
居士各衲为购法苑珠林,版久蠹蚀,无以应其求也。衲语居士:“震旦万事蘦坠,岂复如昔时所称天国(celestial empire),亦将为印度比伦埃及希腊之继耳!”

此语思之,常有馀恫。比自秣陵遄归将母,病起匈膈,檽笔译拜伦去国之尤,寄之吟咏,谋人这国,功成不居,虽与日月争光,可民!尝谓计歌之美,在乎气体;然其情思幼眇,抑亦十方同感,如衲旧译颖颖赤墙靡,去燕,冬日,答美人赠东发带诗数章,可为证已。古诗“思君令人老”,英译作“to think of you makes me old”,辞气相副,正难再得,若小雅“昔我往矣,杨柳依依;令我来思,雨雪霏霏。行道迟迟,载渴载饥,我心伤悲,莫知我哀。”


“at first, when we got out,

the willows were fresh and green;

now, when we shall be returning,

the snow will be falling in clouds,

long and tedious will be our marching;

we shall hunger; we shall thirst.

our hearts are wounded with grief,

and no one knows our sadness.”


“they swore the huns should perish:

they would die if needs they must,

and now five thousand, sable-clad,

have bit the tartar dust.

along the river bank their bones lie

scattered where they may,

but still their forms in dreams arise

to fair ones far away.”
