development of Moral Ideas ,II,591;A. Huxley, Texts and Pretexts ,19-20.

[638]   Khāndogya ,VI. viii. 1-2, The Sacred Books of the East ,I,98-9.

[639]   Brihadāranyaka ,IV,iii,21, The Sacred Books of the East ,XV,128.

[640]  Leone Ebreo, Dialoghi d ’ Amore ,Dial. I,ed.,S. Caramella,46.

[641]  J. Clark, Meister Eckhart ,203,242.

[642]  Fr. Schlegel, Literary Notebooks ,ed. H. Eichner,§§ 1316,1357,1499,pp. 138,142,153,275(note).

[643]  D. H. Lawrence, Collected Letters ,ed. H. T. Moore,II,1249-1250;cf. A. Huxley, The Olive Tree :“D. H. Lawrence”,204,206.

[644]  Cf. M. Praz, The Romantic Agony ,tr. A. Davidson,83,357(the nobie bandit).

[645]   Timon of Athens ,IV. iii. 427 ff..

[646]  Maupassant:“Une Vendetta”, Contes du Jour et de la Nuit ,Conard,137 ff..

[647]  G. H. S. Razran, Conditioned Responses ,5:“Association is not a special attribute of the mind,but a universal property of protoplasm.”

[648]  L. Pareyson, Estetica ,2 a ed.,39.

[649]  D. G. Ruggiero, La Filosofia Moderna ,III,66-7(Vico). Cf. E. Staiger, Grundbegriffe der Poetik ,“Nachwort”,5. Aufl.,236-7:“Die Substantive Epos,Lyrik,Drama gebraucht man in der Regel als Namen für das Fach,in das eine Dichtung als Ganzes nach bestimmten äusserlich sichtbaren Merkmalen gehört. Die Adjektive lyrisch,episch,dramatisch dagegen erhalten sich als Namen einfacher Qualitäten,an denen eine bestimmte Dichtung Anteil haben kann oder auch nicht”.

[650]   Genesis ,11,6-8.

[651]  W. Jaeger, Paideia ,tr. G. Haighet,III,79. Cf. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch. 5,note 104,“The World’s Classics”,V 552;E. J. Jacobs,ed., Italian Renaissance Studies ,63(B. Varchi, L ’ Ercolano :“Questo nome barbaro è voce equivoca. ...quando si riferisce all’animo,...alla diversità o lontananza delle regioni,...al favellare”etc.).

[652]  F. Sacchetti, Trecentonovelle ,no. 160, Opere ,Rizzoli,531.

[653]  J. Huizinga, Homo Ludens ,tr. R. F. C. Hull,139-40.

[654]  Nicholas Breton:“The Will of Wit”,A. H. Bullen ed., Poems Chiefly Lyrical from Romances and Prose-Tracts of the Elizabethan Age ,57.

[655]  Hyginus, Fabulae ( Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. I,Mem. III,Subs. X,Bell,I,314);Goethe, Faust ,II,Akt V,1385.

[656]  Pliny, Natural History ,VIII,xi,“Loeb”,III,26;Shelley:“A Vision of the Sea”,138 ff.; The Adventures of Baron Munchausen ,Pt I,ch. I.

[657]   II Henry IV ,III. ii. 333(Falstaff on Shallow); As You Like It ,IV. i. 153:“more giddy in my desires than a monkey.”Cf. Herrick:“Lacon and Thyrsis”:“Ever gamesome as an ape”, Poetical Works ,ed. L. C. Martin,306 and 562 note.

[658]  Maurice Cranston, John Locke ,190.

[659]  E. et J. de Goncourt, Journal ,3 Janvier 1857,Édition définitive,I,127.

[660]   The Greek Anthology ,IX. 11,Philippus of Isidorus,“Loeb”,III,7. Cf. IX. 12,Leonidas of Alexandria;13,Plato the Younger;14,Antiphilus of Byzantium(pp. 7,9).

[661]  Florian, Fables :“L’Aveugle et le paralytique”, Oeuvres ,“Collection des Grands Classiques Français et Étrangers”,33.

[662]  G. -C. Lichtenberg, Aphorismen ,hrsg. A. Leitzmann,III,102;cf. Don Quijote ,I. 50, op. cit. ,IV,285,Sancho:“... Yà Dios y véamonos,como dijo un ciego à otro.”

[663]  C. Collodi, Le Awenture di Pinocchio ,cap. 12,Salani,48;cf. cap. 36,p. 198.

[664]  Vauvenargues, Oeuvres choisies ,“La Renaissance des Livres”,161;Schopenhauer, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung ,Ergänzungen zum zweiten Buch,Kap. 19,“Vom Primat des Willens im Selbstbewusstseyn”.

[665]  Diogenes Laertus, Lives of Eminent Philosophers ,II. 81,“Loeb”,I,209.

[666]  Ch. Sorel, Histoire comique de Francion ,Liv. II,“Société des Textes Français Modernes”,II,145;cf. “She doesn’t know what briar scratched her.”

[667]  Cf. Sacchetti, Trecentonovelle ,no. 126, op. cit. ,394:“Etu come sai che tu sei figliuolo di cui tu ti tieni?non lo saprebbe né provare,né mostrare.”

[668]  Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Pt. III,Sect. I,Mem. I,Subs. II and Sect. III,Mem. III Subs. I;“Everyman’s”,III,16,155.

[669]   Dictionnaire Philosophique ,art. “Beau”, Oeuvres Complètes ,éd. L. Moland,XVII,556.

[670]  Cf. A. Koestler, The Act of Creation ,76(The paradox of the centipede).

[671]  W. H. Sheldon, Process and Polarity ,11:“To the polar opposites,right and left foot,are added the polar opposites,poise and fall-the second pair,joining with the first,give the process of advance”.

[672]  V. Garshin:“Liagushka-Putieshestvytsa”.

[673]  G. F. Lahey, G. M. Hopkins ,155.

[674]   Faust ,II,11391; Die Wunderblume und andere Märchen ,Berlin:Verlag Kultur und Fortschritt,229. Cf. George Herbert:“Confession”, Works ,ed. E. F. Hutchinson,126:“O what a cunning guest/Is this same grief!/Within my heart I made closets;and in them many a chest;/And like a master in my trade/In those chests boxes;in each box a till:/Yet grief knows all,and enters when he will”etc..

[675]   The Margites ,§ 5,in Hesiod , the Homeric Hymns , and Homerica ,“Loeb”,539;Cf. The Oxford Book of Greek Verse in Translation ,187,Archilochus.

[676]   Die Wunderblume :“Der Fuchs und das Eichhörnchen”, op. cit. ,457-8.

[677]  La Fontaine, Fables ,IX. 14,“Le Chat et le Renard”.

[678]  R. Bayer, Histoire de l ’ Esthétique ,57.

[679]  Pliny, Natural History ,XI,ivii. 157,“Loeb”,III,530.

[680]  Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra :“Von den Mitleidigen”, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,II,346. Cf. Scheler:“Ueber Scham und Schamgefühl”:“Diesel Gefühl gehört gleichsam dem Clair-obscur der menschlichen Natur an”( Schriften aus dem Nachlass ,I,55,cf. 70,78).

[681]  Samuel Butler, Characters and Passages from Notebooks ,ed. A. R. Waller,9,14.

[682]  W. Granville, A Dictionary of Theatrical Terms ,91.

[683]  Kafka, Erzählungen ,S. Fischer,85.

[684]  F. Strich, Kunst und Leben ,144;cf. H. Zulliger, Horde , Bande , Gemeinschaft ,18(das Miteinandersein im Gegensatz zum blossen Mitsein).

[685]  Claudian, In Eutropium ,I,303-6,“Loeb”,I,161.

[686]  G. Basile, Il Pentamerone ,tr. B. Croce,“Introduzione”,3(cf. 539,“Note e Illustrazioni”).

[687]  Plutarch, Moralia ,“Advice to Bride and Groom”,46,“Loeb”,II,335. Cf. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Pt. III,Sect. II,Mem. III,subs. IV“Everyman’s”,III,105( nocte latent mendae );Brantome, Vies des Dames Galantes ,Discours II,Garnier,152.

[688]  Cf. Greek Anthology ,X. 68,Agathias,“Loeb”,IV,39;Ovid, Metamorphoses ,IX,726 ff.(Iphis);Ariosto, Orlando Furioso ,XXV. 35-6(Fiordispina),Hoepli,264; Arabian Nights ,“The First Captain’s Tale”,tr. Powys Mathers,IV,478,486,488.

[689]   Inferno ,XXII. 58.

[690]  St. John Damascene, Barlaam and loasaph ,xii,Apologue 4,“Loeb”,187-9;A. Dobson, A Bookman ’ s Budget ,85-6(Jacob Cats).

[691]   The Adventures of Baron Munchausen ,ch. 1,Three Sirens Press,21.

[692]  Freud, Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse ,Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag,399-400.

[693]  A. Arthaber, Dizionario comparato di Proverbi ,628;cf. Villon, Le Testament ,“Ballade des Proverbes”.

[694]  Lichtenberg, op. cit. ,III,217.

[695]  E. g. Goethe, Faust ,I. 418:“Flieh!Auf!Hinaus in’s weite Land!”;Mallarmé:“Brise marine”:“Fuir!là-bas fuir!”Cf. Leopardi:“Dialogo di Cristoforo Colombo e di Pietro Gutierezz”( Opere ,Riccardo Ricciardi,I,602:“che per un tempo essa ci tiene liberi della noia”ecc.);Baudelaire:“Le Voyage”,“Any Where Out of the World”( Oeuvres complètes ,“Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”,198,355).

[696]  Horace, Carminum ,III,i. 40;Hermann Hesse:“An die Melancholie”(W. Rose, A Book of Modern German Lyric Verse ,96).

[697]  Cf. Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty ,Preface:“It is also evident that the painter’s eye may not be a bit better fitted to receive these new impressions who is in like manner too much captivated with the works of art”(ed.,J. Burke,24).

[698]  Cf. De Sanctis, Storia della Letteratura italiana ,cap. xi:“Lo scrittore non dice quello che pensa o immagina o sente,perchè non è l’immagine che gli sta innanzi,ma la frase di Orazio e di Virgilio”(ed. riveduta da A. Parente,I,342).

[699]  R. G. Collingwood, Principles of Art ,216.

[700]  A. Riemann, Die Aesthetik A. G. Baumgartens ,110:“Je mehr Einzelheiten...in einer verworren Vorstellung beisammen sind,... desto poetischer wird sie.”

[701]  Cf. N. Frye, Anatomy of Criticism ,72 ff.(The principle of manifold meaning);S. Ullmann, Semantics ,188 ff.(Ambiguity as a device of style);Winifred Nowottny, The Language Poets Use ,146 ff.(Ambiguity and “ambiguity”).

[702]  Cf. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit ,1. Hälfte,3. Aufl.,42:“Das Was-sein(essentia)dieses Seienden muss...aus seinem Sein(existentia)begriffen werden”.

[703]  Spenser:“Prosopopoia:or Mother Hubberds Tale”,952-3,629-630,900, Minor Works ,Variorum Edition by E. Greenlaw et al .,II,130,122,129.

[704]   Purgatorio ,XVII,57; Paradiso ,V. 133-4 e VIII. 53-4. 蠶種於六世紀已自吾國傳入羅馬,馬哥波羅東游歸後,意大利養蠶大盛(參觀L. Olschki, L ’ Asia di Marco Polo ,43),故但丁亦知有繭矣。

[705]  Croce, Estetica ,10 a ed.,51:“Lo stesso principio di contradizione non è altro,in fondo,che il principio estetico della coerenza.”

【增訂三】狄德羅論想像,有云:“詩人臆造事情,不異哲人推演事理,有條貫與無條貫之别而已”(Et le poète qui feint,et le philosophe qui raisonne,sont également,et dans le même sens,conséquents ou inconséquents-“De la Poésie dramatique”,X“Du Plan”, Oeuv , comp ,ed. J. Assézat,VII,334-5)。可與克羅采語合觀。

[706]  Brüder Grimm, kinder-und Hausmärchen ,“Der Gestiefelte Kater”,Berlin:Der Kinderbuchverlag,372-3.

[707]  W. Muschg, Tragische Literaturgeschichte ,3. Aufl.,97.

[708]  Amos,3.1:“Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you,O children of Israel,against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt,saying...”

[709]  Micah,2.7:“Is the Spirit of Jehovah straitened?are these his doings?Do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?”

[710]   Il-Decamerone ,III. 5,Hoepli,192-3.

[711]  Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,“Democritus to the Reader”(the world turned upside downward);E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Aufl.,104-8;J. Rousset, Circé et le paon ,Nouv,éd.,27,260.

[712]  “Verkehrte Welt”:“Wir gehen auf den Köpfen! /Die Kälber braten jetzt den Koch,/Auf Menschen reiten die Gäule”usw.

[713]  A. Preminger,ed., Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics ,5,“Adynaton”.

[714]   Don Juan ,II. 19-20:“And oh!if e’er I should forget,I swear”etc.,Variorum Edition by T. G. Steffan and W. W. Pratt,II,166-7.

[715]  Andrew Marvell:“The Definition of Love”.

[716]  Marlowe, Tamburlaine ,I. iii 11-3.

[717]  Brüder Grimm, op. cit. ,364,“Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen”. Cf. G. Borrow, The Bible in Spain ,ch. 32.“Everyman’s Lib.”,305:“A handless man a letter did write,/A dumb dictated it word for word”etc.;R. L. Green, A Century of Humorous Verse ,275:“Two dead men got up to fight,/Two blind men to see fair play”etc..

[718]  J. Spence, Anecdotes , Observations and Characters of Men and Books ,ed.,S. W. Singer,“Centaur Classics,”116;cf. Anonymous:“A Messe of Nonsense”, The Oxford Book of Seventeenth-Century English Verse ,893:“It was at noon neer ten a clock at night”etc..

[719]  Aristophanes, The Peace ,207,“Loeb”,II,21.

[720]   Confessions ,XII. iv,vi,viii,xvii,“Loeb”,II,292,294,300,326;cf. xx,xxii,xxix,pp. 332-4,338,361.

[721]  Cowley, Davideis ,I,789, The Oxford Book of Seventeenth-Century English Verse ,708. Cf. C. M. Walsh, The Doctrine of Creation ,p. 27.

[722]   Metaphysics , Bk II ,ch. 4, Basic Works of Aristotle ,Random House,755-6.

[723]  Schiller:“Der Nachahmer”, Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,2. Aufl.,I,182. Cf. Hegel, Geschichte der Philosophie ,“Einleitung”,Felix Meiner,I,112:“Goethe sagt daher mit Recht irgendwo:‘Das Gebildete wird immer wieder zum Stoff.’Die Materie,die Gebildete ist,Form hat,ist wieder Materie für eine neue Form.”

[724]   The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci ,tr. E. MacCurdy,II,281.

[725]  Cf. G. H. Luquet, L ’ Art primitif ,79(le réalisme intellectuel et le réalisme visuel).

[726]  Dante, Paradiso ,VII. 52-3.

[727]  Petrarca, Le Rime ,cxxxiv, Rime , Trionfie Poesie latine ,Ricciardi,196.

[728]  Shakespeare, Macbeth ,II. ii. 38.

[729]  Webster, The White Devil ,IV. i(Monticelso), Plays by Webster and Ford ,“Everyman’s”,49.

[730]  Cf. Spinoza. Ethica ,V. prop. 3:“Affectus,quipassioest,desinitessepassio,simulatque ejus claram et distinctam formamus ideam”,Garnier,II,176.

[731]  George Herbert:“Easter”, Works ,ed. E. F. Hutchinson,42,489,note.

[732]  W. James, Principles of Psychology ,I,239.

[733]   Purgatorio ,XIII,90.

[734]  La Boétie:“Vers à Marguerite de Carl”,in Montaigne, Essais ,III xiii, Bib . de la Pléiade ,1029.

[735]  參觀《宋詩選註》楊萬里《初入淮河》註四。

[736]  略似桓吉爾史詩遺稿缺而未完(inperfectos)之句,後人擱筆不能足成(Suetonius, De Poetis ,II“Loeb”,II,478)。

[737]  Hugo, L ’ Année Terrible ,Mai I,“Les Deux Trophées”;Musset, Les Confessions d ’ Un enfant du Siècle ,Ptie II,ch. 2;Arnold:“The Grande Chartreuse”. Cf. Chateaubriand, René ,Droz,30-1:“Le passé et le présent sont deux statues incomplètes:l’une a été retirée toute mutilée du débris des âges;l’autre n’a pas encore reçu sa perfection de l’avenir.”

[738]  Cf. F. H. Amiel, Journal intime ,31 oct. 1852:“Un paysage quelconque est un état de l’âme”.

[739]  Cf. H. Weber, La Création poétique au 16 e Siécle en France ,I,331-2(l’automne:la saison de la tristesse et de la mort et la saison des vins et des fruitages).

[740]   Aesthetik ,Berlin:Aufbau Verlag,146;cf. 82.

[741]  R. W. Stallman, The Critics ’ Notebook ,116. Cf. R. Wellek, History of Modern Criticism ,I,254;Christina Brooke-Rose, A Grammar of Metaphor ,29,35.

[742]  W. Kayser, Das sprachliche Kunstwerk ;4. Aufl.,121.

[743]   The Iliad ,Bk I,tr. A. Pope,“The World’s Classics”,3.

[744]  Antoine Hamilton:“Le Bélier”, Oeuvres complètes ,A. Bélin,231.

[745]  W. Wundt, Völkerpsychologie ,IV( Mythus und Religion ,I Teil),3 Aufl.,78 ff.,125 ff.,170 ff. Cf. E. Rohde, Psyche ,tr. W. B. Hillis,“International Library of Psychology,Philosophy and Scientifie Method”,7-8(a second self active in dreaming).

[746]  Cf. Rivarol, Écrits politiques et littéraires ,choisis par V. -H. Debidour,48(les synonymes les plus piquants);Coleridge, Biographia Literaria ,ed. J. Shawcross,II,255(desynonymizative analysis).

[747]  E. g. Theocritus,viii:“A maid with meeting eyebrows”, The Greek Bucolic Poets ,“Loeb”,119.

[748]  Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Pt I,Sect. II,Mem. II,Subs. VI Bell I,269-270.

[749]  Marino, L ’ Adone ,VII. 235-248, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,149-153.

[750]  E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Aufl,94;H. Küpper, Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache ,I,3. Aufl.,517-8.

[751]  Pliny, Natural History ,VIII. 61,“Loeb”,III,104-6.

[752]  E. g. Basile, Il Pentamerone ,tr. B. Croce,I. iii,p. 39:“Ma questi ne fecero conto che il Cane di Alessandro dei conigli.”

[753]  Max Milner, Le Diable dans la Littérature française ,I,386,389(Vigny).

[754]  Emily Dickinson:“I Never Felt at Home Below”.

[755]   Paradiso ,V,100-2.

[756]   Paradise Lost ,X,26-7.

[757]  A. Maurois, Les Silences du Colonel Bramble ,ch. 7.

[758]  Georgina S. Gates, The Modern Cat ,80.

[759]  Emerson, Journals ,in Works ,“Centenary Ed.,”V,270.

[760]  E. g. Quintilian, Institutio oratoria ,VIII. vi. 59:“At requisita naturae”,“Loeb”,III,334.

[761]  Plutarch, Moralia ,“Sayings of Kings and Commanders”,§ 182 and “Isis and Osiris”,§ 360,“Loeb”,III,71 and V,59;Rabelais, Gargantua et Pantagruel ,Liv. IV,ch. 60, Oeuv . comp .,éd. J. Plattard,IV,219,320. Cf. Montaigne, Essais ,I. xiii and III. xiii,“la Pléiade”,260,1045.

[762]  Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature ,“Chandos Classics”,I,64-5.

[763]  Quoted in F. Mauthner, Kritik der Sprache ,3. Aufl.,I,60.

[764]  Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique ,art.“Déjection”, Oeuv . comp .,ed. L. Moland,XVIII,326.

[765]  Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch. 37,“The World’s Classics”,IV,77-8(trials of patience and endurance).

[766]  Gibbon, loc. cit. ,78.

[767]  Cf. P. Moreau, La Critique littéraire en France ,37(la critique romancée).

[768]  W. M. Urban, Language and Reality ,163.

[769]  William James, Letters ,ed. Henry James,I,109-10.

[770]  Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Gesammelte Werke ,S. Fischer,III,155-8.

[771]  Cf. La Fontaine, Fables ,VIII. 16,“L’Horoscope”:“On rencontre sa destinée/Souvent par des chemins qu’on prend pour l’éviter”;L’eigh Hunt:“The Inevitable”.(Cf. R. Otto, The Idea of the Holy ,tr. J. W. Harvey,93,the story told by Beidhavi).

[772]  Feuerbach, Das Wesen des Christenthums ,Kap. 14, Sämmtliche Werke ,hrsg. W. Bolin und F. Jodl,VI,156.

[773]  Freud,quoted in W. Muschg, Die Zerstörung der deutschen Literatur ,3,Aufl.,342.

[774]  F. Th. Vischer, Auch Einer ,Insel Verlag,543.

[775]   The Greek Anthology ,X. 27,Lucian,“Loeb”,IV,19.

[776]  Publius Syrus,§ 92, Minor Latin Poets ,“Loeb”,26;cf. § 485,p. 76.

[777]  Lamartine:“Le Lac.”

[778]   Don Quixote ,I xx,“Clásicos Castellanos,”II,145; Gulliver’s Travels ,Pt II,ch. 1,Oxford,108.

[779]  Scarron, Le Roman comique ,Pte I,ch. 4,“Librairie des Bibliophiles”,I,18;Charles Sorel, Histoire comique de Francion ,Liv. IV,“Société des Textes Francais modernes,”II,92. Cf. Herbert, Jacula Prudentum ,§ 1034:“To go where the King goes afoot”, Works ,ed. E. F. Hutchinson,356.

[780]   The Book of Ser Marco Polo ,tr. with notes by H. Yule,3rd rev. ed. by H. Cordier,II,361,362-3.

[781]   The Thousand Nights and One Night ,tr. Powys Mathers,IV,266-7; Die Wunderblume und andere Märchen ,Berlin:Verlag Kultur und Fortschritt,192-6.

[782]  Andersen, Fairy Tales ,Oxford,158.

[783]  J. Cairncross, New Light on Molière ,etc.,2-3.

[784]  Hesketh Pearson, Bernard Shaw ,“The Reprint Society”ed.,65.

[785]  E. Gosse, Father and Son ,ch. 12.

[786]   D. N. B .,VIII,142.

[787]  Pater, The Renaissance ,Macmillan,27.

[788]  Fouqué, Undine ,kap. 13,Nelson,65.

[789]   Symposium ,191D,193A, Plato ’ s Dialogues ,“Loeb”,V,141,145.

[790]  E. g. Schiller:“Das Geheimnis der Reminiszenz”,“Die Geschlechter”( Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,2. Aufl,I,54,169);D. G. Rossetti, The House of Life , Sonnet xi “ The Birth-Bond ”.

[791]   Sheridaniana ,J. Thornton,ed. Table Talk ,“Everyman’s”,128.

[792]  Montesquieu, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade,”II,1278.

[793]  David Garnett, The Familiar Faces ,87-8.

[794]  Brüder Grimm, Deutsche Sagen ,§ 253,“Fest Hängen”,Propyläen Verlag,I,273-4.

[795]  Vivian Mercier, The Irish Comic Tradition ,24.

[796]  Montaigne, Essais ,I. xxiii“Bib. de la Pléiade”,123;Leopardi. Zibaldone ,ed. F. Flora I,1374-5. Cf. Il Pentamerone ,III. 2, op. cit. ,255.

[797]  G. B. Hill,ed., Johnsonian Miscellanies ,I,419;Katharine C. Balderston,ed., Thraliana ,I,49;Goldsmith, The Citizen of the World ,no. 45,etc..

[798]  J. Dunlop, The History of Fiction ,4 th ed.,289.

[799]  Wundt, Völkerpsychologie . IV, Mythus und Religion ,I Teil,489(Zauber des Berufens);Cf. O. Rank, Der Künstler ,37:“Wenn man den Teufel an die Wand malt,so kommt er.”

[800]  Robert J. Clements, Michelangelo ’ s Theory of Art ,148;Jean H. Hagstrum, The Sister Arts ,97 ff. Cf. Dryden:“To Sir Godfrey Kneller,”7-20, Poems ,ed. J. Sargeaunt,167-8;Anonymous:“A Poem in Defence of the Decent Ornaments of Christ Church,Oxon,” The Oxford Book of Seventeenth-century English Verse ,805-6.

[801]  Pliny, Natural History ,XXXV. 7,36,38;“Loeb”,Vol. IX,pp. 276,308-10,350.

[802]   Ibid . XXXV. 36(Protogenes), op. cit. ,336.

[803]  Boccaccio, Il Decamerone ,VI. 5(Giotto),Ulrico Hoepli,388.

[804]  Cellini:“Discorsi Sopra l’Arte”, La Vita scritta per Lui Medesimo seguita dai Trattati ecc.,a cura di A. J. Rusconi e A. Valeri,800,Cf. 809 nota(Il Tribolo).

[805]  “Ueber Wahrheit und Wahrscheinlichkeit der Kunstwerke”,in G. F. Senior and C. V. Bock,ed., Goethe the Critic ,21.

[806]  Hegel, Aesthetik ,Aufbau,85.

[807]  Xenophon, Memorabilia ,III. 10. 6,“Loeb”,237;Cf. B. Bosanquet, History of Aesthetic ,2nd ed.,25,117.

[808]  Rivarol, Oeuvres Complètes ,2 e éd.,1808,V,332.

[809]   Op. cit. ,675.

[810]   Zibaldone ,I,1032-3,1520-1;II,912-3.

[811]  Wundt, Völkerpsychologie ,105(die Vorstellung vom Sitz der Seele im Blick des Auges).

[812]  Shaftesbury:“Soliloquy,or Advice to Author”, Characteristics ,ed. J. M. Robertson,I,136. Cf. E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2 Auf.,442(Macrobius).

[813]  Hebbel:“Der Maler”, Werke ,hrsg. T. Poppe,I,47.

[814]  M. H. A. Jounod, Life of a South African Tribe ,340.

[815]  E. Cassirer, Language and Myth ,tr. Susanne Langer,94.

[816]   Laokoon ,iii, Gesammelte Werke ,Aufbau,V,28.

[817]  Cf. Servius, Ad Aen .,I. 683:“Antis poeticae est non omnia dicere”,quoted in T. R. Glover, Greek Byways ,195;Dante, Purgatorio ,XXXIII,139-142:“Ma perchè piene son tutte le carte/ordite a questa cantica seconda,/non mi lascia più ir lo fren dell’arte.”

[818]  Pliny, Natural History ,XXXV. 36,“Loeb”,IX,316. Cf. A. Soreil, Introduction à l ’ Histioire de l ’ Esthétique française ,nouv,ed. rev.,67(Le Chevalier de Méré).

[819]   Rape of Lucrece ,st 204.

[820]  Lamb:“On the Genius of Hogarth”, Works of Charles and Mary Lamb ,ed. E. V. Lucas,I,74.

[821]  Ortega Y. Gasset:“On Point of View in the Arts”,M. Philipson,ed., Aesthetics Today ,“Meridian Books”,130-1.

[822]  E. Auerbach, Mimesis ,1.“Odysseus’Scar”,tr. W. R. Trask,12. Cf. Coleridge, Biographia Literaria ,ch. 16,ed.,J. Shawcross,II,22-3.

[823]  Maupassant, La Vie errante :“La Nuit”,Conard,24-5.

[824]  E. H. Combrich:“Meditations on a Hobby Horse”, Aesthetics Today ,125.

[825]   West-östlicher Divan :“Wink”, Sämtliche Werke ,“Tempel-Klassiker”,II,368.

[826]  B. Cellini, La Vita ,I. x. 6, op. cit .,121,126.

[827]  Cf. Lyly, Euphues :“Venus had hir Mole in hir Cheeke which made hir more amiable:Helen hir Scarre on hir chinne which Paris called Cos amoris ,the Whetstone of loue”( Complete Works ,ed. R. W. Bond,I,184);F. Thompson:“The Way of Imperfection”:“Ovid’s dictum: decentiorem esse faciem in qua aliquis naevus esset ”( Works ,III,97).

[828]  B. Cerf, Anything for a Laugh ,80.

[829]  E. Denison Ross, Both Ends of the Candle ,325.

[830]  Brüder Grimm, Deutsche Sagen ,Nr. 85“Das Vogelnest”, Op. cit. ,I,115:“um sie nun zu finden,muss man sie zufällig in einem Spiegel oder Wasser erblicken.”

[831]  Bram Stoker, Dracula ,ch. 1,Doubleday,25-6:“I had hung my shaving glass by the window,and was just beginning to shave. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard the Count’s voice saying to me,‘Good morning!’... But there was no reflection of him in the mirror.”

[832]  Cf. Dante, Purgatorio ,V. 8-9(il lume ch’era rotto),25-7;XXVI. 7-12,16-24(fai di te parete al sol).

[833]  Cf. C. S. Lewis, The Divided Image ,122-3(longaevi,faeiries).

[834]  E. g. A. Chamisso, Peter Schlemiehl ,Kap. 2,Nelson,9:“... der arme Mensch hat keinen Schatten!”

[835]  Athenacus, The Deipnosophists ,IV. 129;IX. 376,383,“Loeb”,II,95;IV,205,235.

[836]  Petronius, Satiricon ,XL,“Loeb”,64.

[837]   Don Quixote ,Pte II,Cap. 20, op. cit. ,VI,33.

[838]  Thomas Nashe, The Unfortunate Traveller , Works ,ed. R. B. McKerrow,II,253.

[839]  Franco Sacchetti, Il Trecentonovelle ,no. 186, Opere ,Rizzoli,620.

[840]  Henry de Montherlant, Carnets ,6 e éd.,Gallimard,375.

[841]  Quintillan, Institutio oratoria ,VIII. iii. 37,“Loeb”,III,230.

[842]   Nicholas Nickleby ,ch. 15.

[843]  M rs Gaskell, Cranford :“Old Letters”.

[844]   Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. I,Sect. II,Mem. IV,Subs. IV,Bell,I,393.

[845]  Cf. Butler, Characters and Passages from Note-books ,ed. A. R. Waller,359:“The backs of all fishes are very near of the colour of the water that they are bred in,to avoyd the discovery of those that prey upon them.”

[846]  Lichtenberg, Aphorismen ,hrsg. A. Leitzmann,III,134. Cf. Novalis, Fragmente ,Nr. 102,hrsg. E. Kamnitzer,88:“Kontraste sind inverse Ähnlichkeit”;Valéry:“Lettre sur Mallarmé,” Oeuvres ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,634:“Toujours ce qui se fait répète ce qui fut fait ou le réfute:le répète en d’autres tons,l’ épure,l’amplifie,le simplifie;ou bien le rétorgue,l’extermine,le renverse,le nie:mais done le suppose,et l’a invisiblement utilisé. Le contraire naît du contraire.”

[847]  Sir Charles Hanbury Williams,quoted in O. Elton, A Survey of English Literature 1739-1780 ,II,29.

[848]  Goldoni, La Famiglia dell ’ Antiquario ,II. xii, Commedie Scelte ,Cremonese,I,394;cf,I. xvii,p. 367.

[849]  R. Wellek and A. Warren, Theory of Literature ,“Peregrine Books”,198-9.

[850]  Aristophanes, Clouds ,372-3,391-2,“Loeb”,I,291,301-3;H. Küpper, Wörterbuch der deutscher Umgangssprache ,I,183,428,II,212.

[851]   Die Naturphilosophie ,§ 268, Sämtliche Werke ,hrsg. H. Glockner,IX,118.

[852]   Il Pentamerone ,V. 9, op . cit. ,528-9.

[853]   Paradiso ,III,16-8.

[854]  Cf. Hebbel:“Das Kind am Brunnen”:“Das Kindlein Winkt,der Schatten geschwind/Winkt aus der Tiefe ihm wieder. /Herauf!Herauf!so meint’s das Kind;/ Der Schatten:Hernieder!Hernieder!”( Werke ,hrsg. T. Poppe,I,51).

[855]  Cf. Marino, L ’ Adone ,V. 26:“Egliamante,egliamato,orgella,or bolle,/ fatto è strale e bersaglio,arco ed arclero”;A. Muscettola:“Narciso”:“me con me stesso implago,e’l desir mio/me di me stesso innamorato or rende. / ... / io che l’offeso son,so chi m’offende”( Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,76,1001).

[856]  Ariane Thomalia, Die “ Femme Fragile ”: ein literarischer Fauentypus der Jahrhundertwende ,1972.

[857]  Jules Renard, Journal ,NRF,296.

[858]  Brüder Grimm, Die Kinder-und Hausmärchen :“Brüderchen und Schwesterchen,”Berlin:Der Kinderbuchverlag,33.

[859]  Cf. P. Moreau:“De quelques Paysages introspectifs”,in Formen der Selbstdarstellung ,hrsg. G. Reichenkron und F. Haase,279 ff..

[860]  Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis ,III,170.

[861]  Heine, Reisebilder :“Italien”,Kap. 12;Verlaine, Ariettes oubliées ,iii;Claudel, Connaissance de l ’ Est :“Tristesse de l’Eau.”

[862]  Viola Meynell, Alice Meynell ,20.

[863]  Voltaire, Zadig :“Les Rendez-vous”, Romans et Contes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,38-9.

[864]  Voltaire: Le Blanc et le Noir , op . cit. ,123 ff..

[865]   Paradise Lost ,I,177 ff..

[866]  Moschus,v, The Greek Bucolic Poets ,“Loeb”,459.

[867]  Heine, Werke und Briefe ,Aufbau,I,88,218.

[868]  E. Grenier:“Plainte”,G. Walch, Anthologie des Poètes français contemporains ,I,75.

[869]  Ben Jonson, Every Man out of his Humour ,III. i(Mitis).

[870]  J. Rousset, Circé et le Paon ,Nouv. éd.,40;Hardy, The Hand of Ethelberta :“a concatenated affection”(Julian);J. Dunlop, The History of Fiction ,329:“brouillerie d’amour”;Hallett Smith, Elizabethan Poetry ,18:“corss-eyed Cupid.”

[871]  E. g. Don Qunjote ,I. 16:“el gato al rato,el rato á la cuerda,la cuerda al

palo”, op . cit .,II,45;Iona and Peter Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes ,229-31,“This is the house that Jack built.”

[872]  Aubrey, Brief Lives :“Sir Walter Raleigh”,Ann Arbor Paperbacks,256.

[873]  Samuel C. Chew, The Virtues Reconciled ,17.

[874]  Lucan, Civil War ,I. 486,“Loeb”,38. Cf. Montaigne, Essais ,II 12,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,510-1:“Nous pipons de nos propres singeries et inventions”. etc..

[875]  Cf. Goethe, Faust ,II,Akt iii,7003-4:“Am Ende hängen wir doch ab/ Von Kreaturen,die wir machten”;Mary Shelley, Frankenstein ,ch. 10,The Heritage Press,104:“Remember,thou hast made me more powerful than thyself”,etc.;Marx-Engels, Die Deutsche Ideologie ,“Vorrede,”Dietz,11:“Vor ihren Geschöpfen haben sie,die Schöpfer,sich gebeugt.”

[876]  Christina Rossetti:“The Poor Ghost”,“The Ghost’s Petition”; Poetical Works ,ed. W. M. Rossetti,Macmillan,360,364-5.

[877]  Dante, Inferno ,I. 117;D’Aubigné, Tragiques :“Jugements,”1021-2;Milton, Paradise Lost ,X. 798;Andreas Gryphius:“Die Hölle”. Cf. Webster, The Duchess of Malfi ,IV. i,Duchess:“In hell,that they must live,and cannot die”;Ford,’ Tis Pity She ’ s a Whore ,III. vi,Friar:“... in this place/Dwell many thousand sundry sorts/Of never dying deaths.”

[878]  Ariosto, Orlando furioso ,X. lv-lvi(Alcina),Hoepli,87;Keats, Hyperion , a Vision ,Canto I(Moneta);Shelley, Adonais ,st 26(the Muse).

[879]  Ovid, Ibis ,123-4, The Art of Love and Other Poems ,“Loeb”,260.

[880]  Corneille, Le Cid ,IV. iii;Milton, Il Penseroso ,80.

[881]   Paradise Lost ,I. 62-3;II. 66-7. Cf. Fulke Greville, Alaham ,II ii:“By fires of Hell,which burn and have no light”,quoted in Coleridge, Notebooks ,ed. Kathleen Coburn,II,§ 2925.

[882]   William Shakespeare ,II. ii, Oeuvres ,Ollendorff,130; Les Contemplations ,VI. xxvi,p. 421. Cf. Gautier:“Melancholia”, Poésies complètes ,Charpentier,I,220;Nerval:“El Desdichado”,“Voyage en Orient”, Oeuv . comp .,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,I,33,II,136.

[883]  Baudelaire:“Le Désir de peindre”, Oeuv . comp .,“la Pléiade”,341;cf.“Les Ténèbres”,112. Cf. Marino:“Schiava”:“O luce nascir di tenebroso inchiostro”;“La bruna Pastorella”,335-6:“O luci tenebrose,/tenebre luminose”, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,374,520.

[884]  Walpole, Correspondence ,Yale ed.,X,262(to Montagu,15 June 1768).

[885]  Lewis Carroll, Sylvie and Bruno Concluded ,ch. 21, Complete Works ,The Nonesuch Press,713.

[886]  Demetrius, On Style ,V. 294,“Loeb”,479.

[887]   Greek Anthology ,XI. 237,Demodocus,“Loeb”,IV,123.

[888]  Coleridge, Notebooks ,II,§ 2779.

[889]  Wundt, op. cit. ,108.

[890]   Greek Anthology ,IX. 569,Empedocles,“Loeb”,III,317;Lucian:“The Dream,or the Cock”,“Loeb”,II,179-213.

[891]  A. Gilchrist, Life of William Blake ,“Everyman’s Lib.”,266.

[892]  T. Storm:“Die Regentrude”, Sämtliche Werke ,Aufbau,I,337,339.

[893]   Georgics ,II. 121,“Loeb”,I,124.

[894]  Pliny, Natural History ,VI. xxii,54,“Loeb”,II,378;Seneca, Hippolytus ,398, Hercules Oetaus ,667, Tragedies ,“Loeb”,I,348,II,238;Ausonius, Technopaegnion ,X. 21, Poems ,“Loeb”,I,300;Claudian:“Eulogy of Probinus and Olybrius”,179-80, Poems ,“Loeb”,I,14.

[895]   Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. III,Sect. II,Mem. III,Subs. I,“Everyman’s Lib.”,III,43.

[896]  J. Dunlop, The History of Fiction ,87-8( Le Roman du Chevalier Tristan , Lord Percy and Fair Annet ,etc.).

[897]  Copla quoted in S. de Madariaga, Shelley and Calderon and other Essays ,119.

[898]  Marino:“Dipartita”, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,378.

[899]  Keats, Lamia ,II,128-30.

[900]  Hugo, Les Contemplations ,I. xxix,“Halte en marchant”.

[901]  Aristophanes, The Clouds ,398ff.,“Loeb”,I,303;Lucian:“Zeus catechized”,“Loeb”,II,81ff.;Lucretius,II. 1100-4,VI. 380-450,“Loeb”,162,470-6.

[902]  Brüder Grinun, Deutsche Sagen ,§ 53.“Der Wassermann an der Fleischerbank”,§ 60.“Die Elbjungfer und das Saalweiblein”; op. cit. ,I,56,62.

[903]  Nietzsche, Menschliches , Allzurnenschliches ,§ 51, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,I,487;F. H. Bradley, Aphorisms ,§ 73. Cf. Max Beerbohm, The Happy Hypocrite ;Luigi Chiarelli, La Maschera ed il Volto .

[904]  John Jones, On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy ,45:“They[the masks]stated,they did not hint or hide”.

[905]  Johan Bojer:“Norwegian Fairy Tales”,F. H. Pritchard ed., Great Essays of All Nations ,710.

[906]  Guez de Balzac,quoted in J. -E. Fidao-Justiniani, L ’ Esprit classique et la Préciosité au 17 e Siècle ,48-9.

[907]  Lichtenberg, Aphorismen ,F § 376, op. cit. ,III,197;cf. 462.

[908]  Schiller:“Die berühmte Frau”, op. cit. ,III,93,96;cf. 346.

[909]  Carducci,quoted in P. Pancrazi, Scrittori d ’ Oggi ,VI,295.

[910]  Gaspara Stampa, Sonetti ,viii, Rime ,a cura di A. Salza,9.

[911]  Proust, Le Côté de Guermantes I, A la Recherche du Temps perdu ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,183-6.

[912]  Brüder Grimm, Dentsche Sagen ,Nr. 80,“Der Alp”, op. cit. ,I,107.

[913]  E. g. “The Witches Frolic”:“Now away!and away!without delay,/Hey Cockalo rum!my Broomstick gay!/ ... /Hey up the chimney!away!away!”( Ingoldsby Legends ,Grant Richards,42);Keller, Der grüne Heinrich ,I. vii:“... von einem Hexenmeister...die Salbe herbeizuschaffen,mit welcher die Besen bestrichen würden,um darauf aus dem Schornsteine fahren zu können”( Sämtliche Werke ,Aufbau,IV,63).

[914]  Baudelaire:“L’ Horloge”, Oeuv . comp .,“la Pléiade”,303,cf. 1443 note.

[915]  Pliny, Natural History ,VIII. xiii. 103,“Loeb”,III,74.

[916]  Bacon, Essays :“Of Wisdom for a Man’s Selfe”;Shakespeare, Tempest ,I. ii. 147-9(Prospero).

[917]   The Greek Anthology ,XI. 76,Lucilius,“Loed”,IV,109.

[918]  Tasso, Aminta ,I. i(Dafne), Poesie ,Ricciardi,620-1.

[919]   Il Decamerone ,VI. 8,Hoepli,395. Cf. Corneille, La Place Royale ,II. i,Alidor:“Cassez;ceci vous dit encore plus pis que ma lettre”etc..

[920]  Wilde, Dorian Gray ,Preface. Cf. Allan Wade,ed., Letters of W. B. Yeats ,334:“Moore’s play is falsely supposed to be a satire on everybody and everything. Somebody is certain to find his face in the mirror and to try if he can break the glass.”

[921]   Aminta ,II. i(Satiro), op. cit. ,636. Cf. Theocritus,XI, The Greek Bucolic Poets ,“Loeb”,143;Virgil, Eclogues ,II,25-6,“Loeb”,I,10;Ovid, Metamorphoses ,XIII,839-41,“Loeb”,II,286.

[922]  Leopardi:“Pensieri”, Opere ,Ricciardi,I,723; Zibaldone ,Mondadori,II,1114,1317.

[923]   Phänomenologe des Geistes ,Berlin:Akademie Verlag,347; Geschichte der Philosophie ,Leipzig:Felix Meiner,I,110.

[924]  Cf. Boileau, L ’ Art poétique ,Chant III,48:“Le vrai peut quelquefois n’être pas vraisemblable”; Le Journal des Goncourt ,Sept. 1864:“Le défectueux de l’imagination,c’est que ses créations sont rigoureusement logiques. La vérité ne l’est pas”(Éd. définitive,II,175);Maupassant:“Le Roman”:“Corriger les événements au profit de la vraisemblance et au détriment de la vérité”( Pierre et Jean ,Conard,p. xiv).

[925]  Lucian, A True Story ,Bk. I,“Loeb”,I,279;cf. 271.

[926]   Inferno ,XVI. 124-7;XXVIII. 112-7;cf. La Divina Commedia ,Ricciardi,193,nota:“La veritade ha molte volte la faccia di menzogna”(Bono Giamboni).

[927]   Il Decamerone ,“Introduzione”,Hoepli,7.

[928]  Lewis Carroll, Sylvie and Bruno ,ch. 23, Complete Works ,The Nonesuch Press,477.

[929]   Twelfth Night ,III. iv. 141(Fabian).

[930]   The Thousand Nights and One Night ,tr. P. Mathers,IV,251.

[931]  Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. III,Sect. II,Mem. III,“Everyman’s Lib.”,III,158;Remy de Gourmont:“Des Pas sur le Sable”, Promenades philosophiques ,III e Série,266;N. W. F. Barbellion, The Journal of a Disappointed Man ,Nov. 23,1914,“St. Martin’s Library”,117.

[932]  Cf. Stendhal, De l ’ Amour ,Liv. I,ch. 17,“Le Divan”,I,80(la beauté détrônée par l’amour).

[933]  A. Chamisso, Peter Schlemihls Wundersame Geschichte ,Kap. 1,Nelson,7.

[934]   Deutsche Sagen § 86.“Der Brutpfenning”, op. cit . I,117.

[935]  Montaigne, Essais ,I. 23,“Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”,125.

[936]  Fazio degli Uberti, Dittamondo ,Lib. IV,cap. 23(D. G. Rossetti, Poems and Translations ,“Everyman’s Lib.”,244);P. Gsell, Propos d ’ Anatole France ,79. Cf. S. Lee, The French Renaissance in England ,17;P. Rickard, Britain in Medieval French Literature ,165-6.

[937]   The Book of Ser Marco Polo ,tr. H. Yule,3 rd rev. ed. by H. Cordier,II,85,91-5.

[938]  Mary Eden and Richard Carrington, The Philosophy of the Bed ,46-8.

[939]  Paul Léautaud, Journal littéraire ,II,232(Mariéton à Aurel).

[940]  Cf. M. Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie ,3. Aufl.,90-1(der Buddhismus kein Ethos der Liebe ist usw.).

[941]  J .Dunlop, The History of Fiction ,4 th ed.,16(Jamblichus, Babylonica ),35(Xenophon, Ephesiaca ),255(Massuccio di Salerno, Il Novellino ,xxxiii).

[942]   Romeo and Juliet ,IV. i. 93 ff.(Friar Laurence); Cymbeline ,v. v. 253ff.(Cornelius).

[943]  Cf. Jonson, Every Man in his Humour ,V. i,Justice Clement(on Master Kitely):“Horns in the mind are worse than on the head”, Plays ,“Everyman’s”,I,623.

[944]  San Francesco d’Assisi:“Il Cantico delle Creature”,L. R. Lind ed., Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance ,2.

[945]  Pascal, Pensées ,III. 233,ed,V. Giraud,147.

[946]  Petronius, Satyricon ,§ 115,“Loeb”,244.

[947]  Frontinus, Stratagems ,IV. vii. 16(Scipio Africanus),cf. II. vi. 1(Camillus),“Loeb”,314,164-6.

[948]  Plutarch, Lives ,“Themistocles”,16,“Loeb”,II,47. Cf. Frontinus, op . cit .,II. vi. 8,p. 169.

[949]   Don Quijote ,II,cap. 58,“Clásicos Castellanos”,VIII,74.

[950]  Cf. Frontinus,III. iii. 3-4,p. 212.

[951]  Cf. Frontinus,II. vii. 2,III. xiv. 4,pp. 170,256.

[952]  Ennius, Satires ,fr. 30-1, Remains of Old Latin ,“Loeb”,I,392. Cf. La Bruyère, Les Caractères ,V. 58,Hachette,141:“Vous le croyez votre dupe:s’il feint de l’être,qui est plus dupe de lui ou de vous?”;La Rochefoucauld, Réflexions morales ,117, Oeuvres ,“Les Grands Écrivains de la France”,Hachette,I,80-1,note.

[953]  Cf. John O’Hara:“Mrs Stratton of Oak Knoll”, Assembly ,42(“busybody”).

[954]  Aristotle, Polities ,Bk. V. ch. 11, Basic Works of Aristotle ,Random House,1258.

[955]  Klausewitz, Vom Kriege ,Kap. I,§ 24,hrsg. Fr. von Cochenhausen,79.

[956]  Isocrates, Panegyricus ,8,“Loeb”,I,123-5,cf. p. 124,note(Gorgias,Tisias).

[957]  Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers ,VI. 53,“Loeb”,II,163.

[958]  C. Spearman, Psychology down the Ages ,II,218; Nature of Intelligence and Principles of Cognition ,329. Cf. J. E. Brown,ed., Critical Opinions of Samuel Johnson ,518.

[959]  Sorel, Histoire comique de Francion ,Liv. XI,“Textes Français Modernes”,IV,11-2 et note.

[960]  Voltaire, Micromégas ,chs. 2 et 4, Romans et Contes ,“la Pléiade”,105f.,107f..

[961]   Alfred Lord Tennyson : A Memoir ,by His Son,I,278.

[962]  Cf. Leopardi, Zibaldone ,“I Classici Mondadori”,I,971:“... una piccolissima idea confusa è sempre maggiore di una grandissima,affatto chiara . L’incertezza se una cosa sia o non sia del tutto,è pur fonte di una grandezza”ecc..

[963]  T. Ribot, Essai sur l ’ Imagination créatrice ,7 e èd.,l73.

[964]  Coleridge, On the Divine Ideas ,quoted in J. H. Muirhead, Coleridge as Philosopher ,283-4.

[965]  Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers ,VI. 51,Diogenes of Sinope;Ovid, Remediorum amoris ,139,143. Cf. Byron, Don Juan ,XIV. 76(idleness),Variorum Ed. by T. G. Steffan and W. W. Pratt,Vol. III,p. 443;Stendhal, De l ’ Amour ,“Premier Essai de Préface”et ch. 13(le loisir),“le Divan”,t. 1,pp. 7,68.

[966]  Hans Licht, Sexual Life in Ancient Greece ,tr. J. H. Freese,p. 181.

[967]  Bruno, Candalaio ,IV. ix(Marta), Opere di G. Bruno e di T. Campanella ,Riccardo Ricciardi,p. 123.

[968]  D. H. Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent ,ch. 20(Kate and Don Cipriano),Martin Secker,p. 352.

[969]  N. Kazantzakis, Zorba the Greek ,tr. C. Wildman,p. 65; The Last Temptation ,tr. P. A. Bien,p. 271.

[970]  Bernard Malamud, The Mixer (1966)(Yakov to Zina),pp. 51-2.

[971]  Demetrius, On Style ,V. 270,“Loeb”,465;H. Lausberg, Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik ,I,315:“Die gradatio ist eine fortschreitende Anadiplose(reduplicatio).”

[972]  Quintilian, Institutio oratoria ,IX. iii. 54,“Loeb”,III. 476.

[973]  James Reeve, The Idiom of the People ,212,“The Tree in the Wood”. Cf. Heine,“Fresko-Sonette an Christian S.”iv, Werke und Briefe ,Aufbau,I,67.

[974]  Cf. C. S. Lewis, Studies in Words ,77(“enough of”=“more than one wants”).

[975]   Greek Anthology ,V. 37,Rufinus,“Loeb”,I,147.

[976]  Byron:“She Walks in Beauty.”

[977]  Virgil, Eclogues ,III. 64-5,“Loeb”,I,22.

[978]  Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights ,IX. ix,“Loeb”,II,176.

[979]  Theocritus,V, The Greek Bucolic Poets ,“Loeb”,73.

[980]  Cf. D. G. Rossetti:“The Blessed Damozel”:“Until her bosom must have made/The bar she leaned on warm”.

[981]  Cf. A. Vallone, Aspetti della Poesia italiana contemporanea ,178 ff..

[982]  Fielding, Tom Jones ,Bk. VIII,ch. 10,“Everyman’s”,I,336(Partridge).

[983]  Leopardi, Zibaldone ,Mondadori,I,702,1145,II,108;É. et J. de Goncourt, Journal ,23,août,1862,éd. définitive,II,44;Baudelaire:“L’Invitation au Voyage”, Oeuv . comp .,“la Pléiade”,305;L. Abercrombie, Romanticism ,32 ff. (Campbell,Norris);F. Strich, Deutsche Klassik und Romantik ,74 ff. (Novalis,Loeben). Cf. Paul Ernst, Der Weg zur Form ,48:“...alles Ideale gewinnt,wenn es in eine grössere Ferne gerückt wird”.

[984]  Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass ,ch. 5, Complete Works ,Nonsuch,205.

[985]  Cf. Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra ,I. ii. 128-30:“The present pleasure,/By revolution low’ring,does become/The opposite of itself”;Sterne, Letters ,ed. L. P. Curtis,163,to Garrick:“I laugh till I cry,and in the same tender,moments cry till I laugh.”

[986]  Cf. Webster, The White Devil ,III. iii, Plays ,“Everyman’s”,p. 45:“We endure the strokes like anvils or hard steel,/Till pain itself makes us no pain at all”;La Rochefoucauld, Maximes Posthumes ,532, Oeuvres ,“Les Grands Écrivains de la France”,I,230:“L’extrême ennui sert à nous désennuyer”;Coleridge, Notebooks ,ed. Kathleen Coburn,II,§ 2046:“My Heart. ... stagnates upon you,wishless from excess of wishing”;Silvio Pellico, I miei Prigioni ,cap. 16,Hoepli,31:“Nè Somma pace,nè somma inquietudine possono durare quaggiù... A lunga smania successe stanehezza ed apatia”;Leopardi, Zibaldone ,Mondadori,I,254:“L’uom si disannoia per lo stesso sentimento vivo della noia universale e necessaria”;Francis Thompson( Life ,by E. Meynell,78):“Pain,its own narcotic,throbs to painlessness”.

[987]  Cf. Vigny, Journal d ’ un Poète,Oeuv . comp .,“la Pléiade”,II,918:“Un plaisir extrême fait mal;jamais un mal extrême ne fait plaisir”(cf. pp. 1025,1265 etc.).

[988]  Cf. Leopardi:“La Sera del Dì di Festa”, Opere ,Ricciardi,I,60:“Eccò è fuggito/Il dì festivo,ed al festivo il giorno/Volgar succede,e se ne porta il tempo”ecc..

[989]  Cf. Keats:“Ode to Melancholy”:“Ay,in the very temple of delight/Veil’d Melancholy has her sovran shrine”;A. Schnitzler, Anatol ,Episode iii:“Während ich den warmen Hauch ihres[Biancas]Mundes auf meiner Hand fühlte,erlebte ich das Ganze schon in der Erinnerung. Es war eigentlich vorüber”( Österreichisches Theater des 20 . Jahrhunderts ,hrsg. J. Schondorff,64).

[990]  Cf. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus ,III. i. 265 ff.,Titus:“Ha,ha,ha!”Marcus:“Why dost thou laugh?It fits not with this hour.”Titus:“Why,I have not another tear to shed.”Petrarca, Le Rime ,cxi, Rime , Trionfi e Poesie latine ,Ricciardi,141:“Però s’ alcuna volta io rido o canto,/facciol perch’ i’non ò se quest’una/

via di celare il mio angoscioso pianto”. Descartes, Les Passions de l ’ Âme ,II,§ 125, Oeuvres et Lettres ,“la Pléiade”,752:“On trouve par expérience,que lorsqu’on est extraordinairement joyeux,jamais le sujet de cette joye ne fait qu’on esclate de rire;et mesme on ne peut si aysément y être invité par quelque autre cause,que lorsqu’on est triste”. Beaumarchais, Le Barbier de Séville ,I. ii, Théâtre ,“Classiques Garnier,”43-4:“Je me presse de rire,de peur d’être obligé d’en pleurer.”Byron, Don Juan ,IV. 4. Variorum ed.,II,346:“If I laugh at any mortal thing,/’Tis that I may not weep”(cf. IV,105 quoting Clarissa Harlowe ,Letter 85). Flaubert,à Louise Colet, Correspondance ,Conard,II,472:“Voir les choses en farce est le seul moyen de ne pas les voir en noir. Rions pour ne pas pleurer”.

[991]  Cf. M. Fubini, Critica e Poesia ,143 ff. (“Genesi e storia dei genere letterari”);R. Wellek and A. Warren, Theory of Literature ,“Peregrine Books”,226(the literary kind as an institution).

[992]  Cf. Grillparzer, Aphorismen , Gesammelte Werke ,hrsg. E. Rollett u. A. Sauer,II,140:“Schlendrian und Pedantismus in der Kunst urteilen immer gern nach Gattung;diese billigen,diese verwerfen sie;der offene Kunstsinn aber kennt keine Gattungen,sondern nur Individuen”;Croce, Estetica ,10 a ed.,42-3:“Ogni vera opera d’arte ha violato un genere stabilito,venendo cosi a scompigliare le idee dei critici,i quali sono stati costretti ad allargare il genere”ecc..

[993]  Cf. Quintilian,VIII. iii. 53, op . cit .,III. 241(macrologia).

[994]  E. g. Lockhart, Life of Scott ,ch. 6,“Everyman’s”,213:“There is no comparison whatever-we[Burns and Scott himself]ought not to be named in the same day”;Borrow, Lavengro ,ch. 6,“Everyman’s”,44:“Not that I would mention figures in the same day with Lilly’s Grammar”.

[995]  Rousseau, Discours sur les Sciences et les Arts ,in Oeuvres Complètes ,Armand-Aubrée,I,7. Cf. T. Moore:“The Wreath and the Chain”, Poetical Works ,Oxford,81:“The Chain would make the Wreath so strong,/The Wreath would make the Chain so soft!”

[996]  Coleridge, The Table-Talk and Omniana ,ed. T. Ashe,May 9,1830,George Bell,72:“Poetry is something more than good sense,but it must be good sense,at all events;just as a palace is more than a house,but it must be a house,at least”. Cf. Fr. Schlegel, Literary Notebooks ,ed. H. Eichner,no. 994,p. 108:“Im Poëmen soll nur das Poetische construirt sein,nicht das Logische. Giebts denn wohl in diesem Sinne rein poetische Werke,Poesie ohne alle Logik?”

[997]  Erckmann-Chatrian, Histoire d ’ un Conscrit de 1813 :“... et les pauvres vieux espéraient toujours,pensant:‘Peut-être que notre garçon est prisonnier... Quand la paix sera faite,il reviendra...Combien sont revenus qu’on croyait molts!’”etc.( Contes et Romans nationaux et populaires ,éd. J. -J. Pauvert,IV,4).

[998]  Pindar,“Loeb”,577,“Fragments”:“To the inexperienced war is pleasant,but he that hath had experience of it,in his heart sorely feareth its approach.”

[999]  Thomas Moore, Journal ,ed. P. Quennell,123(Oct. 30,1825),188(June 6,1829),230(April 7,1837).

[1000]  K. O. Erdmann, Die Bedeutung des Wortes ,3. Aufl.,103 ff.;cf. Voltaire, Dictionnaire Philosophique ,art.“Langues” Oeuvres complètes ,éd. L. Moland,XIX,557(Des divers termes qui donnent des idées toutes différentes de la même chose).

[1001]  Diderot, Le Neveu de Rameau ,éd. critique par J. Fabre,38;cf. 49:“[Leurs]bassesses ne peuvent s’excuser par le borborigme d’un estomac qui souffre.”

[1002]  G. Büchner, Sämtliche Werke und Briefe ,hrsg. F. Bergemann,607;cf. B. Brecht:“Denn wovon lebt der Mensch”:“Erst kommt das Fressen,dann Kommt die Moral”, Gedichte ,Aufbau,II,231.

[1003]  Thackeray, Vanity Fair ,ch. 41. Cf. Kingsley, Yeast ,ch. 16:“On two thousand a year,a mall can afford to be honest”;Fitzgerald, Letters to Fanny Kemble ,ed. W. A. Wright,124:“For she[Portia]had more than £ 500 a year,which Becky thinks enough to be virtuous on,and had not been tried”.

[1004]   Republic ,407 a;cf. Horace, Epist .,I. i. 53:“virtus post nummos.”

[1005]  M. Bandello, Le Novelle ,I. ii,Laterza,I,39-40.

[1006]  Cf. Hegel, Phänomenologie des Geistes ,Berlin:Akademie Verlag,15(ein qualitativer Sprung); Wissenschaft der Logik ,Reclams“Universal-Bibliothek”,I,490(der Sprung aus quantitativer Veränderung in qualitative).

[1007]  W. Wundt, Grundzügen der physiologische Psychologie ,6. Aufl.,III,755(das Prinzip der schöpferischen Resultanten).

[1008]  J. E. Brown,ed., The Critical Opinions of Samuel Johnson ,55(Rambler,no. 176),cf. 476. Cf. Pope, The Dunciad ,IV. 233 ff., Poems ,Twickenham Ed.,V,365(the critic eye).

[1009]  Novalis, Fragmente ,hrsg. E. Kamnitzer,§ 2021,S. 650-1.

[1010]  E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Aufl.,8(Hugo Schuchhardt).

[1011]  G. Tillotson, Criticism and the Ninteenth Century ,15-6.

[1012]   La Peau de Chagrin , Oeuv . comp .,Conard,XXII,36,38.

[1013]  J. -F. Regnard, Le Légataire universel ,II. xi,Larousse,48.

[1014]  Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique ,art.“Empoisonnements”, Oeuv . compl .,ed. L. Moland,XVIII,533.

[1015]  Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae ,V. xvi,“Loeb”,I,428,430. Cf. Vico, Scienza nuova ,§ 706, Opere ,Ricciardi,692:“Dissero‘ cernere oculis ’... Cosi dagli occhi,per le pupille,escano bastoni di luce,che vanno a toccare le cose...;dissero ‘ usurpare occulis ’...puasi che,con la vista,S’impossessassero delle cose vedute”;E. Cassirer, Philosophie der symbolischen Formen ,I,127:“So scheint genetisch und sachlich in der Tat ein stetiger Uebergang vom‘Greifen’zum‘Begreifen’zu führen”;Proust, Du Côté de chez Swann ,I. ii, A la Recherche du Temps perdu ,“la Pléiade”,I,141:“...ce regard... à la fenêtre duquel se penchent tous les sens,anxieux et pétrifiés,le regard qui voudrait toucher,capturer,emmener le corps qu’il regarde et l’âme avec lui.”

[1016]  E. g. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso ,XLI. ix:“Surgono altiere e minacciose l’onde,/mugliando sopra il mar val il gregge bianco”;Arnold:“The Forsaken Merman”:“Now the wild white horses play,/Champ and chafe and toss in the spray.”

[1017]  M. Scheler, Der Formalismus der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik ,4. Auf1.,hrsg. Maria Scheler,246.

[1018]  Montaigne, Essais ,III. 2,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,785.

[1019]  Crébillon le fils, Le Sopha ,Flammarion,138-9.

[1020]  M me de Staël, Mémoires ( Dix Années d ’ Exil ),Charpentier. 324.

[1021]  Cf. Diderot, Le Neven de Rameau ,ed. J. Fabre,44:“On loue la vertu;mais on la hait...c’est qu’ils se sont imposés une tâche qui ne leur est pas naturelle.”

[1022]   Nicomachean Ethics ,Bk. II,ch. 9, Basic Works of Aristotle ,Random House,963;cf. Cicero, De Senectute ,XIII. 44:“Divine Plato escam malorum appeliat voluptatem,quod ea videlicet homines capiantur,ut pisces hamo”.

[1023]  Tasso, Aminta ,I. ii,“Coro,” Poesie ,Riccardo Ricciardi,633(cf. Gerusalemme Liberata ,XV. 62-3,p. 382). Cf. Inferno ,V. 56:“Che[Semiramis]libito fe’licito in sua legge.”

[1024]  Schiller:“Die Philosophen,” Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,I,198.

[1025]  John Selden, Table-Talk ,ed. S. W. Singer and rev. W. S,W. Anson,120;cf. Spinoza, Ethica ,IV,Appendix,§ 31.

[1026]  Heine, Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deuts-chland ,I, Sämtliche Werke ,A. Weichert,VIII,15-6.

[1027]  Cf. Herman Meyer, Der Sonderling in der deutschen Dichtung ,Carl Hanser,131:“Das Symbol des Kreises,im klassischen Weltbilde das Bild höchster Harmonie,bedeutet dem Romantiker nur Negatives,nämlich die Gefangenschaft im Irdischen.”

[1028]  Auvray:“La Promenade de l’Âme dévote,”J. Rousset, Authologie de la Poésie baroque française ,I,44;cf. Levasseur(160),M me Guyon(161,269).

[1029]  Fr. von Logau:“Heutige Weltkunst”, Sinngedichte : eine Auswahl ,hrsg. U. Berger,80.

[1030]  Chesterfield, Letters ,ed. B. Dobrée,IV,1056,1059.

[1031]  Herrick, Poetical Works ,ed. L. C. Martin,37,“A Country Life”(A Wise man ev’ry way lies square),505,note(Aristotle,Puttenham).

[1032]  Sir Henry Wotton, Table Talk ,§ 119,L. P. Smith, The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton ,II,498.

[1033]   De Melisso ,quoted in V. Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,tr. A. Bongiorno and A. Livingstone,§ 474,Dover ed.,I,288.

[1034]  Horace, Sat .,II. vii. 83-6;Seneca, Apocolocyntosis ,8,“Loeb”,384.

[1035]   The Rape of Lucrece ,952.

[1036]  E. g.“La Ruota della Fortuna”,in Sacchetti, Opere ,Rizzoli,1121. Cf. Samuel C. Chew, The Virtues Reconciled ,9.

[1037]  Plutarch:“A Letter of Condolence to Apollonius,”§ 5, Moralia ,“Loeb”,II,117-9.

[1038]  Sacchetti, Il Trecentonovelle ,no. 193, Opere ,Rizzoli,656. Cf. Don Quijote ,II. 19,“Clásicos Castellanos”,VI,17:“tiene echado un clavo à la rodaja de la fortuna.”

[1039]  Marlowe, Tamburlaine ,Pt. I. I. ii,cf. V. i,Anippe:“Your love hath Fortune so at his command,/That she shall stay,and turn her wheel no more.”

[1040]  Macchiavelli:“Dell’ Occasione,” Opere ,Ricciardi,1073;Marino, L ’ Adone ,I. 69, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,47. Cf. Dio Chrysostom, Discourses ,LXIII. 6,“Loeb”,V,41(Fortune on a razor’s edge,on a sphere).

[1041]  Goethe:“Preface to J. Ch. Mämpel’s Das jungen ’ s Feldjägers Kriegscamerad ,”G. F. Senior and C. V. Bock,ed., Goethe the Critic ,59-60. Cf. Heine, Romancero ,II,“Das Glück ist eine leichte Dirne.”

[1042]  Vulgate:Mat.,l8. 6.

[1043]   Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs ,265(Middleton,Shadwell).

[1044]  Sir Henry Wotton, Table Talk ,§ 12, op . cit .,II,491.

[1045]  Thomas Gray, Correspondence ,ed. P. Toynbee and L. Whibley,I,34(to R. West).

[1046]  E. Rivalta, Mal del Paese ,D. Provenzal, Dizionario delle Immagini ,528.

[1047]   Oxford Dictionary of Quotations ,237(M. E. Hare).

[1048]  Cf. A. Lalande, Vocabulaire technique et critique de la Philosophie ,9 e /

éd.,pp. 1200-1,art.“Vertu.”

[1049]  Heraclitus, Fragments ,41,84, Hippocrates and Heraclitus ,“Loeb”,IV,483,495.

[1050]  Cf. J. A. Gunn, The Problem of Time ,133 f.(H. Lotze,F. H. Bradley).

[1051]  Ronsard, Continuation des “ Amours ”,XXXV;G. Keller:“Die Zeit geht nicht”( Sämtl . Werk .,Aufbau,I,264;II,163-4).

[1052]  J. Burckhardt, Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien ,“Grosse Illustrierte Phaidon-Ausgabe”,156-7;W. Muschg, Tragische Literaturgeschichte ,3. Auf.,l3. Cf. I. Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature ,I,27 ff.(“The Persecuted Learned,”“Poverty of the Learned,”“Imprisonment of the Learned”).

[1053]  Freud:“Art as Wish-fulfilment”,Melvin Rader,ed. A Modern Book of Esthetics ,3rd ed.,l31.

[1054]  G. -C. Lichtenberg, Aphorismen ,hrsg. A. Leitzmann,IV,111.

[1055]  E. g. J. -G. Hamann:“Meine grobe Einbildungskraft ist niemals instande gewesen,sich einen schöpferischen Geist ohne genitalia vorzustellen”( Neue Hamanniana ,hrsg. H. Weber,126);Schiller:“Mannerwürde”:“Aus eben diesem Schöpferfluss/ Woraus wir Menschen werden,/Quilt Götterkraft und Genius,/Was mächtig ist auf Erden”( Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,I. 48);Eric Gill:“We know what Renoir said,naming the tool with which he painted his pictures. Let his confession suffice for me. Lettering,masonry-these are not trades for eunuchs”( Autobiography ,122).

[1056]  Nietzsche, Vom Nutzen und Nachteil des Historie ,V, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,I,239.

[1057]  Croce, Estetica ,10 a ed.,l48.

[1058]  Sainte-Beuve:“François I er Poète”, Portraits littéraires ,III,71.

[1059]  Fr. 24,quoted in Hans Licht, Sexual Life in Ancient Greece ,tr. J. H. Freese,35.

[1060]   Politics ,VII. 16, op . cit .,l302.

[1061]   Satira ,V,187-192, Opere minori ,Ricciardi,555.

[1062]   Physiologie du Mariage ,Aphorismes l4, op . cit .,XXXII,44.

[1063]  Frederick Locker, Patchwork ,88.

[1064]  Bruno, Candalaio ,IV. viii(Bonifaccio), op . cit .,120. Cf. A. H. Bullen,ed., Speculum Amantis ,102, Melpomene :“At twety-five in women’s eyes/Beauty does fade,at thirty dies.”

[1065]  Stendhal, De l ’ Amour ,I,i,“Le Divan”,I,29. Cf. Baudelaire:“Spleen”, Oeuv . comp .,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,146:“Je suis comme le roi d’un pays pluvieux,/.../Et les dames d’atour,pour qui tout prince est beau”.

[1066]  Lorenzo Megalotti, Relazioni d ’ Ihghilterra 1668 e 1688 ,a cura di Anna Maria Crinò,39,40,41,173,174.

[1067]  G. Saintsbury, A Scrap Book ,202-3.

[1068]   The Merchant of Venice ,V. i. 68(Jessica); Sonnets ,viii.

[1069]   Defense of Poetry ,ed. A. S. Cook,35.

[1070]  Leopardi, Zibaldone ,Mondadori,II,380.

[1071]  W. James, Principles of Psychology ,II,469-470.

[1072]  Chateaubriand,quoted in I. Babbitt, Masters of Modern French Criticism ,66.

[1073]  Poe:“The Philosophy of Composition”, Poems and Miscellanies ,Oxford,195;cf. 177,“The Poetic Principle”(this certain taint of sadness connected with true beauty).

[1074]  J. R. Lowell, Letters ,ed. C. E. Norton,I,18.

[1075]  E. Charteris, Life and Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse ,130,503.

[1076]  A. E. Housman:“Name and Nature of Poetry”, Selected Prose ,ed. J. Carter,193. Cf. Robert Graves, The White Goddess ,Creative Age Press,7:“A. E. Housman’s test of a true poem was simple and practical”;cf. 10-1.

[1077]  Heine:“Gedanken und Einfälle”, Gesammelte Werke ,hrsg. G. Karpeles,VIII,289.

[1078]  Ben Jonson, The Alchemist ,II. i(Sir Epicure Mammon). Cf. Gray, Correspondence . ed. P. Toynbee and L. Whibley,I,159:“We had the dugs of a pregnant sow...”

[1079]  Croce, La Poesia ,5 a ed.,80.

[1080]  Pascal, Pensées ,I. 27,ed. V. Giraud,58. Cf. R. Whately:“The false handles and keyholes with which furniture is decorated,that serve no other purpose than to correspond to the real ones,”quoted in De Quincey:“Rhetoric”, Collected Writings ,ed. D. Masson,X,128.

[1081]   Pickwick Papers ,ch. 28(Sam Weller).

[1082]  Brüder Grimm, Die Kinder-und Hausmärchen ,Berlin:Die Kinderbuchverlag,114-5.

[1083]  Publius Syrus,§ 379, Minor Latin Poets ,“Loeb”,64. Cf. Demetrius, On Style ,V. 294,“Loeb”,479.

[1084]  E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Auf.,308.

[1085]  Catullus,lxx;Petrarca, Rime ,ccxii, Rime , Trionfie Poesie latine ,Ricciardi,283;Bacon:“The World”,Aubrey, Brief Lives ,Ann Arbor Paperbacks,10;Logau:“Vergebene Arbeit”, Sinngedichte , eine Auswahl ,Rütten & Loening,63.

[1086]  Croce, Frammenti di Etica ,77. Cf. Boswell, The Ominous Years ,ed. C. Ryskamp and F. A. Pottle,276(March 19,1776,Johnson);Coleridge, Notebooks ,ed. Kathleen Coburn,I,§ 34,note(Young,Wordsworth,M me de Staël).

[1087]  Gautier:“L’Art”:“Sculpte,lime,ciselle/Que ton rêve flottant/Se scelle/

Dans le bloc résistant,” Emaux et Camées ,Charpentier,226.

[1088]  William Barnes, Select Poems ,ed. Thomas Hardy,p. viii.

[1089]  David Scott, Men of Letters ,71.

[1090]  D. Provenzal, Dizionario delle Immagini ,318(F. Praga),640(D’Annunzio),N. Kazantzakis, The Odyssey : A Modern Sequel ,XXIII. 1305-8,tr. K. Friar,p. 743.

[1091]  John Cleveland:“The Hecatomb to his Mistress”:“As the philosophers to every sense/Marry its object,yet with some dispense,/And grant them a polygamy with all,/And these their common sensibles they call:/.../The same beam heats and lights;to see her well/Is both to hear and feel,to taste and smell”etc.(G. Saintsbury, Caroline Poets ,II,23).

[1092]  M me de Staël, De l ’ Allemagne, nouvelle éd. par Jean de Ponge et Simone Balayé,IV,222.

[1093]  W. Jaeger, Paideia ,tr. G. Highet,I,125-6.

[1094]  Hesiod, The Marriage of Ceyx ,V,“Loeb”,255.

[1095]  Aeschylus,quoted in Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists ,XI. 494,“Loeb”,IV,199;cf. Aristophanes, The Birds ,807-8,“Loeb”,II,211. Cf. Moby Dick ,ch. 55:“But Stubb,he eats the whale by its own light,does he?and that is adding insult to injury,is it?Look at your knife-handle,there”etc..

[1096]  Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks ,tr. E. MacCurdy,II,512.

[1097]  Publius syrus,§ 511, Minor Latin Poets ,“Loeb”,80; Dicta Catonis ,IV. 40, ib .,620.

[1098]  Bacon, Advancement of Learning ,Bk. II,ed. A. Wright,209,Spinoza, Ethica ,IV,Prop. 7,Garnier,II,20. Cf. la Rochefoucauld, Réflexions et Maximes morales ,10, Oeuvres ,“Les Grands Écrivains de la France”,I,34,note(vaincre une passion par une autre).

[1099]  Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. II,Sect. II,Mem. VI,Subs. II,George Bell,II,131.

[1100]  Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams ,ch. 7 and 16.

[1101]  Cf. La Bruyère, Les Caractères ,V. “De la société”vs VI“Du coeur”.

[1102]  R. D. Blackmore, Lorna Doone ,ch. 7,“Everyman’s Lib.”40;Fanny and R. L. Stevenson, Our Samoan Adventure ,ed. C. Neider,55.

[1103]  Héliodore, Les Éthiopiques ,X. 9(Persina et Chariclée), Romans Grecs ,“Classiques Garnier”,280.

[1104]  I. Kings,3. 16-18.

[1105]  H. T. Finck, Romantic Love and Personal Beauty ,I,92.

[1106]  Irma A. Richter, Selections from the Notebooks of Leonard da Vinci ,“The world’s Classics”,182.

[1107]  R. Petrucci, La Philosophie de la Nature dans l ’ Art d ’ Extrême-Orient ,117;J. Baltrusaïtis, Le Moyen Âge fantastique ,220.

[1108]  H. Focillon, Vie des Formes ,Ernest Leroux,75.

[1109]  A. Lalande, Vocabulaire technique et critique de la Philosophie ,9 e éd.,Préface,pp. xviii-xix.

[1110]  Cf. Odon de Cluny:“stercoris saccum amplecti desideramus!”,quoted in R. de Gourmont, Le Latin mystique ,30-2;Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Pt. III,Sect. III,Mem. V,Subs. III,“Everyman’s Lib.”,III,208,212(Lucian,Buchanan,Chrysostom et al).

[1111]  Cf. Thomas Shadwell, The Miser ,M rs Cheatly:“I bring people together and make work for the parsons and the midwives. If I had liv’d in that time I would have been hang’d if I had not married the Pope to Queen Elizabeth”( Complete Works ,ed. Montaque Summers,II,39).

[1112]  Machiavelli, Il Principe ,cap. 3, Opere ,Riccardo Ricciardi,6;cf. Guicciardini:“Questo male,che è difficile a sanare,arebbe bisogno di medicine forti,e,per parlare in volgare,di crudeltà.”

[1113]  H. Ellis, The Criminal ,5 th ed.,299.

[1114]  Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch. 29;cf. L. Brunschvicg, Le Progrès de la Conscience dans la Philosophie occidentale ,II,747(l’écart entre l’institution,telle qu’elle est enregistrée par la lettre du droit,et la vie véritable de la société).

[1115]  Pareto, op . cit .,§§ 661-2,Vol. I,pp. 400-2(Palaephatus, De incredibilibus historis ;Heraclitus, De incredibilibus ).

[1116]  Cf. Renan:“Des Services rendus aux Sciences historiques par la Philologie,” Oeuv . comp .,ed. H. Psichari,VIII,1229:“La mythologie n’est pas autre chose que le langage;elle en sort,elle n’est que le langage pris d’une façon matérielle”.

[1117]  M. Summers, History of Witchcraft and Demonology ,117-8.

[1118]   Hamlet ,I. ii(Horatio);G. A. Bürger:“Lenore”.

[1119]  Boileau, Réflexions critiques sur quelques passages du Rhéteur Longin ,ix, Oeuvres complètes ,ed.,A. C. Gidel,III,378-9,note.

[1120]  J. Gonda, Remarks on Similes in Sanskrit Literature ,40.

[1121]  I. Thessalonians,5. 2;II Peter;3. 10; Revelations ,3. 3. Cf. Matthew,24. 43;Luke,12. 39.

[1122]  Bacon, Essays ,“Of Empire”,“The World’s Classics”,78(Apollonius).

[1123]  Palladas, Greek Anthology ,X. 44,“Loeb”,IV,25.

[1124]   Paradise Lost ,X. 760-2.

[1125]  Thomas Shadwell, The Libertine , Complete Works ,ed. M. Summers,III,27(Jacomo and Don John).

[1126]   Gulliver ’ s Travels ,Pt. I,ch. 6,Oxford,67.

[1127]  Marek Hlasco, The Eighth Day of the Week ,tr. N. Guterman,13(Agnieszka).

[1128]  A. Moravia, Nuovi racconti romani :“Lasciami perdere”, Opere complete ,Bompiani,XI,251-2(Marcella).

[1129]  Robert J. Clements, Michelangelo ’ s Theory of Art ,175-8.

[1130]  Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty ,ch. 5,ed. J. Burke,42-3;cf.“Preface”,5-6.

[1131]  Schiller:“Ueber Anmut und Würde,” Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,2. Aufl.,VII,109.

[1132]  Paul Léon, Mérimée et son Temps ,374. Cf. Hugo, Toute la Lyre ,III. 3:“N’est-ce pas le serpent qui vaguement ondule/Dans la souple beauté des vierges aux seins nus?”;Hermann Bahr, Das Konzert :“Eva,neunzehn Jahre;sehr schlank,fantastisch,auf Schlange stilisiert.”

[1133]  Baudelaire:“Le Serpent qui Danse”, Oeuvres complètes ,“la Pléiade”,104. Cf. Moravia:“Scherzi di Ferragosto”:“La donna...era flessuosa come un serpente;camminando dimenava le anche e dondolava di testa”( Racconti romani ,in Opere complete ,Bompiani,VII,5).

[1134]  Ronsard:“Throis Sonnets”ii, Oeuvres complètes ,éd. P. Laumonier,VI,488. Cf. Bentham:“unprolific appetite”(C. K. Ogden, Jeremy Bentham l832-2032 ,p. 103,cf. 98);C. Hassall, Edward Marsh ,222(Margot Asquith);M. Gibbon, The Masterpiece and the Man ,153(Yeats).

[1135]  Ed. Grisebach, Die treulose Witwe . Eine chinesische Novelle und ihre Wanderung durch die Weltliteratur ,1877.

[1136]  Petronius, Satyricon ,cxi-cxii,“Loeb”,228-34.

[1137]  “Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin”,erstes Märchen,Brüder Grimm, Die Kirider-und Hausmärchen ,Berlin:Der Kinderbuchverlag,138-40.

[1138]   Hamlet ,III. ii. 224-5(Player King).

[1139]  Cf. Johnson, Rambler ,No. 18:“As the faculty of writing has been chiefly a masculine endowment,the reproach of making the world miserable has been always thrown upon the women.”

[1140]  Montesquieu, De l ’ Esprit des Lois ,Liv. IV,ch. 2 et 10, Oeuv . comp .,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,474,482.

[1141]  Hume:“Of National Characters”, Essays Moral , Political , and Literary ,ed. T. H. Green and T. H. Grose,I,256.

[1142]  Leopardi, Zibaldone ,Mondadori,II,893.

[1143]   Antony and Cleopatra ,I. i. 48-51.

[1144]  E. g. Petrarca, Rime ,L,CLXIV,CCXXIII(il sonno è’n bando,e del riposo è nulla), Rime , Trionfie Poesie Latine ,Riccardo Ricciardi,70 ff.,230,295. Cf. H. Weber, La Création poétique au 16 e Siècle en France ,I,366 ff.:“Chez les pétrarquistes,l’amour entraîne généralement l’absence de sommeil d’où un appel toujours vain à celui-ci”,etc..

[1145]  Weber, op . cit .,356 ff. :“Le thème du songe qui réalisé un moment le désir amoureux,puis laisse une amère désillusion,était cher aux pétrarquistes italiens”,etc..

[1146]  Cf. R. M. Jodi:“Poesia bernesca e Marinismo”,in La Critica stilistica e il Barocco letterario : Atti del Secondo Congresso Internazionale di Studi italiani ,1958,pp. 261 ff..

[1147]  F. Berni:“Ritratto”,L. R. Lind, Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance ,p. 292.

[1148]  Tasso:“Sopra la Bellezza”, Poesie ,Ricciardi,831.

[1149]  Sidney, Arcadia ,Bk. I, Complete Works ,ed. A. Feuillerat,IV,27.

[1150]   Don Quijote ,II. xliv,“Clásicos Castellanos”,VII,144.

[1151]  G. Greflinger:“An eine Jungfrau”,M. Wehrli, Deutsche Barocklyrik ,3. Aufl.,50.

[1152]  Shakespeare, Sonnets ,CXXX;Sir John Suckling:“The Deformed Mistress”, Poems ,The Haworth Press,81-2,G. A. Stevens:“A Pastoral”,V. de Sola Pinto and A. E. Rodway,ed., The Common Muse ,233-4;Baudelaire:“Cette Bohème-là...”,“A une Mendiante rousse”,“Le Monstre”,“Un Cheval de Race”, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,58-9,155-6,223-4,343-4.

[1153]  Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis ,242-4.

[1154]  L. Casaburi:“Amoroso avvenimento,” Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,1054;cf. 743,M. Giovanetti:“Bella donna ridento fa due pozzette nelle guance”.

[1155]  Le Cardinal de Bernis:“Les petits Trous”, Les Petits Poètes du 18 e Siècle ,“La Renaissance du Livre”,11. Cf. “Sigilla in mento impressa Amoris digitulo/Vestigio demonstrant mollitudinem,”quoted in Gray, Correspondence ,ed. P. Toynbee and L. whibley,I,202-3.

[1156]  Heine, Romanzen ,XV, Werke und Briefe ,Aufbau,I,57.

[1157]   Don Quijote ,II. xlvii, op . cit .,VII,199.

[1158]  J. C. Dunlop, The History of Fiction ,4 th ed.,l845,205( Cento Novelle antiche ,no. 68; Gesta Romanorum ,cap. 95; Les Contes dévots ,“D’un Roi qui voulut faire brûler le fils de son Sénéschal”);cf. I Decamerone ,VII. 9,Hoepli,457(Livia e i due fanciulli di Nicostrato).

[1159]  Eckermann, Gespräche mit Goethe ,2 April 1829,Aufbau,467.

[1160]  Pope, Essay on Criticism ,15-6.

[1161]  W. Shenstone, Egotisms ,§ 79, Works ,ed. J. Dodsley,II,172. Cf. Croce, La Poesia ,14-15(dentro la poesía lavora la critica;la critica ostetrica);T. S. Eliot:“The Function of Criticism”, Selected Essays ,1932,30(the criticism employed by a writer on his own work).

[1162]  J. Pommier, Questions de Critique et d ’ Histoire littéraire ,51.

[1163]  Fr. Schlegel, Literary Notebooks ,ed. H. Eichner,§ 677,p. 81;cf. p. 251. note.

[1164]  M me de Staël, De l ’ Allemagne ,Ptie,II,ch. 7,Asher,136.

[1165]  Grillparzer, Aphorismen ,in Gesammelte Werke ,hrsg. E. Rollett und A. Sauer,II,140.

[1166]   The Correspondence of H. C. Robinson with the Wordsworth Circle ,ed. Edith J. Morley,I,326(to W. S. Landor).

[1167]  Sainte-Beuve, Portraits littéraires ,Garnier,I,376(“Du Génie critique et de Bayle”).

[1168]   Nouveaux Lundis ,Garnier,VI,297. Cf. A. Thibaudet, Réflexions sur la Critique ,131:“La critique d’artiste est presque toujours partiale et partielle”.

[1169]  Horace, Ars poetica ,304-6. Cf. C. O. Brink, Horace on Poetry ,215.

[1170]  Burke:“Thoughts on the Causes of the Present Discontents,” Select works ,ed. E. J. Payne,I,39. Cf. Ovid, Heroides ,XIV,21-2:“modo facta crepuscula terris;/ultima pars lucis primaque noctis erat”(“Loeb”,172).

[1171]  Leibniz, The Monadology and other Philosophical Writings ,tr. R. Latta,38.

[1172]  Diderot:“Le Rêve de d’Alembert”, Oeuvres complètes ,éd. J. Assézat,II,138-9.

[1173]  Francis Galton,quoted in H. Ellis, The Criminal ,5 th ed.,21;M. R. Cohen, A Preface to Logic ,74. Cf. K. O. Erdmann, Die Bedeutung des Wortes ,3. Aufl.,31-2,35-7(die Wirklichkeit zeigt stetige Uebergänge,während die sprache in den Worten nur diskrete Werte besitzt);S. Ullmann, Semantics ,125(lack of clear-cut boundaries in the non-linguistic world).

[1174]  Goethe, Spruchweisheit in Vers und Prosa ,in Sämtliche Werke ,“TempelKlassik”,III,338,344;cf. 477. Cf. Eckermann, Gespräche mit Goethe ,18. Okt. 1827,Aufbau,382.

[1175]  E. Cassirer, Idee und Gestalt ,152.

[1176]  Freud, Traumdeutung ,6. Aufl.,218-9(der Gegensinn der Urworte).

[1177]  Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde ,V. 228;Petrarca, Le Rime ,xxi,cccxv, Rime , Trionfi e Poesie latine ,Ricciardi,23,401;Ronsard, Amours diverses ,i, Oeuvres complètes ,“la Pléiade”I,289.

[1178]  La Fontaine, Fables ,II. 5:“La Chauve-souris et les Belettes”.

[1179]  W. Kayser, Das Groteske ,197.

[1180]   Inferno ,XXXIV. 46-50.

[1181]  J. Baltrusâitis, Le Moyen Âge fantastique ,151-8.

[1182]  W. B. Stanford, Ambiguity in Greek Literature ,38. Cf. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. I,Sect. II,Mem. II,Subs. I,Bell,I,250:“Hare...will make one fair”etc..

[1183]  Sainte-Beuve, Chateaubriand et son Groupe littéraire ,I,237.

[1184]  M. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit ,1 te Hälfte,3. Aufl.,l20-1.

[1185]  Cf. L. Caretti, Filologia e Critica ,8(l’opera di decantazione).

[1186]  Montaigne, Essais ,I. 23,“la Pléiade”,127.

[1187]  Valéry:“Discours au Pen Club,1926”, Oeuvres ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,I,1360. Cf. T. S. Eliot, To Criticise the Critic ,36(reading something in a language imperfectly understood);S. Spender, The Making of a Poem ,115(fruitful misunderstanding).

[1188]  Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. III,Sect. II,Mem,III,“Everyman’s Lib.”,III,158(Nichomachus).

[1189]  Leibniz, Essais de Théodicée ,Préface, Die philosophischen Schriften ,hrsg. C. J. Gerhardt,VI,30-1;cf. § 55,S. 132.

[1190]  La Fontaine, Fables ,I. 22,“Le Chêne et le Roseau”.

[1191]  Cf. Logau, op . cit .,70:“Willstu sein bei Hofe da?/Ei,so lerne sprechen Ja!”

[1192]  Campanella:“Del Mondo e sue Parti”, Opere di G. Bruno e di T. Campanella ,Riccardo Ricciardi,789.

[1193]  Sorel, Histoire comique de Francion ,Liv. XI,“Société des Textes français modernes”,IV,11.

[1194]  Guillaume Appollinaire:“Endurcis-toi vieux coeur”, Oeuvres poétiques ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,744.

[1195]  E. Hanslick, Vom Musikalisch-Schönen ,9. Aufl.,l55.

[1196]  Vernon Lee, Music and its Lovers ,32,35.

[1197]  Hanslick, Op . cit .,21. Cf. W. Köhler, Gestalt Psychology ,248-9(musical dynamics of inner life: crescendo , diminuendo , accelerando , ritardando , riforzando ).

[1198]  Hegel, Philosophie der Geschichte ,“Einleitung”,Reclam,39:“Jede Zeit hat so eigentümliche Umstände,ist ein so individueller Zustand,dass in ihm aus selbst entschieden werden muss und allein entschieden kann. Im Gedränge der Weltbegebenheiten hilft nicht ein allgemeiner Grundsatz,nicht das Erinnern an ähnliche Verhaltniss”usw.

【 增訂四 】 黑格爾意謂歷史無“教訓”可言,因未嘗全部“重演”,世移勢異,後來者渾未省前事之可師,不能鑑覆轍而勿蹈。余觀文藝復興時意大利藝人自傳名著,有云:“人有常言:第二次便學乖。此大不然。第二次時,情狀大異,非意計所及也”(Gli è ben vero che si dice:tu impererai un’altra volta. Questo non vale,perchè la vien sempre con modi diversi e non immaginati. -Cellini, La Vita scritta per lui medesimo ,II. iii. 6,ed. A. J. Rusconi and A. Valeri,1901,p. 341)。蓋新遭之事,與昔所遭者,面目已非,不復能識爲第二次重逢,大似“相見不相識,問客何處來”者。列許登伯格極歎此語,云已嘗親切體驗,有會於心(Diese kenne ich recht aus eigner Erfahrung. -G. C. Lichtenburg, Aphorismen , Essays , Briefe ,ed. K. Batt,1965,p. 207)。文人自道閲歷,小言詹詹,而於哲士博綜天人,大言炎炎,往往不啻先覺之覺後覺焉。斯其一例耳。

②  V. Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,§ 2419, op . cit .,II,1736:“That‘history never repeats itself’identically is just as certain as it is that history is‘always repeating itself’in certain respects”etc..

[1199]  Cf. M. Praz, The Flaming Heart ,“Doubleday Anchor Books”,125(“politic”madness;“è cosa sapientissima simulare in tempo la pazzia”).

【 增訂三 】 意大利古小説中每寫佯狂(fingendo d’esser pazzo)免禍情事(Bandello, Le Novelle ,II. xxi,Laterza,III,63)。哲學家康帕内拉(Campanella)有自咏狂易(Di se stesso,quando,ecc.)名篇,舊註即引古語曰:“故作癡愚而適合時宜,即是明哲”(Stulto simulare in loco,prudentia est- op . cit .,855)。道略集《雜譬喻經》第十七則與《宋書·袁粲傳》所設“狂泉”之譬極相似。《傳》言:“國人既並狂,反謂國主之不狂爲狂,……共執國主,療其狂疾,


……待我服藥’……脱所著服,以泥塗面,……一切諸臣,見皆大喜。”此王佯狂而合機宜,遂不致臣民騷離,《經》稱其“多智”,良有以也。《烏託邦》撰者託馬斯·莫爾(Thomas More)(1478-1535)好述一古寓言,略謂:昔有一國,其民什九愚。數智者知淫雨將降,穢濁染人,穴地而避之。雨過出穴,則舉國皆頂踵汙垢,方且相顧而樂,忽覩此數輩清淨不滓,羣聚而詬嘲焉,不許其掌國事(Katharine M. Briggs, British Folk Tales and Legends : A Sampler ,1977,13-4)。與《宋書》、《譬喻經》寓意略同,少末後一轉捩耳。

【 增訂四 】 《詩·大雅·抑》:“人亦有言,靡哲不愚。……哲人之愚,亦維斯戾。”按鄭《箋》云:“今王政暴虐,賢者皆佯愚,不爲容貌”;亦同斯意。

[1200]  Hugo, Les Châtiments ,Liv. IV,vi:“A des Journalistes de Robe courte”:“Vierges comme l’eunuque,anges comme Satan”( Oeuvres poétiques complètes ,Valiquette,278);L. Veuillot, Les Odeurs de Paris ,P. Lethielleux,85:“Entre eux,ils se donnent le glorieux nom de réfractaires ,à peu près comme l’eunuque brûlé de convoitises,qui ferait étalage de vertu contre les agaceries des sultanes”;O. wilde, Letters ,ed. R. Hart-Davis,658:“I see in the self-restraint of the supposed high standard merely the self-restraint of the impotent,and the chastity of the eunuch”;A. Billy, Vie des Frères Goncourt ,II,36:“On taquine Girardin sur ce qu’il appelait son‘indépendance’vis-à-vis des femmes,c. -à-d. sur son impuissance”.

[1201]  Aristotle, Rhetoric ,I. 29-36,“Loeb”,97-101.

[1202]  Burke, Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful ,ed. J. T. Boulton,14.

[1203]  Coleridge, Biographia Literaria ,ed. J. Shawcross,II,308.

[1204]  Lippi, Malmantile raquistato ,G. Fumagalli, Chi l ’ ha detto ,9 a ed.,258.

[1205]   Geschichte der Philosophie ,“Heidelberger Einleitung”,Felix Meiner,I,9.

[1206]  Rebecca West, The New Meaning of Treason ,305:“A‘double agent’is not,as might be supposed,a spy working for two powers... It is a spy who is working for his own country,but pretends to go over to the side of the enemy by offering them secret service information which is either false and deliberately misleading or true but unimportant.”

[1207]  Cf. Montesquieu, Cahiers 1716-1755 ,Grasset,69:“Difficulté de traduire:il faut d’abord bien savoir le latin;ensuite,il faut l’oublier”;P. Cauer, Die Kunst des Uebersetzens ,5. Aufl.,l3:“so treu wie möglìch,so frei als nötig.”

[1208]  D. Provenzal, Dizionario umoristico ,4 a ed.,87(R. de la Serna).

[1209]  Epictetus, Discourses ,I. 18; Manual ,16( The Discourses and Manual ,tr. P. E. Matheson,I,100;II,219);Cf. Discourses ,III. 18,VI. l(II,51,125); Manual ,5(II,215);Marcus Aurelius, Meditations ,VIII. 41.:“The mind remains untouched by fire or sword,tyranny or malediction”(tr. J. Jackson,l52).

[1210]  Aulus Gellius, The Attic Nights ,XIX,11,“Loeb”,III,395-7;cf. XII. 4,Vol. II,pp. 375,381.

[1211]   Man and Superman ,appendix,“Maxims for Revolutionists”.

[1212]  Cf. Aristotle, Poetics ,VI. 20:“It is much the same also in painting;if a man smeared a canvas with the loveliest colours at random,it would not give as much pleasure as an outline in black and white”(“Loeb”,27);Domenico Neroni:“Colour is the enemy of all noble art. It is the enemy of all precise and perfect form,since where colour exists,form can be seen only as juxtaposition of colour”(quoted in Vernon Lee, Renaissance Fancies and Studies ,120);Clive Bell, Art ,236:“Colour becomes significant only when it has been made subservient to form.”

[1213]  Fontenelle, Éloges ,Garnier,79.

[1214]  Cf. Eric Gill, Autobiography ,120:“It[lettering]depends for its beauty upon nothing but man’s musical sense. The shapes of letters do not derive their beauty from any sensual or sentimental reminiscence.”

[1215]  Cf. Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism ,12 th ed.,205,207;S. de Sanctis, Religious Conversion ,176-7.

[1216]  Cf. Pascal, Pensées ,XIV. 895,ed. V. Giraud,415:“Jamais on ne fait le mal si pleinement et si gaiement que quand on le fait par conscience”;Rousseau, Confessions ,Liv. VI,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,227:“Mais toute cette morale était subordonnée aux principes de M. de Tavel. ...Elle eût couché tous les jours avec vingt hommes en repos de conscience”,etc.;Rivarol, Écrits politiques et littéraires ,choisis par V. -H. Debidour,p. 120:“les passions armées de principes.”

[1217]  Cf. Croce, La Poesia ,5 a ed.,29(la circolarità spirituale).

[1218]  Grillparzer:“Moderne Logik,” Gesammelte Werke ,hrsg. E. Rollett und A. Sauer,II,62-3. Cf. F. H. Bradley, Appearance and Reality ,Preface,p. xiv:“Metaphysics is the finding of bad reasons for what we believe upon instinct;but to find these reasons is itself an instinct”;Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,§§ 850,868, op . cit .,I,501,508(residue and derivation).

[1219]  Cf. Raymond Bayer, Traité d ’ Esthétique ,50(la logique de l’analogue vs la logique de l’identique).

[1220]  W. G. Sumner, Folkways ,6.

[1221]   Don Quijote ,Pte II,cap. 12, op . cit .,V,217.

[1222]  Fitzgerald, Rubaiyāt ,1st ed.,XLIX(2nd ed.,LXXIV):“Tis all a Chequer-board of Nights and Days/Where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays”etc.;Fielding, Amelia ,Bk. I,ch. 1:“Men blame Fortune with no less Absurdity in Life,than a bad Player complains of ill Luck at the Game of Chess.”

[1223]   Das Wesen des Christenthums ,Kap. 1, Sämmtliche Werke ,hrsg. W. Bolin und Fr. Jodl,VI,3-4.

[1224]  Cf. Freud, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten ,3. Aufl.,81(die“Zote”). Cf. Fr. Schlegel, Literary Notebooks ,ed. H. Eichner,115,§ 1079:“Es giebt einen Witz der den Exkrementen des Geistes gleicht”;Fr. Th. Vischer, Ueber das Erhabene und Komische ,203:“Guter Witz vergoldet selbst den Nickel des Obszönen.”

[1225]  Martial,I. 35,“Loeb”,I,50.

[1226]  J. Y. T. Greig, Psychology of Laughter and Comedy ,24.

[1227]  Donne:“An Anatomie of the World”, Complete Poetry and Selected Prose ,ed. J. Hayward,204.

[1228]  Longinus, On the Sublime ,XXX,“Loeb”,p. 209.

[1229]  Boswell, Life of Johnson ,27 April,1773(Goldsmith).

[1230]  W. Bagehot, Literary Studies ,ed. R. H. Hutton,I,227.

[1231]  Montaigne, Essais ,I. 44“Du Dormir”, op . cit .,268-9(Alexandre,Othon,Caton,Augustus,Marius).

[1232]  Jacques Chevalier:“De la Signification des Faits”( Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Philosophy ,14).

[1233]  Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers ,VI. 40,“Loeb”,II,43.

[1234]   Republic ,588 b ff.;cf. W. Jaeger, Paideia ,tr. G. Highet,II,353.

[1235]  La Bruyère, Les Caractères ,XII,119,Hachette,388 ff..

[1236]  Schiller:“Das Lied von der Glocke”, Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,I,275.

[1237]  Aulus Gellius, The Attic Nights ,XIX. ii,“Loeb”,III,358;Tennyson, In Memoriam ,cxviii. Cf. Thoreau, Walden :“Higher Laws”,“Modern Library”,197-8(an animal in us).

[1238]  La Rochefoucauld, Réflexions diverses ,xi“Du Rapport des Hommes avec les Animaux”, Oeuvres ,“Les Grands Écrivains de la France”,I,307-10.

[1239]  Cf. A. O. Lovejoy, Reflections on Human Nature ,2-9(the theological doctrine of man’s essential badness),15-8(man’s inner corruption and perversity).

[1240]   Nicomachean Ethics ,Bk. II,ch. 1, The Basic Works of Aristotle ,The Random House,952.

[1241]  Cf. H. Focillon, Vie des Formes ,48(les matières comportent une certaine destinée ou une vocation formelle);B. Bosanquet, Three Lectures on Aesthetic ,14 ff.,58 ff.;L. Pareyson, Estetica : Teoria della Formatività ,2 a ed.,32 ff..

[1242]  La Rochefoucauld, Réflexions diverses ,xi, op . cit .,309.

[1243]  Logau:“Eine Lockfinke”, op . cit .,62.

[1244]   Paradiso ,XXVI. 97-9, La Commedia divina ,Ricciardi,1103.

[1245]   Madame Bovary ,I. x,Conard,238.

[1246]  Leopardi:“Alla Primavera o delle Favole antiche”, Opere ,Ricciardi,I,41.

[1247]  Cf. J. Pommier, Questions de Critique et d ’ Histoire littéraire ,18-9:“C’est une loi générale qui oppose une génération à la précédente. Elle joue au sein des familles,et dans tous les domaines”etc..

[1248]  e. g. R. P. Blackmur, The Lion and the Honeycomb ,237(to give Dante a little backing).

[1249]  C. S. Peirce, Collected Papers ,ed. C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss,V,§ 484;C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, The Meaning of Meaning ,11.

[1250]  Browning, The Ring and the Book ,XII,858 ff.,cf. De Sanctis:“lo stile è la cosa nel suo riflesso e nel suo effetto sulla mente”(L. Russo, Gli Scrittori d ’ Italia ,II,140).

[1251]  Maxime du Camp, Souvenirs littéraires ,II,211.

[1252]  Lessing, Emilia Galotti ,I. iv(Conti), Werke ,Weimar:Volksverlag,I,233-4.

[1253]  Grillparzer, Aphorisrmen :“Tieck”, op . cit .,II,25.

[1254]  Henry James, The Madonna of the Future (Theobald), Novels and Tales ,Scribner,XIII,486-7.

[1255]  Blake, Notes on Reynolds :“Invention depends altogether upon execution or organisation”etc.(A. Gilchrist, Life of William Blake ,“Everyman’s”,272). Cf. Croce, Estetica ,10 a ed.,11-3;H. Focillon, Vie des Formes ,65-8.

[1256]  W. Knight, The Philosophy of the Beautiful ,I,209(M e Vicar);H. J. Bate, From Classic to Romantic ,131 ff.,l53 ff.;G. Morpurgo-Tagliabue, L’Esthétique contemporaine ,20 ff.,42 ff..

[1257]  P. Sauriau, Théorie de l ’ Invention ,7.

[1258]   The Notebooks of leonardo da Vinci ,tr. E. MacCurdy,I,71.

[1259]   Henry V ,Prologue; Sonnets ,no. 44.

[1260]  K. Storck, Mozarts Briefe in Auswahl ,269,Nr. 179:“Aus einem fingierten Brief”.

[1261]  Horace, Ars poetica ,101-3;cf. Quintillian, Institutio oratoria ,VI. ii. 25-36(visiones),“Loeb”,II,430 ff..

[1262]  M. Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie ,3. Auf.,4-5:“Es ist ganz sinnvoll zu sagen:‘Ich kann Ihn das sehr gut nachfühlen,aber ich habe kein Mitleid mit Ihnen!’”Cf. Coleridge, Miscellaneous Criticism ,ed. Thomas M. Raysor,p. 415:“They[Wordsworth and Goethe]are always,both of them,spectators ab extra ,-feeling for ,but never with ,their characters.”

[1263]   Poetics ,55a 29-32;cf. G. F. Else, Aristotle ’ s“Poetics” : the Argument ,489.

[1264]  Metastasio, Sonetti ,I, Tutte le Opere ,Mondadori II,939. Cf. Trollope, An Autobiography ,ch. 10,“The Oxford Trollope”,178:“At such times I have been able to imbue myself thoroughly with the characters I have had in hand,...crying at their grief,laughing at their absurdities,and thoroughly enjoying their joy.”

[1265]  Flaubert, Correspondance ,Conard,V e série,350.

[1266]  Sainte-Beuve, Tableau de la Poésie française au 16 e Siècle ,397(Du Bartas). Cf. P. Pancrazi, Scrittori d ’ Oggi ,Serie VI. 230(D’Annunzio),281-2(Croce).

[1267]   Il Convivio ,Trat. IV,Canzone iii,53-4, Opere ,ed. E. Moore and P. Toynbee,294.

[1268]  Croce, La Poesia ,5 a ed.,3 ff.,200.

[1269]  Longinus, On the Sublime ,X. 1-3(Sappho),XVI. 2-4(Demosthenes);cf. J. Brody, Boileau and Longinus ,40-2,75.

[1270]  Schiller, Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung ,XXII, Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,2. Aufl.,VII,355.

[1271]  Verlaine, Poèmes saturniens ,“Epilogue”,III. Cf. The Correspondence of H. C. Robinson and the Wordsworth Circle ,ed. Edith J. Morley,I,47:“The poet... mast be himself cold,though through his art he makes his readers warm”(to Thomas Robinson).

[1272]  Diderot:“Paradoxe sur le Comédien”, Oeuvres complètes ,ed. J. Assézat,VIII,370,423. Cf. Joshua Reynolds:“Two Dialogues”, Johnsonian Miscellanies ,ed. G. B. Hill,II,248;Kant, Anthropologie ,§ 79, Werke ,hrsg. E. Cassirer,VIII,155(ein Akteur,der selbst kalt ist);Goethe, Sämtliche Werke ,“Tempel-Klassik”,III, Spruchweisheit ,264:“Der Schauspieler gewinnt das Herz,/Aber er gibt nicht seines hin”.

[1273]  Boileau, Art Poétique ,Chant IV. 78-80. Cf. H. Peyre, Le Classicisme français ,94(La Fontaine,Molière).

[1274]  Pope, Essay on Criticism ,146 ff..

[1275]  Manzoni:“Lettera a Cesare d’Azeglio”, Opere ,Ricciardi,198.

[1276]  Cf. Piron, La Métromanie ,III. vi:“Leurs écrits sont des vols qu’ils nous ont faits d’avance”;Mérimée à Viollet-le-Duc:“Homère m’a volé un grand nombre de belles choses que j’aurais peut-être inventées s’il ne les avait dites avant moi”(P. Léon, Mérirmée et son Temps ,386).

[1277]  Abraham Cowley:“Of Wit”;Johnson, Lives of the English Poets ,“Dryden”(“On the Death of M rs Killigrew”);Voltaire, Dic. philos. art. “Style”(Racine);Fielding, Tom Jones ,Bk. V,ch. 1.

[1278]  Colletet,quoted in A. Soreil, Introduction à l’Histoire de l’Esthétique française ,nouv. éd. rév.,97.

[1279]  Coleridge, Biographia Literaria ,ch. 14.

[1280]  Croce, La Pcesia ,93-6. Cf. T. S. Eliot, To Criticise the Critic ,34(some parts deliberately planned to be less“poetic”than others).

[1281]  Cf. Poe:“The Poetic Principle”and“The Philosophy of Composition”, Poems and Miscellanies ,Oxford,167,193(a psychal or physical necessity);G. Boullough, Mirror of Minds ,214(the poetic as well as the psychological importance of phases of lowered tension);A. Soreil, op . cit .,44(Pierre Nicole).

[1282]  Cf. Valéry, Variétés I ,67; Littérature ,36(les vers donnés et les vers calculés).

[1283]  Amiel,quoted in M. -J. Guyau, L’Art au Point de Vue sociologique ,77;Faust,I,1338:“Ich bin der Geist,der stets verneint!”Cf. Rivarol:“L’art doit se donner un but qui recule sans cesse,et mettre l’infini entre lui et son modèle”(SainteBeuve, Les Grands Écrivains Français ,ed. Maurice Allem,X,278).

[1284]  W. Muschg, Tragische Literaturgeschichte ,3. Aufl.,530-8;Cf. Novalis, Fragmente ,§ 87,hrsg. E. Kamnitzer,S. 81:“Ein absoluter Trieb nach Vollendung und Vollständigkeit ist Krankheit,sobald er sich zerstörend und abgeneigt gegen das Unvollendete,Unvollständige zeigt.”

[1285]  Lichtenberg,quoted in R. Müller-Freienfels, Psychologie der Kunst ,I,321. Cf. Heine, Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland ,III, Sämtl. Werke .,Weichert,VIII,94:“So wie man sagt:‘Es regnet,es blitzt’usw.,so sollte Fichte nicht sagen:‘Ich denke’,sondern‘Es denkt’.”

[1286]  Rimbaud:“Lettre à Georges Izambard”, Poèmes ,Hachette,245;cf. 246,“Lettre à Paul Demeny”:“Car Je est un autre”,etc..

[1287]  Juvenal, Satires ,X,168,172-3,“Loeb”,206. Cf. Henry Vaughan, Olor Iscanus ,“The Charnel-house”:“Thus Cyrus tam’d the Macedon ,a tombe/

Checkt him,who thought the World too straight a Room”( Works ,ed. L. C. Martin,42).

[1288]  C. K. Ogden, Bentham’s Theory of Fictions ,pp. cxviii-ix,16,137,152.

[1289]  E. Cassirer, An Essay on Man ,210;cf. 132(Hunger for names).

[1290]  R. Mandrou, Introduction à la France moderne ,86-7(Lucien Febvre).

[1291]  De Sanctis, Storia della Letteratura Italiana ,ed. Croce e A. Parente,I,162:“si ha a distinguere il mondo intenzionale e il mondo effettivo”(cf. Saggi critici ,a cura di L. Russo,II,159,183);Henri Focillon, Vie des Formes ,3:“L’intention de l’oeuvre d’art n’est pas l’oeuvre d’art”;D. H. Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature ,3:“Two blankly opposing morals,the autist’s and the tale’s. Never trust the artist. Trust the tale”(cf. Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine and other Essays ,p. 123).

[1292]  Marino:“La bruna Pastorella,”“La Ninfa avara,” Marino ei Marinisti ,Ricciardi,522,528. Cf. Petrarca, Rime ,ccxv:“eun atto che parla con silenzio”, op . cit .,287;Tasso, Aminta ,II,iii,“Coro”:“e’l silenzio ancor suole/aver prieghi e parole”, op . cit .,649.

[1293]  Jonson, Everyman out of his Humour ,III,i(Fastidious), Plays ,“Everyman’s”,I,97-8.

[1294]   Troilus and Cressida . IV. v. 54-6(Ulysses).

[1295]  Henry Vaughan:“In Amicum faeneratorem”, Works ,ed. L. C. Martin,44.

[1296]  Ovid, Amores ,I. iv. 19(cf. II. v. 15);Propertius,III. vii.

[1297]   Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. III,Sect. II,Mem. III,“Everyman’s Lib.”,III,169(Anacreon,Ovid,Catullus);Longus, Daphnis and Chloe ,I. 14,“Loeb”,31;Rojas, La Celestina ,VI,“Collection Bilingue”,Aubier,262.

[1298]  Cf. V. Imbriani:“La Pulce:Saggio di Zoologia letteraria”, Studi letterari e bizarri e satiriche ,a cura di B. Croce,382 ff.;E. Fuchs, Illustrierte Sittengeschichte ,II,260,Ergänzungsband II,17-8.

[1299]  Cf. Jean Paul, Vorschule der Aesthetik ,§ 75, Werke ,Carl Hanser,V,s. 272:“...stellt die Lyra die Empfindung dar,welche sich in die Gegenwart einschliesst”;E. Staiger, Grundbegriffe der Poetik ,5. Aufl.,55;Lowry Nelson,Jr., Baroque Lyric Poetry ,p. 27.

[1300]  A. Taylor, Problems in German Literary History of the 15th and 16th Centuries ,115.

[1301]  E. M. Fusco, La Lirica ,I,44.

[1302]  Lord Chesterfield, Letters ,ed. B. Dobrée,IV,1383.

[1303]  L. Guichard, L’Oeuvre et l’Äme de Jules Renard ,202.

[1304]  Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena ,Kap. XXI,§ 396. Sämtliche Werke ,hrsg. P. Deussen,V,717.

[1305]  Catullus,LXIX,LXXI;Horace, Sermonum ,I. ii;Ovid, Ars amat .,I. 522,III. 193;Martial,III. xciii,IV. iv.

[1306]   Don Quijote ,II. xx:“...eres villano y de aquellos que dicen:‘i Viva quien vence!’”,“Clásicos Castellanos”,VI,42.

[1307]  Cf. Lucan, Civil War ,I. 128:“Victrix causa diis placuit,sed victa Catoni”,“Loeb”,12.

[1308]  Bentham, Theory of Fictions ,ed. C. K. Ogden,pp. cxix and 18. Cf. Shakespeare, I Henry IV ,V. i,Falstaff(“What is honour?A word”etc.);Ben Jonson, Volpone ,III. v,Corvino(“Honour!...There’s no such thing in nature:a mere term invented to awe fools”);Beaumont and Fletcher, A King and No King ,IV. iv. Arbaces and Panthea(“Is there no stop/To our full happiness,but these mere sounds...?/

But these,alas!will separate us more/Than twenty worlds betwixt us”etc.);Ford,

’ Tis Pity She’s a Whore ,I,i,Giovanni(“Shall a peevish sound,/A customary form,from man to man,/...be a bar/Twixt my perpetual happiness and me?”).

[1309]  F. Mauthner, Kritik der Sprache ,3. Aufl.,I,154-5.

[1310]  Mérimée, Chronique du Règne de Charles IX ,ch. 23, Romans et Nouvelles ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,197;cf. Chronique du Règne de Charles IX ,ed. G. Dulong,“Les Textes Fraçais”,277,note(Pierre de l’Estoile, Journal de Henri III ).

[1311]  Emerson. Journals ,IX,399.

[1312]  Fielding, Love in Several Masques ,I. v,quoted in F. Homes Dudden, Henry Fielding ,I . p. 24.

[1313]  Isocrates:“To Demonicus”,§ 52,“Loeb”,I,35.

[1314]  Lucretius,III,10-13,“Loeb”,170.

[1315]  Horace, Carminum ,IV. ii,27-32,“Loeb”,288.

[1316]  Seneca, Epistulae morales ,84. 5,“Loeb”,II,278.

[1317]  Quintilian, Institutio oratoria ,I. x. 7,“Loeb”,I,162.

[1318]  Montaigne, Essais ,I. 26,“La Pléiade”,162.

[1319]  D. Bartoli, Dell’Huomo di Lettere ,quoted in La Critica stilistica e il Barocco letterario . Atti del Secondo Congresso Internazionale di Studi Italiani ,1958,p. 142. Cf. B. Hathaway, The Age of Criticism ,451(the classicist bees vs the rationalist silkworms).

[1320]  Eckermann, Gespräche mit Goethe ,16. Dezember 1828,Aufbau,437.

[1321]  Cicero, De Finibus ,IV. xii,“Loeb”,332.

[1322]  Shelley to Horace Smith,May 1822, Complete Works ,ed. R. Ingpen and W. E. Peck,X,392.

[1323]  Trilussa:“Presunzione”,quoted in P. Pancrazi, Scrittori d’Oggi ,VI,28.

[1324]  E. Partridge, A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English ,4 th ed.,635.

[1325]  John Selden, Table-Talk ,ed. S. W. Singer,rev. W. S. W. Anson,Routledge,104. Cf. Alfred de Vigny, Journal d’un Poète , Oeuv . comp .,“la Pléiade”,II,896;Heine:“Ali Bei”:“Vorgeschmack des Paradieses/Gönnt ihm Allah schon auf Erden”usw.

[1326]   The Acts ,16,17(the way of salvation);19.9 and 23(speaking evil of the Way;no small stir concerning the Way).

[1327]  Samuel Butler, Characters ,“A Translator”, Prose Writings ,ed. A. W. Waller,170.

[1328]  Ch. Morgenstern:“Der mittelmässiger Uebersetzer rechtfertigt sich,” Epigramme und Sprüche ,R. Piper,45.

[1329]   Don Quijote ,II. 62,“Clásicos Castellanos”,VIII,156.

[1330]   Littérature et Philosophie mêlées ,“Reliquat”,Albin Michel,253.

[1331]   Parerga und Paralipomena ,Kap. 25,§ 299, Sämtl . Werk .,hrsg. P. Deussen,V,627. Cf. E. M. Fusco, Scrittori e Idee ,578:“trasposizione o sostituzione di strumenti:ad esempio l’adattamento al pianoforte di un’opera concepita e scritta per orchestra,e viceversa.”

[1332]   Essai sur la Poésie épique ,in Oeuv . compl .,éd. L. Moland,VIII,319. Cf. Herder:“der verzogenste Kupferstich von einem schönen Gemählde”, sämtl . Werk .,hrsg. B. Suphan,V,166.

[1333]  E. Stuart Bates, Modern Translation ,141.

[1334]  Cf. Croce, Filosofia , Poesia , Storia ,444(Ogni vera storia è storia contemporanea);Bergson, La Pensée et le Mouvant ,pp. 23-4(la préfiguration rétroactive).

[1335]  Cf. A. M. Clark, Studies in Literary Modes ,171 ff.(the difficulty of rhyming);J. Pommier, Questions de Critique d’Histoire littéraire ,104 ff.(les boutsrimés).

[1336]  Cicero, Orator ,XVIII. 57;cf. G. Saintsbury, A History of English Prose Rhythm ,6.

[1337]  Degas,quoted in A. Gide, Journal ,4 juillet,1909,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,274;cf. A. Russi, L’Arte e le Arti ,13 ff.:“Esiste l’Arte o esistono le arti?”ecc.

[1338]  Cf. Thornbury, Life of J. M. W. Turner ,104:“Turner had a horror of what he said Wilson called being too mappy ”(quoted in Joan Evans, Taste and Temperament ,84).

[1339]  Aelian, Varia Historia ,X. 10; Don Quijote ,II,3 and 71;Dorothy Osborne, Letters ,no. 31.

[1340]   Spruchweisheit in Vers und Prosa , in Sämtliche Werke ,“Tempel-Klassiker”,III,308.

[1341]  Macrobius, Saturnalia ,I. i. 5,in T. Whittaker, Macrobius ,15.

[1342]  G. Kaiser:“Das Drama Platons”,in N. Soergel, Dichtung und Dichter der Zeit ,Neus Folge, Im Banne des Expressionismus ,684.

[1343]  Montesquieu, Oeuv . comp .,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,1304.

[1344]  Giacomo Lubrano,Bernardo Morando,Paolo Zazzaroni,Giuseppe Arttale; Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,910,982,1027,1034.

[1345]  Eckermann, Gesprächemit Goethe ,5 April 1830,Aufbau,550-1.

[1346]  Ariosto, Orlando Furioso ,IX. 28-9,89-91,Hoepli,74-5,81.

[1347]   Julius Caesar ,II. i. 192.

[1348]  Dickens, Pickwick Papers ,ch. 2,note.

[1349]  Voltaire, La Pucelle ,XII,123 ff.,note.

[1350]  E. g.“Kind of an Ode to Duty”.

[1351]  Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers ,II. 11,“Loeb”,I,141;Cicero, Tusculan Disputations ,I. xliii. 104,“Loeb”,124. Cf. Greek Anthology ,X. 3,Anonymous,“Loeb”,IV,5:“The way down to Hades is straight”etc..

[1352]  Schiller, Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung ,XV, Werke ,hrsg. L. Bellermann,VII,355.

[1353]  Flaubert, Correspondance ,Louis Conard,II,345.

[1354]  W. B. Yeats:“Among Schoolchildren”,st. 8. Cf. H. Hatzfeld, Trends and Styles in 20 th Century French Literature ,199-120(dance as“la pure fonction”).

[1355]  Wundt, Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie ,6. Aufl.,I,416-7.

[1356]   The Greek Anthology ,V. 70,95,146;IX. 66,506(“Loeb”,I,163,173,199;III,35,281).

[1357]  Cf. A. Minturno:“Ma per favor de le migliore Stelle,/Perchè dieci le Muse alme e dilette,/I e Gratie quattro l’alte Dee sien sette,/Una in terra s’aggiunge a tutte quelle”(quoted in Janet G. Scott, Les Sonnets élisabéthains ,147).

【 增訂四 】 濟慈早作詩亦嘗以“十九、四三”套語諛女子(O,if thou hast breathed then,/Now the Muses had been ten./.../At least for ever,evermore/

Will I call the Graces four. -Keats:“To Georgina Augusta Wylie”)。

[1358]   Paradiso ,XXII. 133-5,151, La Commedia divina ,Ricciardi,1056,1058.

[1359]  T. Middleton, The Witch ,I. ii(Hecate),Lamb, Dramatic Specimens ,in Works ,ed. E. V. Lucas,IV,136-7.

[1360]   Paradise Lost ,VIII. 17-8,cf. Marjorie Nicolson, Science and Imagination ,93 ff.(Milton’s cosmic perspective).

[1361]  D. G. Rossetti:“The Blessed Damosel”, Poems and Translations ,Oxford,2.

[1362]  Cf. E. Fuchs, Illustrierte Sittengeschichte ,II,398;Beaumontand Fletcher, The Maid’s Tragedy ,II. i,Evadne to Amintor:“To cover shame,I took thee.”

[1363]  Schiller, Briefe üb. d. ästh. Erziehung ,XIV, Op. cit. ,VII,320.

[1364]  Ortega Y Gasset,? Quées filosofía ?, Obras completas ,VII,330,347;J. Huizinga, Homo Ludens ,tr. R. F. C. Hull,5.

[1365]  E. g. Tom Jones ,II. 3:“As she kept one maid-servant,she always took care to chuse her out of that order of females whose faces are taken as a kind of security for their virtue”(“Everyman’s”,I,42); Don Juan ,I. 48:“Her maids were old,and if she took a new one/You might be sure she was a perfect fright,/She did this during even her husband’s life-/I recommend as much to every wife”(Variorum Edition by T. G. Steffan and W. W. Pratt,II,48).

[1366]  E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Aufl.,105.

[1367]  Menander, Fragments ,334 and 527,“Loeb”,361,461.

[1368]  Dio Chrysostom, Discourse ,XXXII,101,“Loeb”,III,271.

[1369]  Lucian:“The Ignorant Book-Collector”,“Loeb”,III,179.

[1370]  Ariosto, Orlando Furioso ,XXXIV. 19,Ulrico Hoepli,368.

[1371]  Ariosto, Il Negromante ,II. i, Opere minori ,Riccardo Ricciardi,438.

[1372]  Voltaire:“Epigramme à M. Grétry sur son Opéra du Jugement de Midas ”. Cf. A. Arthaber, Dizionario comparato di Proverbi ,58:“Chantez à l’âne et il vous fera un pet.”

[1373]  Nietzsche:“Schopenhauer als Erzieher”,viii, Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,I,362.

[1374]  J. B. Morton, Hilaire Belloc ,125:“It was,in a phrase of John Phillimore,which Belloc loved to quote”etc.

[1375]  F. Nicolini, Croce ,224-5.

[1376]  Balzac, Physiologie du Mariage ,Méditation V, Oeuvres complètes ,Conard,XXXII,65-6.

[1377]  Horace, Epist .,II. i. 156-7:“Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artes/

intulit agresti Latio”. Cf. Russell, History of Western Philosophy ,Allen and Unwin,299,301:“The relation of the Romans to the Greeks was something like that of the Prussians to the French in 1814 and 1815.”

[1378]  Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch. 10,“The World’s Classics”,I,307. Cf. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. I,sect. ii,Mem. 3,Subsect. 15,Bell,I,349.

[1379]  Machiavelli, Istorie fiorentine ,5. 1, Opere ,acuradi A. Panella,I,280.

[1380]  Montaigne, Essais ,I. xxv,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,155-6.

[1381]  Lucilius, Satires ,995-6, Remains of Old Latin ,“Loeb”,III,322.

[1382]   Don Quijote ,II,cap. 7, op. cit. ,V,141-2.

[1383]  H. Morier, Dictionnaire de Poétique et de Rhétorique ,198,art.“Image Abstraite”.

[1384]  Jules Renard,Journal,éd. NRF,291.

[1385]  G. Bertacchi, Poemetti lirici ,in D. Provenzal, Dizionario delle Immagini ,537.

[1386]  E. g. Dante, Purgatorio ,XXI. 114:“un lampeggiar diriso”; Paradiso ,IX. 70-1:“Per letiziar lassù folgor s’acquista/sì come riso qui”;Giuseppe Salomoni:“Il riso”:“e ne gli aerei campi/ridon le nubi,e son lor riso i lampi”( Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,896);Hugo, La Legende des Siècles ,I. La Terre ,“Hymne”,10-2:“Et l’éclair,front vivant qui,lorsqu’il brille et fuit,/Tout ensemble épouvante et rassure la nuit/A force d’effrayants sourires”;Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra ,II.“Das Kind mit dem Spiegel”:“Zu gross war die Spannung meiner Wolke:zwischen Gelächtern der Blitze will ich Hagelschauer in die Tiefe werfen”( Werke ,hrsg. K. Schlechta,II,343);Renard, op . cit .,92:“Des sourires qui sont comme de vilains éclairs de ciels très chargés”.

[1387]  J. J. Winckelmann, Gedanken über die Nachahmung der Griechischen Werke in der Malerei und Bildhauer Kunst , in Kleine Schriften und Briefe ,Auswahl von W. Senff,44.

[1388]  A. de Vigny, Le Journal d’un Poète ,in Oeuvres complètes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,II,1311.

[1389]   Paradise Lost ,V,41 ff.

[1390]  Hebbel:“Der Baum in der Wüste ”, Werke ,hrsg,Th. Poppe,I,92.

[1391]  Baudelaire:“Le Guignon”, Oeuvres complètes ,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,92. Cf. E. Waller:“To a lovely Rose”:“That hadst thou sprung/In deserts where no men abide,/Thou must have uncommended died”;Pope, The Rape of the Lock ,IV,158:“Like roses that in deserts bloom and die”;Gray:“Elegy”:“Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,/And waste its sweetness on the desert air”(A. Gide, Journal ,30 Oct. 1934,“Bib. de la Pléiade”,1420:“Ces vers trahissent un anthropocentrisme sournois d’une charmante naïveté”,etc.).

[1392]  Renard, Journal ,NRF,169.

[1393]  C. C. Abbott.,ed., The Correspondence of G. M. Hopkins and R. W. Dixon ,7(Dixon:“Sympathy:an Ode”).

[1394]  Christina Rossetti:“To What Purpose is this Waste?” Poetical Works ,ed. W. M. Rossetti,305.

[1395]  Daniel von Czepko:“Ohne Warum”,M. Wehrli, Deutsche Barocklyrik ,3. Aufl.,175.

[1396]  Leopardi:“La Ginestra o il Fiore del Deserto”, Opere ,Riccardo Ricciardi,I,153. Cf. Mallarmé, Herodiade ,II:“Nourrice:‘Triste fleur qui croît seule et n’a pas d’autre émoi/Que son ombre dans l’eau vue avec atonie...’Herodiade:‘Oui,c’est pour moi,pour moi que je fleuris déserte’”, Oeuv . comp ,“la Pléiade”,46-7.

[1397]  Schopenhauer, Parerga ,Kap. XXXI,§ 388, Sämtl . Werk .,hrsg. P. Deussen,V,714.

[1398]  Jean H. Hagstrum, The Sister Arts ,11-2.

[1399]  L. Giles, Introduction to the History of Chinese Pictorial Art ,24;R. Petrucci, La Philosophie de la Nature dans l’Art d’Extrême-Orient ,89;A. K. Coomaraswamy, The Transformation of Nature in Art ,20;O. Sirén, The Chinese on the Art of Painting ,19.

[1400]  Cf. Kant, Anthropologie ,§ 32, Werke ,hrsg. E. Cassirer,VIII. 65.

[1401]   Die Verwandtschaften ,I. iv, Sämtliche Werke ,“Tempel-Klassiker”,X,36.

[1402]  J. Brody, Boileau and Longinus ,54-6;Giulio Natali, Fronde sparte ,39-55. Cf. Le P. Bouhours, Entretiens d’Ariste et d’Eugène ,V,Armand Colin,145(1e je ne sçay quoy comme ces beautéz couvertes d’un voile).

[1403]  S. K. De, Studies in the History of Sanskrit Poetics ,Lucas,II,191,199;Cf. De, Sanskrit Poetics as a Study of Aesthetics ,8.

[1404]  Demetrius, On Style ,V. 254,“Loeb”,457.

[1405]  Diderot:“Salon de 1767”, Oeuv . comp .,éd. Assézat et Tourneux,XI,147. Cf. Burke, Inquiry into the Sublime and the Beautiful ,ed. J. T. Boulton,60-2.

[1406]  Joubert, Pensées ,XXI. 32. Cf. Montaigne, Essais ,III. 5,“la Pléiade”,846.

[1407]  Leopardi, Zibaldone ,Mondadori,I,105,382,971;I,86,126,1145,II,1128.

[1408]  Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena ,Kap. 13,§ 283, Sämtliche Werke ,hrsg. P. Deussen,V,570. Cf. Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung ,Ergänzungen,Kap.34:“Ganz befriedigt durch den Eindruck eines Kunstwerks sind wir nur dann,wann er etwas hinterlässt,das wir,bei allem Nachdenken darüber,nicht bis zur Deutlichkeit eines Begriffs horabziehen Können.”

[1409]  G. Morpurgo-Tagliabue, L’Esthétique contemporaine : Une Enquête ,tr. Marcelle Bourrette Serre,499.

[1410]  Joubert, Pensées ,Tit. XXI. 38.

[1411]  Jean Paul, Vorschule der Aesthetik ,V. 22, Werke ,Carl Hanser,V,88. Cf. Gottfried Keller, Der grüne Heinrich ,II. xii(der sehnsüchtige Reiz der Glockentöne), Sämtliche Werke ,Aufbau Verlag,IV,307-8.

[1412]  Stendhal, Histoire de la Peinture en Italie ,Liv. II,ch. 28,texte établi et annoté par P. Arbelet,I,152-3. Cf. Hugo von Hoffmannsthal :“Der Tod des Tizian”, Gesammelte Werke ,Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag,I,254(die grosse Kunst des Hintergrundes und das Geheimnis zweifelhafter Lichter;ahnen mehr als schauen).

[1413]  H. E. Parker, John Chinaman ,62:“Tung Sün was a renowned poet whose sacred fire was easily kindled by Sir Thomas Wade;and I believe he has inflicted upon the Peking world a translation of Childe Harold ”.

[1414]  Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists ,I. 7,“Loeb”,I,31.

[1415]  Poggio, Liber Faeetiarum ,in C. Speroni, Wit and Wisdom of the Italian Renaissance ,51.

[1416]  J. -B. Labat, Voyages en Espagne et en Italie ,1730,VI,113.

[1417]  Shakespeare, The Midsummer Night’s Dream ,IV. i. 191;Racine, Promenades de Port-Royal des Champs ,iv, Oeuvres ,“la Pléiade”,I,1033.

[1418]  Croce:“Shakespeare:Persona pratica e Persona poetica”, Filosofia , Poesia , Storia ,788ff.; Estetica ,10 a ed.,59-60(l’erronea identificazione). Cf. Marcel Proust:“La Méthode de Sainte-Beuve”, Contre Sainte-Beuve ,136ff.

[1419]  Madame de Boufflers,quoted in Letters of David Hume ,ed. J. Y. T. Greig,Vol. I,p. xxiv.

[1420]  Cf. G. Fontanella:“Amor finto,”G. Battista:“Che l’amor suo è finto,” Marino e i Marinisti . Ricciardi 855-856,1009;A. Brome:“Plain Dealing”:“’Twas all but Poetrie . /I could have said as much by any She ”etc.( Oxford Book of 17thCentury English Verse ,727).

[1421]  Cf. Giles Fletcher, Licia ,“Epistle Dedicatory”:“A man may write of love and not be in love;as well of husbandry and not go to the plough;or of witches and be none;or of holiness and be flat profane”.

[1422]   Krit . der rein . Vernunft ,hrsg. B. Erdmann,6. rev. Aufl.,41.

[1423]  Catullus,XVI. 5-6;Ovid, Tristia ,II. 353-354;Martial,I. iv.

[1424]  E. g. Pliny, Epist .,IV. xiv,V. iii;Ausonius, Idyl .,xiii;Hadrian,ii( Minor Latin Poets ,“Loeb”,444).

[1425]  E. g. Marino, L’Adone ,VIII. 6, Marino e i Marinisti ,155-156;Nashe, The Unfortunate Traveller , Works ,ed. R. B. Mckerrow,II,266;Herrick:“Poets”,“To this Book’s end...”, Poetical Works ,ed. L. C. Martin,220,335.

[1426]  Joubert, Pensées ,Tit. XIII. 132.

[1427]  C. C. F. Greville, Memoirs ,Dec. 16,1835,ed. H. Reeve,III,331. Cf. J. W. L. Gleim, Versuch in scherzhaften Liedern :“Schliesst niemals aus den Schriften der Dichter,auf die Sitten derselhen. Ihr werdet euch betriegen;denn sie schreiben nur,ihr Witz zu zeigen”(quoted in A. Anger, Deutsche Rokoko-Dichtung ,8).

[1428]  Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata ,XVIII. 20, Poesie ,Ricciardi,437;Marino:“A Carlo Emanuelel”, Marino e i Marinisti ,Ricciardi,24;Sidney, Arcadia ,quoted from the 1674 ed. in J. Dunlop, History of Fiction ,4 th ed.,341;Webster, The Duchess of Malfi ,III. ii, Plays by Webster and Ford ,“Everyman’s”,138;Keats:“I stood tiptoe upon a little Hill”, Poems ,“Everyman’s”,3.

[1429]  Goethe, Spruchweisheit in Vers und Prosa , op. cit. ,III,213.

[1430]  B. L. Taylor:“The Lazy Writer”,L. Kronenberger,ed., An Anthology of Light Verse ,“Modern Library”,177.

[1431]  Cf. Saintsbury:“B is not bad because it is not A,however good A may be”(quoted in O. Elton, Essays and Addresses ,243).

[1432]  Pater, Appreciations ,“Style”;Claudel, Positions et Propositions ,I. “Réflexions sur le Vers français.”

[1433]  Le Sage, Gil Blas ,Liv. IV,ch. 7,Garnier,239. Cf. Leopardi, Pensieri ,§ 39, Opere ,Ricciardi,I,716-9.

[1434]  Cf. R. Wellek and A. Warren, Theory of Literature ,“Peregrine Books”,235(V. Shklovsky:“the canonization of inferior sub-literary genres”).

[1435]  Norman Mailer, An American Dream ,ch. 1,André Deutsch,37-8:“I[Rojack]struck her[Deborah]open-handed across the face. ...She reached with both hands,tried to find my root and mangle me”.

[1436]  Aristotle, On the Soul ,Bk I,ch. 3-4, Basic Works of Aristotle ,Random House,559-61.

[1437]  E. Rohde, Psyche ,ch. 1,§§ 2-3, op. cit. ,(Homer’s daylight World).

[1438]  Heidegger, op . cit .,284.

[1439]  Wundt, Völkerpsyhologie ,IV, Mythus und Religion ,I ter Teil,170.

[1440]   Ib .,146;cf. 161,169. Cf. Brüder Grimm, Deutsche Sagen ,Proplyläen Verlag,I,269(“Das Mäuselein”),270-1(“Die Katze aus dem Weidenbaum”).

[1441]  J. Dunlop, History of Fiction ,4th ed.,54.

[1442]  Coleridge:“The Butterfly”, Poems ,ed. R. Garnett,220.

[1443]  I. Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature ,III,207(“History of the Skeleton of Death”),Cf. S. Reinach, Orpheus ,tr. F. Simmonds,85.

[1444]   Purgatorio ,X. 124-5, La Divina Commedia ,Ricciardi,518;cf. D. C. Allen, Image and Meaning ,30-1.

[1445]  Santa Teresa de Jesus, Moradas ,V. 2,E. Allison Peers, Spanish Mysticism ,104,215.

[1446]   Don Quijote ,II. 43, op. cit. VII,110.

[1447]  Seneca, Epistulae Morales ,XXIV. 20,“Loeb”,I,176.

[1448]   Purgatorio ,XXXIII,53-4.

[1449]  Jorge Manrique:“Coplas por la muerte de su padre”(Eleanor L. Turnbull, Ten Centuries of Spanish Poetry ,50). Cf. Novalis, Fragmente ,§ 515,hrsg. von E. Kamnitzer,206:“Leben ist der Anfang des Todes. Das Leben ist um des Todes willen”;Gautier:“L’Horloge”, Poésies complètes ,Charpentier,II,95:“Naître c’est seulement commencer à mourir.”

[1450]  Henry King:“The Exequy”(Saintsbury, Minor Poets of the Caroline Period ,III,197).

[1451]  Musset:“Lettre à M. de Lamartine”, Poésies nouvelles ,Flammarion,86. Cf. François Malaval:“L’Usage du Temps”:“Le temps pousse le temps d’un insensible effort,/Et vivre,C’est toujours s’approcher de la mort”(A. J. Steele, Three Centuries of French Verse ,208).

[1452]  F. H. Bradley, Aphorisms ,no. 70.

[1453]  C. F. D’Arcy, A Short Study of Ethics ,218.

[1454]  J. W. H. Atkins, English Literary Criticism : the Renaissance ,200.

[1455]  Lettre à Berger,Oct. 24,1736; Hamburgische Dramaturgie ,XIV,Philipp Reclam jun.,107. Cf. Greek Anthology ,Bk XI,120,Collicter:“Socles,promising to set Diodorus’ crooked back straight,piled three stones on the hunchback’s spine. He was crushed and died,but he has become straighter than a ruler”(“Loeb”,IV,129).

[1456]  Cf. Quintilian,II. iv. 9,“Loeb”,I,228:“... et dum satis putant vitio carere,ih id ipsum incidunt vitium,quod virtutibus carent.”

[1457]  Palladas, Greek Anthology ,IX,401,“Loeb”,III,233.

[1458]  E. g.,Donne:“To Sir Henry Wotton”:“Sir,more than kisses,letters mingle Soules;/For thus friends absent speak”( Complete Poetry and Selected Prose ,ed. J. Hayward,152).

[1459]  Cf. Du Maurier, Trilby ,Pt VI:“And in the formal gardens were the same pioupious and zouzous still walking with the same nounous. ...and just the same old couples petting the same toutous and loulous”(“Everyman’s”,240-1);H. Bauche, Le Langage populaire ,éd. 1951,p. 71:“Une phrase humoristique,...mais typique,marque bien le genre des textes qu’on offre aux petits enfants: Les nénés de la nounou de Lili ont du lolo .”

[1460]  Leonardo da Vinci, The Notebooks ,tr. E. McCurdy,I,98.

[1461]  Hegel, Aesthetik ,Aufbau Verlag,189;cf. 74(eine Dauer zu geben). Cf. Michelangelo, Sonnets ,ed. J. A. Symonds,19(dall’ arte è uinta la natura);Martin Opitz:“Poeta”, Deutsehe Barocklyrik ,hrsg. M. Wehrli,3. Aufl.,9;Gautier:“L’Art”, Émaux et Camées ,Charpentier,225-6.

[1462]  Shelley, Defence of Poetry ,ed. A. S. Cook,40. Cf. Musset:“Impromptu en réponse à cette question qu’est-ce que la poésie,” Poésies nouvelles ,Flammarion,164(éterniser un rêve d’un instant,faire une perle d’une larme);“Revues fantastiques,” Oeuv . comp . en Prose ,“la Pléiade”,823.

[1463]  Mallarmé,in J. Huret, Enquête sur L’Évolution littéraire ,60;Cf. Divagations ,p. 246(parler vs.faire une allusion).

[1464]  George Williamson, Seventeenth-Century Contexts ,251-2.

[1465]  E. Engel, Deutsche Stilkunst ,22. bis 24. Aufl.,258,337,340(Lessing,Victor Hugo,Nietzsche).

[1466]  Frank Binder, Dialectic or the Tactics of Thinking ,81. Cf. Voltaire:“Trouvez-moi,je vous en défie,dans quelque poète et dans quelque livre qui vous plaira,une belle chose qui ne soit pas une image ou une antithèse”(G. Guillaume, J. -L. Guez de Balzac et la Prose française ,444,note 20).

[1467]  Iona and Peter Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes ,436-8.

[1468]  Leonardo Giustinian,quoted in E. M. Fusco, La Lirica ,I,159.

[1469]  Claudian, De Bello Gildonico ,I. 474-8,“Loeb”,I,132.

[1470]  E. K. Curtius, Europäischen Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Aufl.,349.

[1471]  V. Brancati, Il Vecchio con gli Stivali (D. Provenzal, Dizionario di Immagini ,758).

[1472]  Robinson Jeffers:“The Cycle”.

[1473]  Antoine de Baïf, Amours diverses ,I,quoted in H. Weber, La Création poétique au 16 e Siècle en France ,I,354.

[1474]  Marino, L’Adone ,XIX. 325, Marino e i Marinisti ,265.

[1475]  G. Ungaretti:“Vita d’un uomo”, Poesie ,I,100.

[1476]  Publius Syrus,§ 62, Minor Latin Poets ,“Loeb”,22.

[1477]  Cf. Thackeray, Letters and Private Papers ,ed. Gorden N. Ray,II,668:“You don’t know yet to make good bad verses-to make bad ones is dull work”.

[1478]  E. R. Curtius, Europaïsche Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter ,2. Aufl.,349-52(Blutschrift:Corneille,Guillén de Castro,Gottfried Keller).

[1479]  François Tristan l’Hermite, Poésies ,choisies par P. A. Wadsworth,41.

[1480]   The Comedy of Errors ,III. i. 13-4(Dromio of Ephesus).

[1481]  Fr. von Logau, Sinngedichte .

[1482]   Geschichte der Philosophie ,“Heidelberger Einleitung”,Felix Meiner,I,5-6;“Anrede an seine Zuhörer bei Eröffnung seiner Vorlesungen in Berlin”, Ausgewählte Texte ,hrsg. R. O. Gropp,I,48.

[1483]  John Norris,quoted in J. H. Muirhead, Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy ,87. Cf. C. S. Peirce, Collected Papers ,ed. C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss,VI,5:“There is an ethics indissolubly bound with it[logic],-an ethics of fairness and impartiality-and a writer who teaches,by example,to find arguments for a conclusion he wishes to believe,saps the very foundations of science by trifling with its morals”.

[1484]  Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,ch.7,“The World’s Classics”,IV,83. Cf. Montesquieu, Cahiers 1716-1755 ,Grasset,132:“Il est très surprenant que les richesses des gens d’Église ayant commencé par le principe de la pauvreté”.

[1485]  O. Jespersen, Linguistica ,409 ff.(“Cornwall”,“Borneo”,“Niort”,etc.).

[1486]  E. g. Bandello, Le Novelle ,I. 5:,Laterza,I,77-8:“lo voglio che tu senza partirti da Napoli navighi in Inghilterra a Cornovaglia,e la tua nave passi per Corneto”;Meredith, Diana of the Crossways ,ch. 1:“Men may have rounded Seraglio Point:they have not yet doubled Cape Turk.”

[1487]   The Shield of Heracles ,311-2, Hesiod and the Homeric Poems ,“Loeb”,p. 241.

[1488]  Bruno, Spaccio de la Bestia trionfante ,Dialogo I(Giove a Venere), Opere di Bruno e di Campanella ,Ricciardi,480.

[1489]  Giuseppe Battista:“Per famosa Ricamatrice”, Marino e i Marinisti Ricciardi ,1010.

[1490]  Keats:“Ode on a Grecian Urn”:“Bold lover,never never canst thou kiss,/

Though winning near the goal.../.../More happy love!more happy,happy love!/

For ever warm and still to be enjoy’d,/For ever panting,and for ever young.”Cf. Anon.,“Against Fruition”,A. H. Bullen, Speculum Amantis ,71;Henry King:“Paradox that Fruition destroys Love”,Saintsbury, Minor Poets of the Caroline Period ,III,207-8;Sir John Suckling:“Against Fruition”, Poems ,The Haworth Press,25,44.

[1491]  Cf. Keats:“For axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon our impulses”;“Even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it”( Letters ,ed. H. E. Rollins,I,279;II,81);Newman, A Grammar of Assent ,Burns,Oates,& Co.,74-5(Notional assent vs Real assent).

[1492]  Cf. Ch. -J. -L. Chênedollé:“L’Indifférence de la Nature”(A. J. Steele, Three Centuries of French Verse ,279);Stephen Crane:“The Open Boat”:“But she[Nature]was indiffrerent,flatly indifferent”( Works ,ed. F. Bowers,V,88).

[1493]  Cf. Emily Dickinson:“It Sifts from Leaden Sieves”:“It[Snow]makes an Even Face/Of Mountain,and of Plain-/Unbroken Forehead from the East/Unto the East again-”;Robert Bridges:“London Snow”:“Hiding difference,making unevenness even.”

[1494]   The Swinburne Letters ,ed. C. Y. Lang,IV,147;Mark Twain Notebook ,quoted in Philip S. Foner, Mark Twin Social Critic ,International Publishers,200. Cf. John Wilkes:“The fellow is a Wilkite which Your Majesty knows I never was”;Henry James:“Tennyson was not Tennysonian”;Engels:“Ganz wie Marx von den französisch‘Marxisten’der letzten 70 er Jahre sagte:‘Tout ce que je sais,c’est que je ne suis pas marxiste’”(Marx-Engels, Ausgewählte Schriften ,Dietz,II,457).

[1495]  Pareto, A Treatise on General Sociology ,§ 1926, op . cit .,II,1339;R. Samat, Per la Storia dello Stile rinascimentale ,73(Ariosto).

[1496]  Luther, Table Talk ,DCCLIV,tr. W. Hazlitt,“Bohn’s Lib.”,307;Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ,Part. III,Sect. II,Mem. V,Subs. V,“Everyman’s Lib”,III,244(Ulricus).

[1497]  Cf. Goethe, Dichtung und Wahrheit ,III. xiv:“Beim Glauben,sagte ich,komme alles daraufan,dass man glaube;was man glaube,sei völlig gleichgültig... Mit dem Wissen sei es gerade das Gegenteil;es komme gar nicht darauf an,das man wisse,sondern was man wisse,wie gut und wie viel man wisse”( Sämtliche Werke ,“Tempel-Klassiker”,XII,202);Kierkegaard, Unscientific Postscript :“The one prays in truth to God though he worships an idol;the other prays falsely to the true God,and hence worships in fact an idol... The objective accent falls on what is said,the subjective accent on how it is said”(R. Bretall,ed., A Kierkegaard Anthology ,212);Jaspers, The Perennial Scope of Philosophy ,tr. R. Manheim,4:“Giordano Bruno believed and Galileo knew”etc..

[1498]  Samuel Butler, Erewhon ,ch. 13.

[1499]  Lettre à J. -J. de Cambacérès,le 21 nov. 1806.

[1500]  Heinrich Stieglitz, Bilder des Orients ,quoted in Elizabeth Selden, China in German Poetry from 1773 to 1833 ,212-3.

[1501]  Cf. Morris R. Cohen, The Meaning of Human History ,148-150(Aristotle,Vitruvius,Ibn Khaldum).